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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
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Indybay Feature

Anti-Capitalist Action in Support of Intifada

by x351200
From April 19th to the 22nd thousands will be protesting in the streets of DC. Only one demonstration will be directly confronting a racist machine of death, the American Israeli Political Affairs Committee and it's guest of honor Ariel Sharon. Militant Anti-Capitalists form your affinity groups and support poor workers in Palestine.
Over the last three years many mobilizations and mass actions have targeted with varying degrees of success the machinery of capitalism, war and profiteering. As we have continued to build successes, notably in Europe, we continue to see how with little accountablity how the elites in America can dictate to the peoples of the world their terms for occupation and rule. Only Americans, Canadians and other priviliged peoples can put an end to this unfettered ability to enslave thousands under the physical and psychological weights of occupation and servitude to the market and it's interests.

A prime example of the coincidences of corporate globalization and military conquest is that of Palestine. As an outsourced army for American business class interests the Israeli Defense Forces keep the Arabs divided and at war with a proxy imperialist army while the United States oil interests, like the Bush family, wreap the profits off of cheap oil and enlarge their market share by creating "oppurtunities" in the Saudi market, check the Iranian market and sanction the Iraqi market while enlargening their interests in the Caspian Sea Basin (i.e. Afghanistan). This is just one of the many easy examples of how politics, business interests and proxy militarization benefit the ruling elites. While we may write off the national aspirations of Palestinians as authoritarian and nationalist, something most anarchists do not easily apprise, although one could easily point to famous Italian anarchists that rushed off to the aid of Egyptians when fighting the British Imperialists, we have a duty to aid those that seek our help and to stand up to our own ruling elites here in America.

I could launch into a tirade of emotional arguments for militant anti-Capitalists to take action against the business class proxy war against the workers of the world in Palestine. I will not because the real pain of the situation can not be penned, I leave that to IMC-Palestine ( We have been called to action by the Committee in Solidarity with the People of Palestine. They have asked us to take action against the occupation of Palestine from April 19th-22nd. Sisters and Brothers in the fight for a libertarian socialist, democratic socialist or simply autonomous communities, we should take up this cause because it is our cause: the promotion of justice and equity. We continue to witness how our own communties deteriorate under the guise of corporate globalization, we continue to see that these ruinous capitalist expeditions take our brothers and sisters and throw them into the fires of war. We have a chance to push back the tide of conservative and fascist swelling in the earth this day. I ask you to take action in solidarity with the CISPP. Form your affinity groups and head to DC. March with those fighting the same entities and interests in Columbia on April 20th. And on April 21st and the 22nd help shut down Sharon and his American allies in the Zionist group the American Israeli Political Affairs Committee, a pro-corporate globalization group as well. We need militant Non-violent Direct Action to shut down the war machines. This may be the time for us to put up a front against this inhumane catastrophe being levied against the people of Palestine. This is our oppurtunity to stand up and say no more to the unchecked ruining of the earth and it's peoples.

Please checkout the CISPP call to action at

There will be an Spokes Council that weekend. Form your affinity groups. Come to DC. And reclaim some abandoned buildings in the process or camp in the luxuriant green hills of Maryland, Virginia or West Virginia. Now is the time. Now is the time to continue the fight and push back the tide of corporate colonization.

In our diversity of tactics is strength.



by x
Am Yisrael Chai!
by Fieszal Nezam
Do not fight for anything, unless your religion is being persecuted. Allah , did not make you a palestinian, some white-man, labelled your forfathers that. You are Muslim, first and last. On the day of Resurrection , Allah will not be asking for documents pertaining to your nationality.He will ask you, Why was your hands clenched in a fist or holding a bomb ,or gun? When I ,told you to hold on to the rope of faith.
by Fieszal Nezam
Do not fight for anything, unless your religion is being persecuted. Allah , did not make you a palestinian, some white-man, labelled your forfathers that. You are Muslim, first and last. On the day of Resurrection , Allah will not be asking for documents pertaining to your nationality.He will ask you, Why was your hands clenched in a fist or holding a bomb ,or gun? When I ,told you to hold on to the rope of faith.
by Mike (stepbystepfarm [at]
It's NOT a "business class proxy war".

It's and old fashioned "tribal" war where one tribe has been trying to reoccupy it's traditional homeland and this is being oppsed by the tribes which settled there during their absence. This sort of conflict existed LONG before capitalism and will probably exist long after capitalism is but a memory.

OK, as Marxists possibly you oppose ALL "tribalism" as interfering with people perceiving themselves as part of some universal proletariat. I'll believe you when you demonstrate a little consistency -- when I see you attacking various Native American tribes for trying to cling to their "separateness", for trying to regain territoriality over some of their former lands, etc.
by somebody
but, as in Rwanda and the Balkans, it being greatly exasperated by Western neo-imperialists having sided with one tribe against the other. The map was drawn by the British foreign ministry, to fulfill the aims of British capital. Today, Israel’s primary function is to serve as a landlocked American aircraft carrier.
Seattle Central Community College is an unusually politically active campus for a junior college. It almost rivals UC Berkeley in terms of the percentage of students who are involved in politics, and definitely is more active than the typical community college. For instance, I've observed 65+ students at a club for anti-racist whites. It was centrally located in the Seattle WTO meeting of two years ago.
The police in Seattle have been quite harsh to fairly minor events and protests since that time, such as Reclaim the Streets. The media tends to completely support the police even when they do ridiculous things like arrest passersby for stepping in the crosswalk during a red :

Now, apparently they are so worried about April 20 solidarity events (even though the real meeting is in Washington DC) that they plan to shut down the entire campus and all classes on that day.

Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 10:55 AM
Subject: Police pressure Seattle Central Community College to close
April 20th

On April 20th (A20) the World Bank and International Monetary Fund are
meeting in DC for their spring meetings. In solidarity with protests planned
in DC, Seattle activists have scheduled a number of events related to the
fight for fair trade Three of these events are scheduled to start or take
place at Seattle Central Community College (SCCC). At 2PM the local student
group Students For Fair Trade (SFFT) in conjunction with Seattle G8 is
holding a teach-in at SCCC on the G8 (group of 8 industrialized nations),
and it's relation to workers, women, the environment, debt relief, etc. This
teach-in would also have info about the June G8 meeting in
Kananaskis/Calgary which a number of SCCC students plan on attending. The
confirmed speakers for this teach-in include Lorenzo Komboa Ervin (longtime
prison activist and author of the renowned anarchism and the Black
Revolution), Serena Nadir (member of OCAP, the Ontario Coalition Against
Poverty- a group that fights for the rights of immigrants, the homeless, and
other sectors of the populaton, etc.).

Two days ago SCCC President Mitchell called SFFT's advisor to a special
meeting regarding A20. Mitchell informed SFFT that following a meeting
between himself and the Seattle Police Department (SPD) he is considering
closing SCCC down for the 20th. This would involve canceling all classes and
lectures scheduled for the day and would thus cancel the teach-in that SFFT
and Seattle G8 had scheduled for the day. The college would be completely
locked down, and SFFT would be unable to use SCCC's PA system. He will
announce his decision this Tuesday. Mitchell also conveyed that the police
have said they will be closing down parking and traffic for the 20th on 6
blocks of Broadway from Pine to Olive, as well as numerous other unspecified
areas. The SPD has also pressured the gas station across the street from
SCCC to close!

This is a blatant attack on students right to free speech and continues the
SPD's pattern of intimidation against global justice proponents. People have
a right to protest and to learn.

People can contact the SCCC:
SCCC President Charles Mitchell: cmitch [at]; 206-587-4144
SCCC Director of Student Development Services Lexie Evans:
leevan [at]; 206-587-3890.

I called the president's office this morning and it confirmed that the
school will close on the 20th. The school does not want to expose its
students to protests. It says it does not want to interfere with anyone's
first amendment rights however. A20 organizers are meeting with Permit
This! to develop a strategy to respond to the school closure.* Apparently,
there may be some stipulation in the school's labor contract that prohibits
a closure like this.

Just wanted to let you know about this. Please tell people. If you have
any ideas how to respond to this, please let me know. I have been asked to
register for a permit for a march on behalf of A20 organizers. I will
probably do it.



posted by Brady on Monday April 08 2002 @ 02:05AM PDT

Please see following link:
for a context of what is planned for A20 in Seattle. (it might also help to see
the bare bones website at:
This is a lot of info, so here it goes: Basically, there has been organizing
going on for A20 for a few months in Seattle. There has been no direct
interference from the Seattle Police Department (SPD) until now. (Other than a
really dumb cop who joined our list server. Officer Swank. Yep, real name.) The
plan for the day is as follows:
2PM: Anti Neo-liberalism G8 Teach-In
4PM: Reclaim the Streets party
6PM: ACC march against the IMF/WB

We just received word that the President of our school, Charles Mitchell
(cmitch [at] will soon announce that SCCC will close on April 20th. No
matter what happens, we still will have permission to be there, they are even
talking about renting us port-a-potties! Us being there isn't the issue. The
administration just doesn't want anything "bad" to happen. Perhaps correctly,
but them shutting the school down, (breaking the Teachers' Union Contract,
denying otherwise unaffiliated students access to their classes on the 20th, oh
yeah, and our constitutional right to assemble...) has happened before. They
tried essentially the same thing in 2000 during the WTO-anniversary protests.
They said the organizers had to pay a very large fee to use the space, even
though it had been worked out before.

Oh yeah, the administration at SCCC really doesn't like our little student
group too much either. :-)

At every demonstration in Seattle that wasn't 'liberal' since summer of 2000
there has been major illegal police activities/violence.

Sorry if this is confusing, but it is just local politics to set up the

So, the SPD's official plan is to:
1. Shut down about 5+ blocks of the Capitol Hill area in Seattle. (Where SCCC
is located.) Essentially to militarize the area, and maintain 'order' against
any radical activism.
2. Pressure the administration at SCCC to CLOSE DOWN the school for April 20th.
(It''s illegal.)
3. They have also somehow coordinated with the Gas station one block away, and
it will also reportedly be closed for the day. :-)

There are other assumptions that can be made from this evidence, but none that
should probably be shared here. What we need from you:

1. Email our school President, Charles Mitchell at cmitch [at] to
demand he upholds our constitutional right to assemble and not crumble under
police demands.
2. Pass this story along to a friend. And if you live in travelling distance of
3. Also email Lexie Evans (leevan [at] the Student Programs
Coordinator to support students rights!

That's it for now, we hope to make A20 a day of resistance in Seattle! Join us
or do so in your town!

A member of The Seattle Anti-Capitalist Convergence
yellowblock [at]

Here are some seattle indymedia wire articles concerning this:
by chp
Here is an update of what has been happening in Seattle since police gave disconcerting early signals. The community college president eventually rescinded the order to shut down the whole building during April 20th, even though all the classes had already been rescheduled for other days. The police appeared to back off a bit from earlier warnings that anarchists from Eugene would be driving up to leave car bombs around the community college. But as of yesterday night, they started issuing more intimidating warnings that make it seem as though they may wish to redo their bad behavior of the last Reclaim the Streets there where they intercepted a person bringing a sound system, dumped out the soup, and started arresting people for minor things like stepping into the crosswalk during a blinking light, and then they drove everyone out of downtown at a near running pace where they were shoved and told to keep going, or redirected if they tried to make a right or left turn.
Here is a description by someone in Seattle. It might be worthwhile to see what happens tomorrow:


> Hey, this is going out to just about everyone. Please pass along!
> Urgent message from the ACC.
> Just to keep this in perspective the World Bank and IMF are responsible
for the
> deaths of 6 MILLION children a year.
> We just got out of a meeting with the POLICE. They have completely
reversed what
> they've said during the last month (and specifically at a meeting on monday).> They are now not willing to compromise or negotiate or be flexible on
anything > related to tomorrow. We hoped to avoid illegal police violence. That now
seems > impossible. The new SPD position is basiclly this. Anyone who does
anything they can construe as unlawful Jaywalking-littering-"pedestrian
> without a permit-being in the way of someone they want to arrest- will be
> attacked and/or arrested. They say that regardless of how they have
reacted to
> other demos (including the demo that blocked I5 without police
> they will not be "flexible" tomorrow. People who get in the way "might be
> etc but that's their fault for not getting out of the way. They said the
> actions tomorrow will be consistent with the way they handled the last rts
> party. Oh and they denied one of our only requests- that Lt Daniel Whelan
not be
> at the demo. The guy in charge tomorrow said Whelan is one of the most
> experienced people with demonstrations. So ya the guy who walked onto the
> sidewalk and punched a girl (and then attacked a witness) in the face
> will be one of the Lt's.
> Things are obviously going ahead as planned. This policy of intimidation
> not suceed. We will take to the streets and we will make our voices heard.
> Please Please Please- Plan for your safety. Our strength is numbers and
> Tomorrow we will have thousands in the streets. Now more then ever we must
> up and say no more. We're tired of the brutality, the killings, the
> heaped upon those who aren't rich enough or white enough or those not "lucky"
> enough to be born in the right country or won't go along with the
destruction of
> the environment.
> We must stand up for our rights.
> We need you tomorrow. Justice now.
> Solidarity with all those struggling to create a better more just world.
> Acc web person- complied from report from two acc'ers.
> I apologize for the spelling and grammatical errors. These are crazy
> _______________________________________________
> acc-seattle mailing list
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