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ENRON + S&L == FDIC headed by banker

by AngelA Johnson
George Bush, Jr., in his infinite callous disregard of ethics has
placed a banker in charge of a major federal banking regulatory
agency, the FDIC. His act is akin to putting a fox in charge of
security for the henhouse.

In an article taken from the Free Republic, it is obvious that our
nation is headed for a thieving fiasco larger than both Enron and the
Savings and Loan disaster of the early 90's.

George Bush, Jr. has appointed a former bank president from Texas to
head the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. (A link to the
article is at the bottom of this post).

The US government is one large feeding frenzy of criminals employed by
and for the elite.

Enron fiasco: Cause--Government regulations allowed one accountant to
serve as both the auditor and the business counselor, therefore theft
was imminent. The government officials who enacted the change in
accounting standards and subsequently the law were part of the theft.

The Savings and Loan fiasco: Cause--banking deregulation by thieves
employed in government setting the laws.

Two fiascos pending and imminent:
1) The Secret Service acts as both a cop and an auditor involving
counterfeit money. What is to stop them from passing counterfeit money
and then claiming the case is unsolvable, or pinning their part in
counterfeiting operations on another counterfeiter? Nothing. Their is
"No Separation of Duties", which is against the accountants prinicple
of auditing.

2) The FDIC's director is a banker and the man who put him there is a
receiver of huge political contributions from Enron, and according to
many, the corrupt sociopathic politician stole the election. Now, that
man, Geore Bush, Jr., has appointed 32 federal judges. The corruption
is guaranteed to be with us for eternity, unless a violent upheaval
through social enlightment and revolution occurs.

The time has come to demand election reform, and I am not talking
about just having the Dem's and Repub's exchange blows. They are one
in the same, two political parties owned by the elite, who are simply
unethical criminals with large asset holdings. It is time for a
revolution, irregardless of bloodshed, because this country is being
swamped by corruption of government.

The link below gives a few hints and ideas for those who have the
initiative to proceed.

Here is the link to the article from the Free Republic and the link

Bush Nominates Banker To Head FDIC

Government News Keywords: BUSH FDIC POWELL
Source: Associated Press
Published: 5-22-2001 Author: AP
Posted on 05/22/2001 16:06:06 PDT by Irma

Bush Nominates Banker To Head FDIC

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush (news - web sites) on Tuesday
nominated Texas bank executive Donald E. Powell to be chairman of the
Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.

Bush nominated Powell for a five-year term as chairman and for a
six-year term as a member of the FDIC board of directors. The position
is subject to Senate confirmation.

Powell would replace Donna Tanoue, appointed by former President
Clinton (news - web sites), whose term expired in October. She had
agreed to remain in the position until a successor was confirmed.

Powell, 59, is president and chief executive officer of First National
Bank in Amarillo, Texas, and chairman of the board of regents for the
Texas A&M University System. He received a bachelor's degree in
economics from West Texas State University and a master's degree from
Southern Methodist University.

The FDIC, an independent federal agency, was established in 1933 to
maintain public confidence in the banking system after runs on banks
during the Depression. It oversees the two insurance funds for banks
and thrifts, which currently contain a total $42 billion.
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