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Your country is being taken over by a gang of fanatical Right Wing militarists from the White House to the Pentagon. This news report reveals that the USA is shifting its plan for use of Nuclear weapons from that of Deterrence to active (i.e. Offensive) war-fighting ability, including against non-nuclear states and under any pretext.
U.S. Works Up Plan for Using Nuclear Arms

Military: Administration, in a secret report, calls for a strategy against at least seven nations: China, Russia, Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Libya and Syria.

William Arkin: Secret Plan Outlines the Unthinkable

U.S. Works Up Plan for Using Nuclear Arms

By PAUL RICHTER, Times Staff Writer

WASHINGTON -- The Bush administration has directed the military to prepare contingency plans to use nuclear weapons against at least seven countries and to build smaller nuclear weapons for use in certain battlefield situations, according to a classified Pentagon report obtained by the Los Angeles Times.

The secret report, which was provided to Congress on Jan. 8, says the Pentagon needs to be prepared to use nuclear weapons against China, Russia, Iraq, North Korea, Iran, Libya and Syria. It says the weapons could be used in three types of situations: against targets able to withstand nonnuclear attack; in retaliation for attack with nuclear, biological or chemical weapons; or "in the event of surprising military developments."

A copy of the report was obtained by defense analyst and Times contributor William Arkin. His column on the contents appears in Sunday's editions.

Officials have long acknowledged that they had detailed nuclear plans for an attack on Russia. However, this "Nuclear Posture Review" apparently marks the first time that an official list of potential target countries has come to light, analysts said. Some predicted the disclosure would set off strong reactions from governments of the target countries.

"This is dynamite," said Joseph Cirincione, a nuclear arms expert at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington. "I can imagine what these countries are going to be saying at the U.N." Arms control advocates said the report's directives on development of smaller nuclear weapons could signal that the Bush administration is more willing to overlook a long-standing taboo against the use of nuclear weapons except as a last resort. They warned that such moves could dangerously destabilize the world by encouraging other countries to believe that they, too, should develop weapons.

"They're trying desperately to find new uses for nuclear weapons, when their uses should be limited to deterrence," said John Isaacs, president of the Council for a Livable World. "This is very, very dangerous talk . . . Dr. Strangelove is clearly still alive in the Pentagon."

But some conservative analysts insisted that the Pentagon must prepare for all possible contingencies, especially now, when dozens of countries, and some terrorist groups, are engaged in secret weapon development programs.

They argued that smaller weapons have an important deterrent role because many aggressors might not believe that the U.S. forces would use multi-kiloton weapons that would wreak devastation on surrounding territory and friendly populations.

"We need to have a credible deterrence against regimes involved in international terrorism and development of weapons of mass destruction," said Jack Spencer, a defense analyst at the conservative Heritage Foundation in Washington. He said the contents of the report did not surprise him and represent "the right way to develop a nuclear posture for a post-Cold War world."

A spokesman for the Pentagon, Richard McGraw, declined to comment because the document is classified.

Congress requested the reassessment of the U.S. nuclear posture in September 2000. The last such review was conducted in 1994 by the Clinton administration. The new report, signed by Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld, is now being used by the U.S. Strategic Command to prepare a nuclear war plan.

Bush administration officials have publicly provided only sketchy details of the nuclear review. They have publicly emphasized the parts of the policy suggesting that the administration wants to reduce reliance on nuclear weapons.

Since the Clinton administration's review is also classified, no specific contrast can be drawn. However, analysts portrayed this report as representing a break with earlier policy.

U.S. policymakers have generally indicated that the United States would not use nuclear weapons against nonnuclear states unless they were allied with nuclear powers. They have left some ambiguity about whether the United States would use nuclear weapons in retaliation after strikes with chemical or nuclear weapons.

The report says the Pentagon should be prepared to use nuclear weapons in an Arab-Israeli conflict, in a war between China and Taiwan, or in an attack from North Korea on the south. They might also become necessary in an attack by Iraq on Israel or another neighbor, it said.

The report says Russia is no longer officially an "enemy." Yet it acknowledges that the huge Russian arsenal, which includes about 6,000 deployed warheads and perhaps 10,000 smaller "theater" nuclear weapons, remains of concern.

Pentagon officials have said publicly that they were studying the need to develop theater nuclear weapons, designed for use against specific targets on a battlefield, but had not committed themselves to that course.

Officials have often spoken of the advantages of using nuclear weapons to destroy the deep tunnel and cave complexes that many regimes have been building, especially since the Persian Gulf War of 1991. Nuclear weapons give off powerful shock waves that can crush structures deep in the Earth, they point out.

Officials argue that large nuclear arms have so many destructive side effects, from blast to heat and radiation, that they become "self-deterring." They contend the Pentagon needs "full spectrum deterrence"--that is, a full range of weapons that potential enemies believe might be used against them.

The Pentagon was actively involved in planning for use of tactical nuclear weapons as recently as the 1970s. But it has moved away from them in the last two decades.

Analysts said the report's reference to "surprising military developments" referred to the Pentagon's fears that a rogue regime or terrorist group might suddenly unleash a wholly unknown weapon that was difficult to counter with the conventional U.S. arsenal.

The administration has proposed cutting the offensive nuclear arsenal by about two-thirds, to between 1,700 and 2,200 missiles, within 10 years. Officials have also said they want to use precision guided conventional munitions in some missions that might have previously been accomplished with nuclear arms.

But critics said the report contradicts suggestions the Bush administration wants to cut the nuclear role.

"This clearly makes nuclear weapons a tool for fighting a war, rather than deterring them," said Cirincione.

by Socialist
A socialist perspective is at the World Socialist Website in an article dated March 11, 2002, "US Plans Widespread Use of Nuclear Weapons in War" by Patrick Martin at

Pertinent paragraphs:

"The Nuclear Posture Review, despite its ponderous bureaucratic name, is an intensely political document. When the incoming Reagan administration sought to reverse three decades of Cold War policy based on the doctrine of containment, it drafted a new Nuclear Posture Review in 1981 which discarded the doctrine of Mutual Assured Destruction and set a goal of achieving nuclear strategic superiority. Its aim was to ensure that the US would survive a devastating nuclear exchange with the Soviet Union with enough intact and unused nuclear weapons to 'prevail' in a post-apocalypse world."

"This lunatic perspective remained the official US military doctrine until the Clinton administration ordered a review in 1994, which was not completed until 1997, with the issuance of a new planning document. The Clinton document remains classified, but press reports suggest that it contained the first language authorizing the retargeting of US missiles and bombers from Russia to China, North Korea and several countries in the Middle East."

"The swift White House confirmation of the report in the Los Angeles Times, and the willingness of the Pentagon officials to discuss the issue—normally a closely guarded secret—suggest that the report may be a deliberate leak by the Bush administration, timed to advance its military and diplomatic agenda by intimidating both potential adversaries and prospective allies in the Middle East."

"The report was published the day before Vice President Cheney left Washington for a 10-day trip to Britain and the Middle East to line up support for the next stage in the US campaign of military aggression, which is almost certainly the launching of a massive assault on Iraq. And it comes two days before Bush gives a nationally televised speech, on the six-month anniversary of the September 11 attacks, in which he is expected to threaten American military intervention in many more countries, in addition to the current deployment of troops and military advisers in Afghanistan, Central Asia, the Philippines, Georgia, Yemen and Colombia."

"The release of the nuclear planning document must send shock waves throughout the world. The declaration that nuclear weapons are to become a practical weapon of war, for the first time since Hiroshima and Nagasaki, is extraordinarily provocative. It makes it clear to anyone not blinded by propaganda that the United States has become the most reckless international bully since German imperialism in the 1930s and 1940s."

(The truth is, the US has been the "most reckless international bully" since 1945, when WW2 ended with the defeat of "German imperialism" of the 1930s and 1940s, also known as Nazi Germany.)
by Rocketeer
Talk about a "lunatic perspective!" Anyone who thinks the US should not consider the use of all of the weapons at its disposal in a war of national survival is a lunatic.

The use faces implacable enemies bent on acquiring and using weapons of mass destruction against us. We have no moral obligation to quietly accept our doom.
by danny thomas
this indyboard site has nothing to do with alternative media. the girls and boys of the choir here seek only to preach to each other the religion of hating americans. thats it. everything that is wrong with the world is due to americans.
the lady shot in the head in the afghanistan soccer stadium to the cheers of hundreds. that was americas fault.
saddam gasing thousands of men women and children. americas fault.
that splinter in that lions paw in that story. america did it.
by prole
hey danny. one of these days some of us anarchist hackers are going to sniff indymedia traffic, get your IP address, look up your billing address with it, and come pay you a visit. cheers!
by prole
well danny. why dont you make it easy for us and post your address, you gutless wonder
by danny thomas
you puff your chest and run. put on your little trench coat and run. put on your mask and run. throw your rock and run. muster a mean grimace and run.

bring it little girl. bring your pipe bombs and ruger 10/22 banana clips. lay in wait with your black back pack and limp bizkit playing on your headphones.

i'm nearly completely defenseless. i'm 100% preban and 20 lbs overweight. take your best shot and run.

post my address. what a hollywood false front back lot b movie video game thunderous bar chord signifying nothing piece of anarchist shit you are.

i'll narrow it down for ya. west central colorado. huge valley with just one structure, my house. wide open views from every direction. you can see me and take me out from at least a mile in any direction. drive right up, i love company. i'll probably be smiling thinking your some lost tourist as you take your best shot, and run.
by Rachel
jesus christ, guys, cool it already. take your aggression and go do something useful. you want me to suggest some sites/organizations that are actually doing something to try and improve the world? being hateful isn't going to do jack shit for anybody, least of all you two.
by Eric
What's this I read?? You mean we have nuclear weapons and we actually HAVE a PLAN for using them?? Holy shit, who'da known? Who'da thought? Who'da possibly ever guessed that one!!? Not me, for Christ's sake! Not me in a million years!! I be too stupid fer all that cipherin' on such complakated stuff like thaht!

As far as the Danny vs. prole match, well I'm with Danny. I'm sick of all you back stabbin' American terrorist cells right here undermining this great nation of mine. Prole, don't make me and Danny tag team and beat yer ass old school style on pay per view for everyone's amusement. That's how we American's will to it...kick your ass and make a buck while doin' it. So go f*ck yourself.

by Eric
I meant to tell ya, Danny, what a great line!

"what a hollywood false front back lot b movie video game thunderous bar chord signifying nothing piece of anarchist shit you are. "

I'm still laughin' at that one! I gotta write that down...
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