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IMC New Jersey names the JDL on its list of "Anti-Racist/anti-fascist New Jersey residents". The JDL is a notorious terrorist fascist zionazi hate group. Inclusion of the JDL is further proof of IMCs continuing takeover by zionist filths.

Following this text is the New Jersey Anti-Racism Statement issued January 11 2002. It is presently (January 13, 2002) available on the main page of the New Jersey IMC site:

The statement includes the infamous Jewish Defense League (JDL) in the list of "Anti-Racist/Anti-Fascist New Jersey residents".

Even worse, at the actual website, the name of the Jewish Defense League, like those of the other organizations listed, is a link to their website!

Although the action of opposing the nazi filths wherever they rear their ugly heads is necessary, the participation of zionist filths in opposing them is not. It is extremely offensive and an authentic outrage against the thousands of Palestinian victims of zionist killings, home demolitions, torture and apartheid that IMC would even consider posting them as part of "Anti-Racist/Anti-Fascist New Jersey residents". And do so uncritically, as well.

The JDL is a racist, fascist, terrorist, zionazi hate group that also needs to be smashed, just like their nazi progenitors. The JDL record of violence includes the assassination of the director of the Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee; and two leaders were recently indicted for planning to bomb a mosque and the office of an Arab-American congressman. There are many hundreds of such examples. The JDL was founded by fascist Meir Kahane and advocates the ethnic cleansing of Palestine; indeed it demands expulsion of all Arabs from what it calls "Eretz Israel" (see the map above to understand what that means).

There can be NO basis for action with any group, organization or movement that classifies the JDL as "anti-racist/anti-fascist" and that allows them to participate in anti-nazi activities.

NO group, organization or movement classifying the JDL as "anti-racist/anti-fascist" can EVER be considered progressive, or seeking social justice.

IMC must be forcefully denounced from all quarters for its complicity in JDL racism/fascism/terrorism and IMC must be made to apologize, to pledge that it will not happen again, and to formally adopt rejection of all zionism as part of its mission along with proper training in cultural sensitivity about Palestine for everyone in IMC. Those responsible for perpetrating this shocking and outrageous condonation of the JDL must be excluded from participation in IMC.

Following is the full text of the New Jersey Anti-Racism Statement issued January 11 2002.

ANTI-RACISM Jan 11 2002

On January 12, in York PA, three white supremacist groups plan to hold a public meeting which will be Hosted by The World Church of the Creator, which is not actually a church, but a racist right wing extremist group. Their leader, Matt Hale has been know at such meetings to use extremist rhetoric such as "RaHoWa" meaning racial holy war, to encourage racial hatred and conflict. Also in attendance will be the National Alliance who's primary goal is white sepratism, Aryan Nations, and the National Socialist Movement. In addition, a neo-nazi organization, the Eastern Hammer Skins are planning to run "security" for the hate groups.

Anti-Racist/anti-fascist New Jersey residents plan to protest the meeting and attend a near by Unity gathering which will celebrate racial diversity and humanity. Other groups which plan to attend the counter demonstration include, Anti-Racist Action from Columbus, Baltimore, Towson, East Baltimore, DC and Philadelphia, The One People's Project, Yellow Overalls, Barricada Collective, the Jewish Defense League, Claustrophobia, Baltimore Anti-Fascist Response Network, and Campaign for Humanity. Many anti-racists believe if you do not confront racism then it will continue to grow. As one New Jersey Activist put it:

I'm going to York because I feel that people who preach hatred and violence should not be given a platform to spew such garbage. I think we, as people who respect diversity and difference and see beauty in this, must show people like Matt Hale and Billy Roper that they and their message of hate is not welcome anywhere. We must show up in numbers and stand in solidarity together with the diverse community of York to portray this message.

It is believed that York, PA was chosen by The WCOTC due to the towns recent investigation into Yorks ex- Mayor Charlie Robertson's involvement in the 1969 race riots in which is was accused of inciting white citizens to shoot black citizens.

The New Jersey IMC will be there to cover any newsworthy events.

[ Baltimore IMC ]
by the burningman
I've yet to encounter anyone involved with the Independent Media Center, anywhere, who believes that Jewish fascism is anymore acceptable than any other variety. Some local activists from Baltimore may (I have no information any which way) be ignorant as to the violent, racist history of the JDL.

If you are, I just encourage you to visit their website and see them for the filth they are. It's pretty obvious and not too pretty.

Anti-fascism does not mean hooking up with fascist Jews who are only there because they hate fascist gentiles any more than opposing the NATO war in Yugoslavia meant lining up with ghouls like Milosevic.

We don't have klan in Brooklyn, but we do have JDL. And they were formed to fight and kill blacks. Read up on it a bit and then make up your own mind about how to deal with them.

I don't deal with them.
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