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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
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Indybay Feature

Urgent Warning to Bankers

by Gary Larrabee
This is the latest information concerning the a struggle that seems to be taking place between the factions for the NWO and a group called the White Knights who are fighting for the rights of the people and plans in putting forth a prosperity program for all people. I am relaying the information I have received from a person called Dove who is keeping people of the world informed on what is happening behind the scene.

Sat, 29 Dec 2001 22:30:36 -0000
Subject: [doveofo] URGENT: To U.S. Bankers -- WARNING!!!!
To All U.S. Bankers:

I have been instructed by the Forces to send this URGENT WARNING out to all U.S. bankers.

I'm told that some major U.S. bank officials are still trying, as of this afternoon, to interfere with our remaining mass deliveries. This is an URGENT WARNING to ALL bankers to CEASE your interference IMMEDIATELY!

Furthermore, IF you U.S. Bankers continue to interfere with our deliveries AND/OR our FUNDING, YOU will LOSE the secrecy for which you
negotiated. YOU will LOSE this secrecy INSTANTLY if you continue to interfere in ANY WAY directly or INDIRECTLY with our remaining prosperity deliveries and/or our funding!

I'm told you U.S. bankers have OVERSTEPPED your bounds totally and due to this, all agreements regarding the secrecy you demanded are NULL and VOID. I'm told that the White Knight of Justice had proposed to PUBLISH a list of these programs which are funding in a top newspaper in the U.S. It is only because you U.S. bankers yelled
loudly that you needed "secrecy" to protect you from an irate U.S. public that the current secrecy has been supported.

However, YOU U.S. bankers have GONE TOO FAR. I'm told as of today, unless you IMMEDIATELY CEASE your interference with our deliveries and our funding, the authorities in charge will LIFT the secrecy!

Dove of Oneness

To JOIN the Dove egroup, simply send an email to:
doveofo-subscribe [at]
And REPLY to Yahoo's request for confirmation.

P.S. ALL of you bankers are being constantly monitored and the
Forces KNOW what your secret plans are. There are FEWER of you top
U.S. bankers today than there were yesterday.

To All U.S. Bankers: 12-28-01

I have been instructed by the Forces to send this URGENT WARNING out
to all U.S. bankers.

I'm told that some major U.S. bank officials are still trying, as of
this afternoon, to interfere with our remaining mass deliveries.
This is an URGENT WARNING to ALL bankers to CEASE your interference

Furthermore, IF you U.S. Bankers continue to interfere with our
deliveries AND/OR our FUNDING, YOU will LOSE the secrecy for which
you negotiated. YOU will LOSE this secrecy INSTANTLY if you continue
to interfere in ANY WAY directly or INDIRECTLY with our remaining
prosperity deliveries and/or our funding!

I'm told you U.S. bankers have OVERSTEPPED your bounds totally and
due to this, all agreements regarding the secrecy you demanded are
NULL and VOID. I'm told that the White Knight of Justice had
proposed to PUBLISH a list of these programs which are funding in a
top newspaper in the U.S. It is only because you U.S. bankers yelled
loudly that you needed "secrecy" to protect you from an irate U.S.
public that the current secrecy has been supported.

However, YOU U.S. bankers have GONE TOO FAR. I'm told as of today,
unless you IMMEDIATELY CEASE your interference with our deliveries
and our funding, the authorities in charge will LIFT the secrecy!

Dove of Oneness

To JOIN the Dove egroup, simply send an email to:
doveofo-subscribe [at]
And REPLY to Yahoo's request for confirmation.

P.S. ALL of you bankers are being constantly monitored and the
Forces KNOW what your secret plans are. There are FEWER of you top
U.S. bankers today than there were yesterday.

Fri, 28 Dec 2001 21:35:28 -0000

Hello Dear Friends,

Below is the message I sent to many U.S. media email addresses today
informing them of the need for NESARA's announcement immediately!

I am researching the addresses and phone numbers of the major U.S.
banks that are currently fighting NESARA. If you can find the phone
number for the Citicorp or Citibank headquarters office and the
headquarters information for Bank One, please send me the information
and I will provide it to the Dove egroup.

Here is what I have so far today. I'm sending this out now and
asking those of you who are able to IMMEDIATELY CALL the B of A and
First Union headquarters and tell them that we demand they stop
fighting NESARA's announcement and implementation!

Bank of America Headquarters: (704) 386-4771
100 N. Tryon St
Charlotte, NC 28255

Bank One Headquarters:

Citicorp Headquarters: ( ) -
1 Court Square
42nd Floor
Long Island City, NY 11120

First Union Bank Headquarters: (704) 374-6565
1 First Union Center
301 S. College Street
Charlotte, NC 28288

We can also write letters and tell these banks we DEMAND they stop
fighting NESARA!

Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I sent this message to hundreds of media contacts today:

From: Dove_of_O [at]
Date: Fri, Dec. 28, 2001
SUBJECT: Euro Gold-Backed! NESARA Prevents U.S. Econ. Crash!

To: Journalists, Editors, Publishers, TV & Radio News Reporters and
Talk Show Hosts:

The Euro is being announced as "backed by precious metals" as of
January 2002. Currently a few people in strategic places, some
United States bankers and certain Bush administration officials, are
continuing to block the formal announcement of the new U.S. Treasury
bank system and new U.S. currency backed by precious metals. IF this
blocking were allowed to continue, the U.S. would be thrown into a
massive economic crash! A totally UNNECESSARY economic crash that
would impact ALL of us.

The solution for the U.S. is a law called NESARA which was secretly
passed (for the third time) by Congress this month. In 1993, the
U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the U.S. Federal Reserve banking system
was riddled with fraudulent practices which required it's replacement
by a Treasury Bank System. The U.S. Supreme Court also ruled that
all the necessary changes must be KEPT SECRET until ready for the
formal announcement. NESARA has been ready for announcement and full
implementation for several months. Below are statements from
numerous sources attesting to this fact.

NESARA includes a constitutionally aligned U.S. Treasury Bank system
and new U.S. currency backed by gold and silver. Per NESARA, the
Federal Reserve is absorbed into the U.S. Treasury Department. The
banking and monetary systems restorations in NESARA are based on Alan
Greenspan's famous doctoral thesis outlining such systems.

The European Central Bank officials are absolutely determined to go
forward with the Euro backed by precious metals as of January 2002.
Below is an email I received stating that this has already been
ANNOUNCED in European media the week of December 17th. I'm told that
Fox TV News also announced this on December 17, 2001 between 11:30
a.m. and noon EST.

If the U.S. were still without NESARA when the Euro is announced
worldwide as backed by precious metals, the U.S. economy would CRASH
similar to 1929. The U.S. Federal Reserve Notes would be WORTHLESS
instantly. (See email below discussing fact that French contact has
already warned U.S. person that FRNs will be rejected after December
31 for payment of debts.) In addition, the U.S. Federal Reserve
certificates representing huge dollar amounts which are currently
held by European banks, would be instantly worthless; this would
cause U.S. banks to LOSE TRILLIONS of revenue overnight and massive
destabilization of U.S. banks.

EVERY PERSON, including YOU, in the United States would SUFFER if
this were allowed to happen. This is TOTALLY UNNECESSARY; NESARA has
already been partially implemented and only two more activities are
needed to avoid this massive economic crash. These events, including
the formal announcement of NESARA, can be accomplished in a matter of

YOU can help. If this is "news" to you and you have a good
relationship with your Bank President, ask your Bank President to
confirm the truth about NESARA. About 55% of the CEOs of major U.S.
banks are cooperating with NESARA. 45% of U.S. banks' CEOs are
fighting NESARA. You will need a close personal relationship with
your Bank President, and an agreement to keep this "off the record",
in order to confirm the fact that major U.S. banks' personnel have
already received NESARA training and are ready for NESARA

The 45% of U.S. banking CEOs who are fighting NESARA are under the
ILLUSION that Bush Senior, Bush Jr., and their associates will
somehow keep the European Central Bank from proclaiming the Euro as
backed by precious metals in January 2002. Efforts to stop the ECB
have included black ops assassination attempts, abduction, coercion,
and plans to blow up the ECB headquarters; all these efforts have
been stopped and will continue to be stopped.

These 45% of U.S. banking CEOs are MISTAKEN in thinking they can
somehow block the worldwide banking changes beginning with the Euro
and NESARA. There have been many secret activities accomplished
which absolutely guarantee that other countries ARE SWITCHING to
their new banking and currency systems as of January 2002. (See
details below: 12 countries in the ECB and Australia are ready to
implement new banking and currency systems.)

As of today I'm told the major U.S. banks currently FIGHTING NESARA
and ENDANGERING our country are: Citicorp, Bank One, Bank of
America, and First Union. NESARA ends the current fraudulent banking
practices which have enriched these U.S. bankers. These U.S.
bankers' efforts against NESARA are putting all of us at RISK of a
massive economic crash impacting everyone in the U.S.!

As of today I'm told some of the major U.S. banks who are COOPERATING
with the U.S. NESARA Implementation Team include: Wells Fargo Bank,
U.S. Bank, Mellon Bank, Key Bank, and others.

I'm asking YOU in the media to TAKE ACTION: call your personal Bank
President and state that you support NESARA being announced before
January 2002! Call the CEOs of the banks fighting NESARA and demand
they cease their actions ENDANGERING our country! Announce that the
Euro is coming out backed by precious metals as of January 2002.
STEP FORWARD as an AMERICAN and take action to protect our country.
ALL of us need to take courageous action to help improve our country
at this CRUCIAL time.

I have been tracking and reporting on these monetary and banking
changes for over 18 months via my Internet newsletter. I have
a "private" Internet group currently numbering 5,300 people, and
after these people forward my reports, I probably reach 30,000 people
or more several times a week. For my personal protection, I use a
pen name. I am well-known to leaders of Congress, intelligence
agencies, and top U.S. bankers due to my accurate reporting on these
secret banking and monetary systems changes. My information comes
from certain U.S. military intelligence and other groups directly
involved in worldwide negotiations and actions moving the worldwide
banking/currency improvements forward.

In 1929, the economic crash came suddenly and millions of people in
our country and the world SUFFERED TREMENDOUSLY. This time WE KNOW
AHEAD of time what is happening. WE can PREVENT this massive
UNNECESSARY economic crash from happening in the U.S. by TAKING

Dove of Oneness

As of 12/28/2001, the Dove egroup has 5,354 members. The Dove egroup
is private and you may join the Dove egroup to receive Dove reports
about the TRUTH of what is happening in our world by sending an email
doveofo-subscribe [at]
And REPLY to Yahoo's request for confirmation.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Excerpt from Dove Report 12/27/2001:

"I received a call just a few moments ago from a party in the U.S.
who must make a financial payment to France each month. The party's
husband called France and was told that unless the payment is there
by the 31st of December, the payment will be refused because after
December 31, 2001, the U.S. Federal Reserve Notes will be considered
USELESS and WITHOUT VALUE. This is factual confirmation of what I
have been saying: we must have NESARA announced immediately in order
to safeguard our people and our U.S. economy."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

From: xxxxx [at]
To: dove_of_o <dove_of_o [at]
Subject: 1985 former US Agriculture Secretary Gold transaction, tons
of gold located in Utah
Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2001 14:09:58 -0800 (PST)

Thanks for your information. Last year we filed 75 pages of
handwritten notes of CIA/FED Reserve Agent Mark Reynolds in three
Federal Court Cases exposing the September, 1985-January, 1986
300,000+ tons of Gold purchased through the Central Dominion Trust
bank account, New York Federal Reserve Bank through Zions First
National Bank (Ezra Taft Benson, authorized by President Dwight D.
Eisenhower in 1960). This is the Famous JONES TRUST ($6 Trillion
Bank Account).

The US Government has tons of gold ready for the US compliment of the
Euro Dollar Project. Check it out. We have lots of people you can
call. Or call Axx Uxxxxx, Chairman of the Board, COMMITTEE OF 14,
Vernal, Utah. He was the bodyguard to Gene Strickland (South Africa
Rothschild Family) while he worked at Texas Instrument, Dallas,
Texas. He is the spiritual leader for the Martial Arts of China
(CHI). You have a great program to the US Congressmen and Federal
Employees who want to get us back to the Gold Standard.
Respectfully yours, xxxxx xxxxx Inc. (a Nevada Corporation)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

To: dove_of_o <dove_of_o [at]
Subject: Confirming new bank systems
Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2001 -0800 (PST)

By the way...friends of ours in Sonora talked to their relatives in
Great Britain and they said, "Hey we hear you have a new banking
system in the U.S.!!!! Just like our Eurodollars backed by
gold!!!!!!" When asked how they knew about it they said it is on the
news across Europe last week. They couldn't easily believe that our
government is not announcing anything here. Apparently Great Britain
is upset with Euro because they sold a lot of their gold reserves

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

From: xxxxxxx [at]
To: dove_of_O [at]
Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 19:32:04 -0800 (PST)

Two weeks ago, while standing at the counter of US BANK to cash a
check, an executive from the bank was standing behind the counter at
the supervisors desk, along with the supervisor. The two men were
standing directly in front of me with their backs to me. The
executive was holding up a paper which was a COPY OF U.S. TREASURY
NOTES that appeared large and clear. The two men were discussing the
photocopy of the treasury notes the entire time I was there. This
occurred in Culver City, California.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
From: xxxxxxx [at]>
To: "Dove " <dove_of_o [at]>
Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 13:32:49 -0600

Dear Dove, First thank you for what you do to help get out the truth
that will make us free. I have two personal experiences with this
information. I know a very wise man who I asked about the NESARA
information. His reply was that a friend of his in Delta Force had
told him all the issues you talk about are true.

Another instance was in a local Wells Fargo bank 2 weeks ago when I
asked if the bank had been trained in the new laws and procedures she
replied they had. Both instances point to the truth of NESARA. KEEP

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
From: xxxxx [at]
To: dove_of_o [at]
Subject: Re: Wells Fargo Banks -Treasury Banks
Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 18:58:17 EST

I have a dear friend who is president of a local Wells Fargo Bank in
Las xxxxxx. They have been set up to go Treasury banks since June
2001 and July 2001.
Thought you would like some more confirmation on Treasury Banks

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Subj: Dove is right about this one!!!!
Date: 11/26/01 12:28:35 PM US Mountain Standard Time

On 11/25/01 at 2:19 pm est, I called Bank of America at 1-800-xxx-
xxxx and advised "I am considering opening several new accounts but
before I do I want to know if BoA is set up for the new Treasury
Bills which are backed by precious metals?" The young lady had to
check but came back and the answer was "Yes, we do" Since she
answered that way, I repeated "You are "definitely" set up for the
New Treasury Bills which ARE backed by Precious Metals?" She then
answered "Yes We Are".

After getting Dove's latest message, I called a different number
earlier today for
B of A and asked if they were set up for the new Treasury Bills and
her answer after checking was "Yes We Do". Since she answered that
way, I got to thinking perhaps I had not made myself clear what I was
asking so I decided to call back to the main number in our phone book
as listed above. I asked very detailed questions and she checked with
the answers above, and said "yes, we are set up for the treasury
bills". I would say that Dove is RIGHT ON THE MARK. XXX
From: xxxxxxxxx [at]
To: dove_of_o [at]
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2001 15:02:13 EST

Hi Dove,
Thank you for spreading the word, I have been reading your reports
for about two years now and I am thankful for your DETERMINATION and

I am a Sr. Loan Officer in Orange County so I talk to many people in
the Banking and Investment community.

I have been asking many people in banking if they are aware of the
coming, surprisingly most of them have heard that there are changes,
some only know vague details where as others are briefed in more
detail regarding the tax changes etc.

I also have noticed that the mortgage interest rates have been going
up even though the rates that the banks get their money for continue
to drop. Some have told me that this is because the banks are trying
to make as much money as possible before the new changes take place.

I have a client/friend who's father in law owns two banks in Upland
and Chino California, he is checking into the new training for
treasury banks and will let me know what he finds out, then I will
forward it to you. Thank You for all your hard work! Let me know if
I can help you, T.
From: xxxxxxxxx [at]
To: Dove_of_O [at]
Subject: Confirming Info
Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 11:21:52 -0800 (PST)

Hello Dove,

Bravo for your good works! This is my little piece of the puzzle. I
work in facilities at Bank of America. Not long after Sept. 11th,
maybe 3-4 weeks, they announced abruptly that there would be no
absolutely no weekend work on this particular weekend due to a
complete changeover in the banking systems from the West Coast system
to the East Coast (they had merged with Nation's about 3 years
earlier). The abruptness and timing didn't match the reason. It
threw everyone off. It was also one week before Columbus Day weekend
which,if scheduled instead at that time, would have afforded an extra
day to get everything working right. Some of your most passionate
info was coming out at the same time, and it definitely seemed to me
that B of A was doing some kind of conversion based on NESARA, and
that the conversion HAD to be done quickly, and at that time due to
some unstated event. S. B.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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