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Flashpoints Radio, Dec 24: Mark Herold, FAIR, MESA, Mumia, David Price

by Jaguar Johnny
KPFA Flashpoints Radio, Dec 24, 2001
-Mark Herold: Afghan civilian casualties more than Sept 11 victims (20 min)
-FAIR and Middle East Studies Association (16 min)
-latest Mumia Abu Jamal communication (4 min)
-David Price, a cultural anthropologist at St. Martin's College (8 min)
-Pacifica Watch (7 min)


<FONT COLOR=#ffff99><STRONG>Monday, Dec 24, 2001 - <small>Start Audio</small></strong> <IMG SRC="" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=25 WIDTH=52 ALT="for audio FAQ, click here"></font><br><FONT COLOR=#cc6600>-</FONT><FONT COLOR=#ffff99>00:00</font>
<IMG SRC="" align=left hspace=4 BORDER=0 HEIGHT=102 WIDTH=87 ALT="Marc Herold"> <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Leslie Kean:</FONT> <FONT SIZE=2 COLOR=#ffcc00><I>(joined in progress)</i></font> the civilian casualties in Afghanistan outnumber U.S. 9-11 casualties.. now w Marc Herold with his groundbreaking new report, <I>Civilian Victims of American Bombing of Afghanistan</I>.. professor at economics and women's studies at the <I>Whittemore School of Business and Economics</I> in New Hampshire.. <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Mark:</FONT> puzzling that the civilian deaths reported in the foreign media but not here in the USA.. a well-orchestrated plan to shield the American public from this kind of information.. US bought up commercial satellite imagery to prevent YOU from seeing the truth about the bombing of Afghanistan..
<br><FONT COLOR=#cc6600>-</FONT><FONT COLOR=#ffff99>2x:xx</font> <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Leslie:</FONT> with Rachel of <I>Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting FAIR..</I> why the U.S. media is not reporting the true story, won't provide a body count of innocent Afghani citizens

<br><FONT COLOR=#cc6600>-</FONT><FONT COLOR=#ffff99>25:00</font> <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Leslie Kean:</FONT> academics attacked by Mrs. VP Len Cheney's organization, the <I>American Council of Trustees and Alumni</I>.. w Joel of the
<I>Middle East Studies Association</I>.. <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Joel:</FONT> this is all a ruse.. blacklisting 177 people..
<br><FONT COLOR=#cc6600>-</FONT><FONT COLOR=#ffff99>36:30</font> <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Noelle Hanrahan</FONT> with the latest commentary <IMG SRC="" vspace=4 BORDER=1 align=right HEIGHT=106 WIDTH=85 ALT="Mumia photo"> by Mumia Abu Jamal: <I><FONT COLOR=#66ff99>.. in the wake of the latest anthrax scare.. an unpecedented evacuation of the Supreme Court.. meanwhile rank and file postal employees worked on.. left feeling like the low men on the totem pole.. by law, postal workers can not strike.. </FONT></I>
<br><FONT COLOR=#cc6600>-</FONT><FONT COLOR=#ffff99>4x:xx</font>
<FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Noelle:</FONT> w David Price, a cultural anthropologist and an Assistant Professor of anthropology
and sociology
at St. Martin's
, in Lacey, Washington.. <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>David:</FONT> about the attack on academic freedom..
<br><FONT COLOR=#cc6600>-</FONT><FONT COLOR=#ffff99>48:45</font>
Noelle with the Pacifica Watch segment.. w Anthony McCall, member of the NY WBAI LAB
<br><FONT COLOR=#cc6600>-</FONT><FONT COLOR=#ffff99>55:07</font> End today's show.. <FONT SIZE=1 COLOR=#6600cc><I>today's review by john lionheart</I></fonT><p>
Audio this show (scrollable)<br> Flashpoints website, audio archive <P>KPFA Flashpoints Radio 94.1 FM Berkeley<BR> Your Daily Investigative Radio News Magazine<BR> -produced by Dennis Bernstein<BR> online live 5-6pm Pacific time weekdays at<p></FONT> <hr><hr>

<A NAME="1221sam">
<FONT COLOR=#ffff99><STRONG>Wednesday, Dec 19, 2001 - <small>Start Audio</small></strong> <IMG SRC="" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=25 WIDTH=52 ALT="for audio FAQ, click here"></font><br><FONT COLOR=#cc6600>-</FONT><FONT COLOR=#ffff99>00:00</font><IMG SRC="" align=left hspace=4 BORDER=1 HEIGHT=88 WIDTH=66 ALT="Dennis Bernstein photo"> <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Dennis Bernstein</FONT> and <IMG SRC="" align=right hspace=4 BORDER=1 HEIGHT=88 WIDTH=66 ALT="Noelle Hanrahan photo">
<FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Noelle Hanrahan</FONT>: introduction.. the real reason behind the attack on Afghanistan? Caspian Sea oil.. Mumia update and another Mumia commentary recorded on death row last night
<br><FONT COLOR=#cc6600>-</FONT><FONT COLOR=#ffff99>01:10</font>
Robert Knight, the Knight Report news update.. <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Robert:</FONT>
Generation X Taliban Johnny Walker.. CIA denied him access to the Red Cross.. and to his attorney, and to his family.. in violation of U.S. law and the Geneva Convention.. Somalia the next stop in the war..
<br><FONT COLOR=#cc6600>-</FONT><FONT COLOR=#ffff99>06:25</font> <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Dennis:</FONT> war brewing between India and Pakistan.. now w Karl Grossman, Professor of Journalism at the State University of New York, author of <I>Weapons in Space</I>, and <I>Cover-Up, What You're Not To Supposed To Know About Nuclear Power</I>.. Karl: if things spiral out of control.. you're talking about.. a nuclear holocaust.. India is fully equipped.. last week's attack on the Indian Parliment.. Pakistani terrorists, say India.. could dwarf what occured at Hiroshima.. <br><FONT COLOR=#cc6600>-</FONT><FONT COLOR=#ffff99>10:00</font> <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Dennis:</FONT> The Caspian Sea oil fields.. about the bombing of Afghanistan.. now w Prof. Margerie Cohn of <I>Thomas Jefferson School of Law</I> in San Diego.. author of <I>Deadly Oil Interests</I>.. <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Margerie:</FONT> about bin Laden a forbidden truth.. documents a cozy relationship between Bush and the Taliban before Sept 11.. there had been negotiations for some time between Unical and the Taliban to build a pipeline through Afghanistan.. for the Asian market.. VP for Unical testifies in the U.S. House.. arguing that this route is the best.. advocating that U.S. repeal the <I>Freedom Support Act</I>.. Cheney advocating likewise, the CEO of Haliburton, the largest.. Cheney said the good lord didn't see fit to put oil and gas where the democracies are.. Bush cronies didn't put Afghanistan on the list of countries supporting terrorism, they were hoping to snare the pipeline permission from their Taliban buddies.. <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Dennis:</FONT> more to it than just oil.. now with Professor Michel Chossudovsky, Professor of Economics, University of Ottawa.. <I>Center For Research On Globalization</I>.. Prof Chossudovsky: Afghanistan borders on five nuclear powers.. the military agreement sign in 1999, is an agreement with five former Soviet republics.. these are countries, transit points for the pipeline.. the hidden agenda.. is the conquest of the former Soviet Union, possibly even China and the Indian penisula.. this "war on terrorism".. Al Queda network has been supported by the U.S. government.. Republicans accused Clinton of siding with Osama bin Laden.. U.S. funding the Kosovo Liberation Army terrorists.. and the drug connection.. Taliban recently moved to suppress opium poppy production.. a $200 BILLION DOLLAR 'industry'.. sure to have made many important moneymen unhappy.. we'll see where it goes from here.. the CIA has a unhappy history of symbiotic association with felonius drug cartels<br><font COLOR=#cc6600>-</FONT><FONT COLOR=#ffff99>29:00</font>
<FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Dennis:</FONT> pledgebreak.. call us right now at 510-848-5732 or 800-439-5732.. <FONT COLOR=#99ffff>SHOW YOUR SUPPORT FOR FREE SPEECH RADIO</FONT>
<br><FONT COLOR=#cc6600>-</FONT><FONT COLOR=#ffff99>39:00</font>
music break<br><FONT COLOR=#cc6600>-</FONT><FONT COLOR=#ffff99>40:30</font> <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Noelle Hanrahan:</FONT> spotlight on Mumia <IMG SRC="" vspace=4 BORDER=1 align=right HEIGHT=106 WIDTH=85 ALT="Mumia photo"> Abu-Jamal.. yesterday a federal district court judge rejected Mumia's request for a new trial, ruling against everyone of Mumia's claims of innocence and violation of legal and human rights.. HOWEVER, he did overturn Mumia's death penalty, BUT then remanded back to the state court, that Mumia either be resentenced to death within 180 days, the only other possibility being life imprisonment without possibility of parole.. details, commentary by Noelle Hanrahan, foremost Mumia interviewer and cronicleer<br><FONT COLOR=#cc6600>-</FONT><FONT COLOR=#ffff99>41:50</font> <FONT COLOR=#66ff99>new Mumia Abu Jamal commentary.. written Dec. 18, 2001..</FONT> <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Mumia Abu Jamal:</FONT> <FONT COLOR=#ffff33><I>When one looks at world history, the puzzle only gets largers and more inpenatrable.. Afghanistan, an ancient nation.. most have little understanding of Aafghanistan's long martial tradition.. in the nineteeth century, .. sought to expand.. but this was claimed by the British.. 1837, 1838.. by the 1980's the <I>Game</I> would begin afresh.. Afghanistan became the Soviet's Vietnam.. in the fear drenched aftermath of 9-11.. the historically designated, <I>'Great Game'</I>, battles of imperial conquest between Britain and Russia.. a new round of the <I>Great Game</I>.. some old players rolling the dice.. the Taliban clients of Pakistan and the Saudis.. the so-called Northern Alliance an ally of Russia.. Russia has its hand on the prize that ten years of war could not acquire.. it is not, as Peter the Great once coveted, 'the warm waters of the Indian Ocean that whet Russian appetite', but the oil of the Caspian Sea that will fuel industrial production for the next 50 years.. <SMALL><I><FONT COLOR=#6600cc>(parphrasing,ed)</FONT></I></SMALL>
</I></FONT><br><FONT COLOR=#cc6600>-</FONT><FONT COLOR=#ffff99>44:50</font> Noelle with Sam Hine, friend who visited Mumia on death row, for two hours this morning.. <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Sam:</FONT> Mumia very disappointed by the judge's decision, not encouraged.. Mumia has not made any official comment, he hasn't had a chance to read the ruling.. <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Sam:</FONT> describes the condition in the prison, he wanted to talk about the world situation most of all, the suffering in Afghanistan, and where do we go from here.. we talked about the terrorism in this country, and the economic downturn.. he's obviously very concerned about the direction the administration is going, about the attack on civil liberties.. <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Sam:</FONT> He can't see himself doing life imprisonment, a slow death.. he is extremely well informed on current events.. has strong opinions on any issue you bring up.. talked about literature.. talked about the media conglomeration.. the restraints on free press
<br><FONT COLOR=#cc6600>-</FONT><FONT COLOR=#ffff99>51:11</font> <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Noelle Hanrahan:</FONT> w Erica Bridgeman, who worked on Mumia's 175 PRogress Drive CD.. Erica reads a personal letter from Mumia to a friend of hers who wrote him in prison.. <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Noelle:</FONT>
pledgebreak.. call us right now at 510-848-5732 or 800-439-5732.. <FONT COLOR=#ff00ff>SHOW YOUR SUPPORT FOR FREE SPEECH RADIO</FONT>

<br><FONT COLOR=#cc6600>-</FONT><FONT COLOR=#ffff99>59:30</font> End today's show.. <FONT SIZE=1 COLOR=#6600cc><I>today's review by john lionheart</I></fonT><p>
Audio this show (scrollable)<br> Flashpoints website, audio archive <P>KPFA Flashpoints Radio 94.1 FM Berkeley<BR> Your Daily Investigative Radio News Magazine<BR> -produced by Dennis Bernstein<BR> online live 5-6pm Pacific time weekdays at<p></FONT> <hr><hr>
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