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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
From the Open-Publishing Newswire
Indybay Feature


by Lynda Carson (lyndacarson [at]
As the powers to be move to strip Oaklanders of Rent Law Protection's, Councilwoman Nadel proposes a 12% rent cap to replace Oakland's existing 3% rent cap. Renters who
have opposed the TASK FORCE DEAL are in
shock that Councilwoman Nadel forgets that
weak rent laws and high rents are a recipe for homelessness!
Oakland 12% Rent Cap Proposed
By Lynda Carson 12/19/01

Oakland, Ca-In a stunning blow to Oakland renters, it was apparent that they had no friends on their side in City Hall Tuesday morning on December 18th, 2001. In a 2 to 1 vote in favor of the Rent Board Task Force Proposals to weaken Oakland Rent Laws, raise the rent cap, and to re-arrange the nature of the Rent Arbitration Program, Oakland renters became the target of powerful bureaucrats and their special interest backers. With James Vann of the Oakland Tenants Union spearheading the effort to push through the package of proposals, Councilman Dick Spees and Councilwoman Jane Brunner voted for the Task Force Deal, and Councilwoman Nadel voted against the package. The Task Force Deal Proposals now go before the full Oakland City Council for a vote upon January 15, 2002, after it will be amended with some new proposals made by the different interest groups, James Vann, and Council Members at the C.E.D.A. Meeting. No one knows for sure which new proposals will be in the package for the January 15 City Council Meeting, or what to expect after city staffers cater to
the big monied interest's opposed to the deal. Renters already fear the worst, believing that matters will become even worse for their interest's.

Oakland renters provided their own Task Force Proposals to counter the Dick Spees Task Force proposals, and reporters from KPFA, KGO, Channel 5, Channel 4, Telemundo Channel 48, Sing Tao Daily, and others showed up in force to cover the event. The Peoples Task Force Proposals were readily available for the press to use for coverage in their stories.

Many renters were bowled over when Council Member Nancy Nadel proposed a 12% rent cap for the renters of Oakland during the C.E.D.A. Meeting. Nadel generaly has been the only real supporter of Oaklanders who are not property owners, and the proposed 12% rent cap could be a final blow for low-income renters still trying to remain in Oakland. Confusing matters even more, Council Woman Nadel was a guest speaker one day later at an Interfaith Memorial Service For Homeless People. Weak rent laws and high rents are at the root of homelessness, and if an annual 12% rent cap replaces the present annual 3% rent cap, it will be a recipe for more homelessness. The December 19th Memorial Service was a gesture of Community Members to mourn the deaths of the homeless
that could have been prevented if society acknowledged that housing is a basic human right. Council Member Nadel joined Cindy Pile of St. Mary's Center and other
community members at the County Administrative Building for the Memorial. This only one day after proposing the 12% rent cap for Oaklanders at the December 18th C.E.D.A. Meeting which will certainly cause more homelessness if passed into law.

The opponents of the Task Force Deal were out in such large numbers that the C.E.D.A. Meeting had to relocate to the main Council Chamber to accomodate the
crowd. In an odd assortment of bedfellows this included Lobbyists from the Realtors Association's, the Rental Housing Association’s, and the tenants and their supporters who were against the Task Force Package Proposals. Representatives of Just Cause
Oakland were also at hand to oppose the lifting of the annual 3% rent cap. They also are opposed to banked rent increases and recommend that written material's promoting Oakland rent laws become multi-lingual.

One by one speakers took their turns at the podium with one minute to oppose or support the backroom deals made by the landlords and tenants union in the Task Force. James Vann of the Oakland Tenants Union who supports the Task Force Proposals was latter followed by a Lobbyist from the Oakland Housing Authority who is against Section 8 Renters having protections under the rent laws of Oakland. Task Force
documents reveal that Joseph Villareal and Sharon Brown of the Oakland Housing Authority were a part of the working group that made some of the proposals.
According to James Vann, he states that it was Joseph Villareal and Sharon Brown who lobbied against protections for Section 8 Renters under Oakland rent laws. From call's made to the Oakland Housing Authority to inquire about this, I received a call
late afternoon of December 19th from a source in the Authority. According to this source, I was told that the position of the Oakland Housing Authority is that they
believe that it is easier to market the Section 8 Program when renters have less rights or that the landlords have less red tape to contend with. For this reason the
Oakland Housing Authority supported the Task Force Deal because it would exempt unit's used by people with Section 8 Certificates/Vouchers from any protections provided by Oakland rent laws.

The Realty Lobby was opposed because of more red tape that would affect their practice of buying and selling properties that had people living there if the Task Force Deal was voted for. The Land Lord Lobby was opposed to the Task Force Deal because the City of Oakland demands a $1.5 million fee upfront from the landlords by March 1st 2002, to fund the new rent program. The landlord lobby is so over bloated
with the power to evict without cause that they do not feel the need to fund a rent program that may one day turn against them if the worm ever turns the other way.
Many Oaklanders are convinced that City Officials actualy want the money because of expected budget shortfall's ahead. If the Task Force Deal is passed, it is expected to reduce the workload in the Rent Program while at the same time pulling in more
money than ever before from the tenants and landlords of Oakland. This alone makes it appear all the more devious, as people wonder where will the millions of dollars go to during the next few years if the workload in the rent program becomes less than it is now. Presently, it only cost's someone $15.00 to petition the rent program, and last year there were under 600 petitions filed, costing less than $9,000 for the filed petitions to be processed and the customers to be serviced. Many question where will $1.5 million go if the task of the rent program becomes reduced from it's present work load if the Task Force Deal goes through. Most are convinced that the money will end up into the pet project’s of the Council Members as more welfare for the millionaire Raiders Football Players or some other form of Oakland madness, such as a $650.000 sign that may have to be torn down due to re-development.

Oakland tenants and their supporters showed up to oppose the Task Force Deal, and they offered their own proposals called the PEOPLES TASK FORCE PROPOSAL'S. These proposals were inserted into the public records at the C.E.D.A. Meeting along with a signed statement from 15 doctors and staff of Highland Hospital opposed to the lifting of the annual 3% rent cap. Copies were then given to the Council Members and the media who showed up in force to cover the event.

People’s Task Force Proposals

1) Housing to be provided for all homeless immediately.

2) Zero rent increases until housing crisis ends, except on the basis of proven need as determined by an elected district committee.

3) A "just cause" eviction measure with no eviction rights except for cause.

4) Return of full interest rates for deposits and last month’s rent.

5) Criminal penalties for fraud or theft or attempted fraud or theft from tenants by landlord.

6) Uniform rents for identical units in same building, with rates set at the lowest rental price.

7) Annual inspection by code compliance to enforce maintenance of buildings.

8) A mass program of public housing.

9) Equal protection for all renters.

10) Criminal penalties for landlords who seek to harass or victimize tenants who insist on their rights.

James Vann, the Council Members, Realty Lobbyist's, Land Lord Lobbyist's, et al, were not impressed by the Peoples Task Force Proposals or the tenants that opposed the crooks lining up to give them the royal screw. It was clear that the fix was in, and that no matter what, the tenants knew they were in for some hard times ahead. Some stood before the Council Members of C.E.D.A. stating that they knew this was all one big scam to strip the renters of their rights before the special interest's commenced to robbing them as fast as possible, and tossing them out into the streets to make room for the next victim's of the Eviction for Profit System. Said one person; this is nothing but a scam hid inside an Ordinance that will shift millions upon millions of dollars from the tenants to the landlords.

The Spees/Brunner/Vann Task Force Proposals will next appear upon January 15 2002, for a vote before the full City Council at 7.p.m. If passed it will strip the renters of their right's, it will allow huge rent increase's to go into effect, and it will accelerate the rent increases through the new rent program. It is expected to cost Oakland renters 10's of million's of dollars during the next few years ahead, as it GENTRIFIES the next generation of Oaklander's.

Oakland renters and activist's are urging people to oppose the Task Force Deal and to show up in full force at the January 15 City Council Meeting to defy the powers to be and their scheme to rip off the renters. Andrew Wolff who was tossed off the Rent Board for his stand to protect the right’s of Oakland renters, recently received notice from the Attorney Generals Office that his Petition to sue Mayor Jerry Brown over the unlawfull dismissal was denied. Despite this setback, Wolff was out publicly on KPFA earlier this evening during Wendal Harper’s Show "What’s the Verdict" to give a pitch for renters right’s and to get people to the January 15 Council Meeting to oppose the Task Force Deal. In a call to me after the KPFA Show, Mr. Wollf stated that he is very disappointed about the Attorney Generals decision, and believes that it was political in nature. Wolff also says that he was not surprised by the decision, and that he may appeal it in the near future.
by Joe Tenant

An article on rent control by SFWeekly
by Aunty Scamlord

Oakland renters praise the efforts of Campaign For
Renter's Right's, Tenant Action Now, B.O.S.S. , Wilson
Riles Jr. , the local tenant representatives who battle
the landlords in the court's, and all the other's who helped to expose the Dick Spees Task Force Deal for
what it truely is.


A special thanks to all who have opposed the deal which has brought the tenants movement to Dick Spees on a silver platter. Councilman Spees and Councilwoman Brunner are no friends to the renters of Oakland, and James Vann of the Oakland Tenants Union does not have the support of Oakland renters in this deal he helped to broker to enrich the landlords at the renters expense! This is dirty politik's at it's worst!

Problems with your particularly greedy landlord? Want to protest against him or her? Give the Campaign For Renters Rights a call. 510/ 569-3465 Call Now!

Efforts are underway to bury the Task Force Deal now and forever. May it REST IN PEACE.

Mark that Calander:

January 15 ---7p.m.---Oakland City Hall---for the City Council Meeting to oppose the deal of the Century for the GREEDY LANDLORDS called the TASK FORCE DEAL!

Show up early to sign up as a speaker to oppose the new rent laws being proposed, Bring friends! Bring sign's! Bring an attitude to save your ass from the GREEDY POWERS TO BE!

Renters vow to never let the members of the Oakland Tenants Union to ever sell them out again! Shame on all of those who support the Task Force Deal!

by John Reimann (crpntrs713 [at]
The campaign against gentrification of Oakland continues.

Next up is the Oakland City Council meeting of Jan. 15. We will be having a rally outside at 6:00 p.m. and then will be speaking at the meeting.

Anybody wanting leaflets to help distribute in their neighborhoods or wherever should e mail me or else call the Campaign for Renters Rights at (510) 595-4676
by Guardian Angel (heavensgate [at]

The below Dec 19, 2001, Tribune Article needs some clarification. I hate to see people get hoodwinked by a sloppy story. Guardian Angel

A) Supporters of this TASK FORCE DEAL are: James Vann of the Oakland Tenants Union;
Greg McConnel of the Oakland Realtors Association/McConnel Group (LL Lobbyist);
Councilmembers Dick Spees & Jane Brunner; and the Oakland Housing Authority who is pushing for the Section 8 Renters to lose their protections under Oakland Rent Laws.

Opposed: Small Realtors (to much red tape for them);
Rental Housing Association ( opposed because of March 1st deadline to pay City $1.5 million for fee to run the new rent program); tenants & supporters (opposed because they get screwed no matter how you look at it-James Vann does not have their support).

B) Smoke and mirrors. 30 Day No Cause Evictions move the eviction for profit system along. Tenants are supposed to feel safer knowing that after they are evicted they "MAY" try to get proof that shows why they were evicted. Then they have to prove to someone
that they were evicted because the landlord wants to makes a profit. When your homeless, or on the move out of state after an eviction because rents are so high, how does any of this help out a renter? It all starts after an eviction and is a ridiculous concept. Pure rubbish!

C) The $100,000 to help poor renters or landlords during mediation is a trial basis thing, something that will probably never happen, and it has not been worked out on paper in any of the staff reports. It is nothing but a suggestion meant to lure in the chumps to support all the bad stuff in the TASK FORCE PROPOSAL's that goe into effect immediately. It is not written in the shape of an Ordinance to be voted upon. More rubbish!

There is nothing below for renters except more hugh RENT INCREASES, FEWER RIGHT'S, and a new MEDIATION PROGRAM meant to speed up rent increases. Tenants even get to "step into the shoes of the old tenant's in time to receive rent increases the last tenant managed to escape from.

This is a hugh RENT SCAM disguised as an Ordinance called fair and balanced by the crook's who are marketing it to the local population!

This is a clear example why corruption is always rampant in Oakland, and the never ending stories later
appear in the press. The Council Members promoting this scam against the renters do not have a fig leaf to hide behind. May they all rot in HELL!


Article Last Updated:
Wednesday, December 19, 2001 - 10:15:31 AM MST

Few like new rent law plan
Panel votes to send ordinance to full council
By Laura Counts

OAKLAND -- After years of debate, the city is on the verge of adopting a new, compromise rent law -- though both tenant advocates and landlord groups are insisting it will do more harm than good.

The City Council's Community and Economic Development Committee voted 2-1 Tuesday to forward the ordinance to the full council on Jan. 15. Councilmember Nancy Nadel (Downtown-West Oakland) voted against it, and council President Ignacio De La Fuente (San Antonio-Fruitvale) was absent.

The council already approved the parameters of the new law last summer, but it took city staff about five months to craft the language of the ordinance.

The law includes some enhanced protections for tenants, such as requiring landlords who evict tenants to report the new rents to the city and to follow certain guidelines for increasing them, and allowing tenants who prove they were evicted solely so the rent could be raised to win relocation fees and attorney fees.

A $100,000 fund will pay for attorneys for those who can't afford them. Voluntary mediation will be offered in all cases.

It also includes benefits for landlords, such as replacing the 3 percent cap on annual rent increases with a complex formula that ties increases to the Consumer Price Index (CPI). That could allow increases of 5 percent or 6 percent, depending on the CPI.

In addition, new tenants will "stand in the shoes" of evicted tenants, meaning landlords would be able to raise rent on the previous tenant's anniversary date and pass along capital improvement costs to the new tenant.

An expanded rent board staff will be funded by a $24 annual fee on each unit, which will be split by landlords and tenants.

"There are some very set views on both sides," said Councilmember Dick Spees (Montclair-Laurel), who had convened a task force of tenant and landlord groups to hammer out the law. "It's easy at the end of the day, to say 'I wasn't informed, I wasn't included,' but we reached out to all parties . . .. We are trying to arrive at something fair to both sides."

But among a parade of 35 speakers at the committee meeting, only a few endorsed the new law. Members of the Oakland Association of Realtors said it was a fair compromise.

"You can't make rent control simple," said Greg McConnell, former director of rent control programs in Berkeley and Washington, D.C. who worked on Oakland's law. "This will make it very difficult for a landlord to evict a tenant, raise the rent and not pay serious consequences."

Members of the Rental Housing Association of Northern Alameda County, which had sued the city over a temporary freeze on rent increases following evictions, argued that the 22-page ordinance is too complicated for small property owners and tenants to understand and will just create a new city bureaucracy.

"You'll have to hire high-priced lawyers, and high-priced consultants to comply," said Steve Edrington of the association.

The landlords also argued that the formula for rent increases -- which averages the CPI's for Oakland, San Jose and San Francisco and subtracts the the CPI for shelter -- is not only complex but is unfair. It should be linked to CPI, they argue.

Tenants, meanwhile, want the city to keep the current 3 percent cap on rent increases, since the new formula will allow for larger increases. They also oppose a provision that will require tenants who dispute an increase to pay it while their case is pending. The current law allows them to put the increase on hold until the case is resolved.

"This was a fundamentally flawed process. It was unfair to tenants, since landlords had to give consent for everything in there," said James Vann, who ended up being the sole tenant representative on the task force that came up with the plan because others walked away.

The new law exempts units built after 1983 -- as the old one did. It also exempts subsidized housing from the rules.

Tenants said they will work to get a "just cause" eviction measure on the ballot for November. Such a measure would only allow landlords to evict tenants if they prove a good cause. Now, landlords can evict by giving 30-day notice.

Nadel said she voted against the ordinance because she is not sure whether it will be better than the current law. She said she will support the "just cause" campaign.

"I don't want to create more complexity unless it's necessary," she said.


©1999-2001 by MediaNews Group, Inc. and ANG Newspapers

Breakdown Analysis Of Differing Factions Over New Oakland Rent Laws.

Published on the S.F.IMC...

Note: Oakland has chosen to solve the Housing Crisis
by raising the rents so high that low-income renters are forced out of town. This makes more room for the YUPPIE's, and takes the heat off of escalating rent's.
The Task Force Deal will create homelessness in order to make room for the higher income renters.

Last year rent's rose in Oakland by 21%, and Oakland
became the 4th most expensive U.S. City to rent in,
after moving from number 7 during the past year.

Despite these figures, the Task Force Deal will allow the rents to accelerate to even higher levels during the next few years. It will create tremendous hardship for all
the victims it will create.

The following factions were apparent in the Rent Law Feud over the (Spees) Task Force Proposals. Some by their presence at the C.E.D.A. meeting, others apparent because they failed to appear for their own reasons and wanted to remain hidden.

1) Land Lord Lobbyist's. (Appeared)

2) Realty Lobbyist's. (Appeared)

3) Pro-Tenant Attorney's. (Appeared)

4) Oakland Housing Authority. (Appeared)
Good or bad, Dan Siegel is a Steering Committee Member of Just Cause Oakland while at the same time a Commissioner on the Oakland Housing Authority.
It should be noted that the Housing Authority pushes to remove Oakland Rent Law protection's from covering Section 8 Renters in Oakland.

5) Landlords/Realtors. (Appeared)

6) Tenants. (only a handful (few) Appeared)

7) As a result of the failure of Just Cause Oakland/Oakland Tenants Union Membership to step up to the plate and organize resistance to the
Dick Spees Task Force Proposals the following analysis is needed to help the renters of oakland understand the dynamics of what is occuring. Oakland
renters did not have the major support of Just Cause or the Oakland Tenants Union in fighting the Task Force Deal. Why?

Membership of the Oakland Tenants Union and Just Cause are mostly the same folks who wear different hats to suit their needs.One moment one may be with Just Cause and the next moment the same person claim's to be with the Oakland Tenants Union. In this case because the (Spees) Task Force Proposals were exposed as a rent scam being bad for renters, Members of Just Cause and the Oakland Tenants Union failed to appear at the Pro-Tenant Nov 21 rally upon the steps of City Hall, or for the Dec 18 C.E.D.A. Meeting/Pro-Tenant Rally. Because James Vann of the Oakland Tenants Union promoted the Task Force Deal as being good for renters even though it was not, most people of the Oakland Tenants Movement remained hidden in the shadowsfrom the public as they silently watched the renters of Oakland getting screwed by
the Task Force Deal. It was easier for them to watch the renters get screwed than it was to oppose James Vann. This shows poor leadership and a lack of solid support for the renters of Oakland by those that would rather play the politiks of turf battles within the Tenants Movement.

As a result, the renters were left on their own without the support of Just Cause or the Oakland Tenants Union. Members (JCO/OTU) were livid that the
Task Force Deal was exposed for the crap it was, because they felt it made the movement look bad due to members being involved in the schemewho were working with Dick Spees and the landlords. Especially James Vann, who accepted the role to pull in the others into this mess. James Vann and others did all that was possible to discredit the critics of the Task Force Deal.

This revealed the crack's in the Tenants Movement of Oakland, and how the low-income renters and Section 8 Renters lack the support of the so-called
Tenant Activist's in Just Cause and the Oakland Tenants Union. Low-income renters were not part of the equation in the Task Force Deal, and became fodder. Fodder in the sense that the low-income renters were the sacrificial lambs offered upon the economic alter of ECONOMIC CLEANSING.

It also revealed the pecking order of the Tenants Movement, in which no one was encouraged to oppose James Vann who wants to be KING of the Tenants
Movement in Oakland. It was James Vann who sunk Just Cause during their last Campaign when he screwed up over 7,500 valid signatures, and time ran out. Now, James Vann works for Dick Spees and Jane Brunner to deliver the Tenants Movement into City hall to kowtow to the Task Force Deal. Oakland renters reject James Vann for selling-out the renters to the landlords.

James Vann still push's for the Task Force Deal and still tries to sell renters on protections that do not take effect until the renters has been evicted. Renters
realize this is rubbish, and do not want to be evicted to gain some right's that will litterly be impossible to follow through with or obtain. Greg McConnell (LL Lobyist) easily sold this to the landlords and City Official's who can make it impossible for the renters to obtain their right's. They know that out of over 200,000 renters, less than 600 filed petitions at the rent board last year.
The LL's like the odd's and know few if any renters will ever be a success in trying to get any of their right's in the new Task Force Deal of Dick Spees. It's
a rigged game to begin with.

When it was pointed out to Alex Salazar and Hunter Pyle of Just Cause that the Task Force Deal was something that the YUPPIE's could live with because they could afford to pay into the new scheme if it passed into an Ordinance, they became angry and Hunter Pyle sent copies of e-mail's around to the members of Just Cause and the Oakland Tenants Union. C Kaufman and other's then send nasty comments to (the critics) for pointing out the YUPPIE angle. These same members used their anger as an excuse to fail to support the renters of Oakland at the recent rally's on Nov 21 and Dec 18, and Holly Fhinck of Mission
Housing has been bad mouthing one of the critic's during the past year for her own petty reasons but remained silent at a recent meeting of California Tomorrow because the cat was out of the bag about the James Vann collaboration with the LL's on a deal that was BAD for all renters of Oakland. Holly Fhinck no longer had (Lynda Carson) to kick around at that point, because James Vann had the spotlight upon himself for his collaboration with Spees/landlords.

In analysis of Task Force Deal.

1) The Oakland Tenants Union made an error in supporting James Vann ever the Task Force Deal which is bad for renters, and as a result became neutralized.

2) Just Cause Oakland also was neutralized because of connections to James Vann, and failed to support the renters of Oakland.


A) Because of the membership often being the same for JCO/OTU, both became neutralized by the Task Force Deal.

Suggestion: Membership of the 2 group's should become seperate.

B) Petty squabling due to being politicaly correct, vindictive, and members whom are elitist have failed to be inclusive, and lack support for low-income renters.

Suggestion: Wake up JCO/OTU! Efforts to marginalize others because they may think for theirselves, be low-income, or not a part of your elitist group, only
in the end shall marginalize your selfs and destroy the very same movement you claim to support. No one has the answers, and is not in charge of any of this.
At the same time, what we do matters, and it is time to oppose the Task Force Deal with all that WE can muster as our resources. PEACE!

The Oakland Tenants Union and Just Cause Oakland are quickly losing the trust of the community for their in-action's as of late, and their involvement with James Vann and the Task Force Deal.

They have until the January 15 Council Meeting to get it together or forever be known as the Oakland Tenants Movement that let down the Tenant Community because of petty

The renters of Oakland need Just Cause Oakland and the Oakland Tenants Union to support TENANT'S RIGHT'S, and hope that JCO/OTU will wake up before it is to late.The JCO/OTU needs the renters of Oakland to move ahead. Bring the in-fighting to an end. PEACE! No more deals with the powers to be that oppress the community!

I know you all are good people that mean well. There are times when we all get caught up into circumstances that confuse us all. Do not let history record that the Task Force Deal passed because JCO/OTU was snookered by the plans of Dick Spees, Jane Brunner, and James Vann.

January 15 at the City Council to STOP THE TASK FORCE DEAL by any means necessary!

This is all about the TENANTS!

This analysis is meant to enlighten all who bother to read it.


Lynda Carson
From: Inside View Of Task Force Proposal's 12/23/01
(PART 2)
For another view about the C.E.D.A. (Dec 18) Meeting where the renter's right's were for grabs, along with their money, and housing?

The insiders at Just Cause and the Oakland Tenants Union did their best to make sure many others did not appear at the C.E.D.A./Task Force Meeting on December 18th to support the renters. James Vann works with Sean Herron of the East Bay Housing Organizations who claim to be supporters of low-income renters. None of that crowd showed up to protest the Task Force proposals that are harmful to the renters of Oakland if it becomes law. Sean Herron even
has been known to go as far as to tell people that the Task Force Proposal's were good for the renters due to his loyalty to James Vann. It was no accident that so many failed to appear to support the renters.

Folks from P.U.E.B.L.O. and A.C.O.R.N. also failed to appear, and all the other so-called pro-tenant supporters in the local non-profit sector of Oakland. People worked hard to make sure that there was little friction at the C.E.D.A. Meeting on December 18 to protect their own interest's, and James Vann. The word is that the non-profit's do not respect the work of organizers that are not non-profit's, and they tend to look down on them from their elitist positions. Most also receive City Fund's, and as a result have their hands tied or are afraid to stand up on their own two feet.

No one from Sentinel Fair Housing was there to represent the renters, and Wandra Remmers of Housing Right's Inc was hidden away. W Remmer's was part of the Task Force working group that came up with these proposals. No one that was pro-tenant
from the Rent Board appeard to support the renters either, but the pro-landlord Rent Board Member (Nina Tanner Smith) showed up to spit venom at the renters in her support for the landlords.

This is a dirty scheme to fleece the renters from the word go, and few had the gut's to stand up against the thugs behind it all, and many became involved because of James Vann.

It is good for all of this to become public so that people can see what occurs behind the scenes when BIG MONEY is involved. This deal is worth many, many, millions to the developers and the landlords once it becomes passed into law. Raise the rents on
200,000 renters by an extra $100-$150 per month, and that is real money!

Only the people of "B.O.S.S." as an Organization showed up to support the renters, and much credit goes to them for their integrity, and loyalty to those they serve. Most of the other non-profits are so status bound that they have become elitist's and believe that their shit doe's not stink. They live the YUPPIE LIFE STYLE and do not wish to rock the boat.

At the least the renters of Oakland know that B.O.S.S. is someone they can trust in this crowd of corrupted so-called do gooders. Special thanks to Anne Omura and the Eviction Defense center, Kendra M.Wilson, Boona Cheema, Phil Rapier, Ira Jacobowitz, Bob Salinas, Leah Hess, Andrew Wolff, and all the others that arose above the petty politics in the Tenants Movement to support the renter's during their time of need. If the Task Force Deal goes through and the 10,000 Section 8 Families lose their protections under Oakland Rent Laws, Just Cause may never protect them. If the Task Force Deal passes, rent's will shoot so high that landlords will evict merely by raiseing the rents, and Just Cause will not apply to those people.

The Task Force Deal is a RENT SCAM to make the rich even richer, as it make's renters helpless while the crooks plunder the Bank Account's of the tenters on a monthly basis.

Just Cause Oakland and the Oakland Tenants Union can now feel free to oppose the Task Force Deal now that the spotlight is lighting up the shadows. Do not let the renters get SCREWED because of petty squabling inside the movement.


Breakdown Analysis Of Differing Factions Over New Oakland Rent Laws.
Plus more...

Published on the S.F.IMC...

Sincerely Lynda Carson
Date: Sun, 23 Dec 2001 23:47:20 -0800
From: "Toni Locke" <Tonil [at]

Subject: Re: Analysis:C.E.D.A. Meeting/Task Force Deal

I carefully read what Tom and Lynda had to say. As a concerned citizen Iwould like to support a constructive and viable proposal to solveOakland's housing crisis step by step. What I am missing is answers.
What is the first, most important step? What is the goal? I understand your critique and agree, but what do renters of Oakland demand when they appear on January 15th? What city leaders will carry the ball for them? Has Wilson Riles been involved in this issue? As editor of a small neighborhood paper I'd like to be able to help our local east Oakland/lower hills residents clarify the issues. As you point out the petty in-fighting and personal power grabs turn most people off. Toni Locke, the MacArthur Metro.

You wrote:

> Breakdown Analysis Of Differing Factions Over New
> Oakland Rent Laws.
> Plus more...
> Published on the S.F.IMC...
Hi Toni...

I wish I had the answers to the Housing Crisis.

A) I know that the key is to have more than enough affordable housing for low-income renters that are now stacking up 2-3 families per unit in the E. Oakland areas.

B) I know there needs to be a system in which profit no-longer is the motive for evictions. To many casualties.

C) A massive project of Public Housing to create housing for the existing homeless is the place to start.

D) A fast recognition or higher conciousness
for all Americans that housing is a human right for all of it's citizens and guest's.

Council members to support the renters on the January 15 Meeting? It appears that the fix is already in, and the decision was made to dump the low-income renters to deal with the housing crisis. At best, Nadel is there for the renters.

Brunner and Spees insist that they have a deal, and they do not like the idea of a deal going sour which involves soooo much money for the developers and landlords. I predict the vote will be:

Spees, Brunner, De la Fuente, and Reid, shall vote for the Task Force Deal.

"Nays" shall be Nadel, Wan, and Mayne if tenants are LUCKY. Mayne has Union members mad at him to keep him in line, but Wan will probbly be the slippery one to watch.

Either way tenants lose if majority votes for the deal.

Sincerely Lynda Carson 510.763-1085

by Tom Tenant (tenantsrule [at]
Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2001 12:50:44 -0800
From: hrights [at] | Block Address  | Add to Address Book
To: "Tom Tenant" <tenantsrule [at]>
Reply-to: hri [at]

Please remove Housing Rights, Inc. from you e-mail list.

Wanda Remmers

Tom Tenant wrote:

> Published On The S.F./IMC. Click below for the real
> story.
> Oakland 12% Rent Cap Proposed
> By Lynda Carson 12/19/01
NOTE: One by one, the Task Force working group members who reached a consensus to sell out the Oakland Renters of Oakland fail to apologise for their actions. Wanda claims to promote Housing Right's, but had no qualms about the back room deal she was part of that will hurt the renter's of Oakland. She just wants people to shut up, and live with what she helped to create...

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