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A New Yorkers Rant

by Doc C
Then there are the fairy tales involving disappearing black boxes and asbestos passports
Every time I find more evidence or another story I wonder if people cannot see the truth or simply choose to ignore it.

Since this all started and evidence surfaced contradicting the offical government/massmedia version, I have debated these points and provided the evidence showing almost no truth in the government's version of 9/11.

I have managed to stand firm on every issue I present, while those who would argue in favor of the offical version have had to say things like, "Well I'll admit someone dropped the ball", " I agree that stock thing is funny", " You're right about the oil". Basically changing their original stance on almost all the issues. Yet I'm the conspiracy nut?

I can always count on insulting responses filled with opinion and theory, never facts. Trying to brand me as an unamerican militia retard with a screw loose makes your waltz around the facts seem like a good response. Mastering a large vocabulary does not make one intelligent. But then again who is the bigger fool, one who would argue with a fool or the fool?

If executive orders that confiscate your property with no recourse, and allow you to be placed in a government work camp seem like a perfectly reasonable thing to you, who am I to argue. If you're down with a one world UN-controlled government (New World Order) which would implement socialism/communism, maybe I should shut up now. If you're in favor of anthrax and other bioweapon attacks being handled and treated by the great grandson and corporation that supported the nazi policies of killing off the "human weeds", then I guess you're a flower. If the idea of attacking your own citizens and blaming it on someone else comes across as the rantings of a conspiracy nut, I suppose you were absent during history class.

Then there are the fairy tales involving disappearing black boxes and asbestos passports, Tail sections that fall off or bounce 8 miles from the crash site while Jeffery Beamer saves the day. All I can say is enjoy your smart bombs that can't tell an american from Tailban, your loss of civil rights and greatly increased surveillance, send your favorite corporation a donation cause your tax dollars were not enough. Then tell your fellow american "tuff shit you lost your job -- what, am I supposed to pay for your welfare?" Don't forget to register your guns so uncle sam will know where to pick them up. Keep telling yourself the man who stated he was a drunken bum living off his father's money till he was forty and stole the election is doing a good job of dropping millions of tons of bombs on a country we were told had no targets to bomb, Oh I guess that's why our troops finally landed in Afghanistan.

When your child lies dying from american made smallpox or plague like the american made anthrax try to remember the pictures of the dead Afghan children who got in the way of american justice. Finally when you bury your child cover his or her casket with that american flag you so proudly display. Maybe you'll remember this unamerican conspiracy nut who tried to tell you the truth. Good luck in your delusion of reality.
by yeah, brother

People are wimps these days. They only want the happy truth. You know, though, telling it to people who've been screwed by the system works. Black folks have a much bigger stomach for reality than the majority of whites who are spoiled. Therefore, if we unify with them, tell them, who won't be surprised by the antics of rich asses, then atleast you aren't left to bang your head against the wall because people who find truth inconvenient are trying to label you as not worth listening to. What if all the TV stations over the country were gone? People would possibly have to form their own thoughts for goddamn once. See, human beings are herd animals and will emulate what they see the majority or the 'sucessful' do. They like to believe those barbi dolls on the evening news. They like the sugar coated version much more than the one which demands they THINK, and act like human beings and not consumers. See, a human is responsible for their fellows. A consumer isn't. Group theory states that there are people who follow natural laws and those who follow laws set by humans. The latter group looks for what they can get away with doing as opposed to what is right to do. People also have a tendency to emulate the behavior of 'leaders.' Notice how many people were smoking pot once Clinton got in office? Now racism, murder and vigilante justice are hip. Beware, beware, beware. Sheep can be as deadly as wolves when a wolf leads the herd. Plus, no one wants to be labeled an oddball themselves. This is why say in Cincinnati, there is no support for alternative ideas. The progressives can't get the guts to stand alone, or support something the conservatives don't like. They kill truth for personal safety.
by Aliya
No public evidence has been produced to show that Osama Bin Laden was responsible for 9-11.

If there were evidence, we would have seen it.

It is quite possible that no one in the government knows who was responsible.

Perhaps the government (or rogue elements within the FBI, CIA, or other agencies) were responsible. We cannot be sure.

What we can be sure of is this: the US government has acted in a way --diplomatically, militarily, economically-- so as to guarantee we would be attacked by someone.

The wonder is, it did not happen earlier, more often, and on a larger scale, considering how much damage the US has done elsewhere.

We can also be sure that MOST of those in power, in the adminstration, in the military, in Congress --at the highest levels-- are essentially happy about what happened. They may deny it. And if they actually lost relatives or friends in NY or DC, they are probably not happy. But the vast majority of people at the top are benefitting from the vast increase in police powers, in executive power, in military power, in increased budgets for those LEAST accountable. Notice that even the most powerful Congressman are hardly balking at all from the increased power given to the military. Why? Because they will not be held accountable either. Condit's recent behavior and re-evaluation illustrate the point.

In summary, whether the government planned the 9-11 attacks or not, the lead up to the event, and the reaction to it, would be the same. And the government is doing everything it can to MAKE SURE that MORE 9-11's happen. They may round up hundreds or thousands of potential terrorists. But they don't really care about stopping or preventing terror. If they did, they would behave very differently. That should be obvious to all.

Doc made many good points, but the equation of socialism and communism with the One World Order? That's a capitalist gig bent on controlling all the labor and resources in one place. See, if people were free to work at the things they enjoy, if they didn't have to suck up to bosses just to survive, just how long would a "world order" last?
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