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Indybay Feature

4 Week Update SF Election Fraud

by Justice
The election fraud crisis against the public power initiatives Props F and I on the November 6, 2001 ballot continues 4 weeks later. There are now reports of floating ballot box tops appearing at the Richmond Marina and at Stinson Beach. When elections director Tammy Haygood was asked to explain why precinct numbers were still on some of the floating ballot box tops during Thanksgiving weekend if they had been washed and left to dry, she stated the job was not yet done.
The election fraud crisis against the public power initiatives Props F and I on the November 6, 2001 ballot continues 4 weeks later. There are now reports of floating ballot box tops appearing at the Richmond Marina and at Stinson Beach. When elections director Tammy Haygood was asked to explain why precinct numbers were still on some of the floating ballot box tops during Thanksgiving weekend if they had been washed and left to dry, she stated the job was not yet done.

In addition, the pep rally during the long count of the ballots was mandatory for the election workers.

These latest stories all add up to one thing: Tammy Haygood is flaunting her power because she has authority from the ruling class to commit the election fraud. This is what being a good Democrat is: Just like the Republicans, they commit election fraud to perpetrate the profit motive, against the interests of the workingclass. Do not ever vote for the Democrat-Republicans.

The story on the Richmond and Stinson Beach ballot box tops appearing is in the San Francisco Chronicle, Matier & Ross, 12/5/01 at:

The Bay Guardian's latest installment on the election fraud, 12/5/01, including Haygood's explanations and required pep rally

One of the pro-public power site is also following this election fraud story:

The San Francisco Examiner, Warren Hinckle, 12/3/01, refers to an earlier episode of Democratic Party election fraud in the 1970s, using the CIA front, the People's Temple, to add 5,000 illegal votes to the 1975 (not 1976) mayor's race (and many other Democratic Party races in the 1970s, including that of Willie Brown and Jerry Brown). Hinckle's story is at:
He states: "The last citywide candidate who had no interest in crossing Market Street to the Castro and the leather environs further South of Market was the late conservative Supervisor John Barbagletta, who was defeated by George Moscone in 1976 by a narrow 3,000 or so votes, give or take a few stolen."

The election fraud website covers the whole story of the People's Temple-Democratic Party election fraud of the 1970s at:

One of the Democrats for whom everyone must never vote is Senator Dianne Feinstein, who not only opposed these public power initiatives, but has now come out in support of the fascist military tribunals. These presidentially-appointed (not elected) tribunals will examine a case in secret, with the victim defendant being selected by the illegally "elected" Pres. Bush and the victim defendant not being able to present and cross-examine witnesses, be able to convict with a 2/3 vote, be authorized to order the barbaric capital punishment that has been abolished in the rest of the industrialized world, and there will be no right of appeal. These are no different from the CIA-sponsored hooded military judges in Peru which illegally "convicted" Lori Berenson.
See the print edition, Chronicle, 12/6/01, "Bush Pushes Tribunals to Try Terror Suspects."
The Lori Berenson story is at:

San Francisco regularly gives 70% of its vote to Dianne Feinstein, despite the fact that she has always been reactionary. If you do not like the candidates for a given position, skip that position. Always vote your conscience; vote your hopes, not your fears. Do not play games with your vote. The "lesser evil" is always evil.

As to the election fraud, that can be overcome with massive participation as voters and as pollwatchers at City Hall on election night after 8 p.m. The election fraud can only occur when not many people are watching. If you care about your right to vote, please exercise it and defend it. Remember, election fraud is fascism and an election fraud team is a strike-breaking team.

Public power will be on the November 2002 ballot. Be sure to register to vote now and be sure to vote. We need hundreds of people at City Hall to watch the ballot counting after 8 p.m. on election night, November 5, 2002.
by Gregory Baker

Thank you, Justice, we needed that. Here in the Dot Com Banana Republic, people need to wake up and smell the voter fraud. And, if Dianne Feinstein's veins aren't filled with formaldahyde, I'm a monkey's uncle.
by Justice
The Los Angeles Times has a good story online on December 5, 2001 on Democratic Senators Schumer (New York) and Feinstein (California) supporting military tribunals. See

To San Francisco voters: In November 2000, you gave 222,000 votes (72%) to Senator Dianne Feinstein, 47,000 (15%) votes to Republican senatorial candidate Tom Campbell and 32,000 (10%) to Green Party senatorial candidate Medea Benjamin. This is not a liberal vote at all so if you want our city to continue to have a progressive reputation, please come to your senses and stop voting for the Democrat-Republicans.

And when you are done voting your conscience on November 5, 2002, come to City Hall after 8 p.m. to watch the ballot counting. We need hundreds of voters to make it clear to the Democratic Party machine sitting at City Hall for the past 40 years, with the cooperation of the Republican Party, that we will not tolerate election fraud anymore in our city. And we will have public power!

Now is the hour for public power! Power to the people!
by William Arbonies (Cathnob [at] ao.coml)
Dear Tammy Haygood,
HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RACISM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Majority of over-paid and overly benefited
in this tiny city are Black !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stop the shit ! The Civil War was 155 years ago !
GROW UP !!!!!
William Arbonies
1177 California St.
San Francisco, CA. 94108
P.S . How many White men are working in SF
City Hall now ?????????????????????????
by William Arbonies (Cathnob [at] ao.coml)
Dear Tammy Haygood,
HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RACISM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Majority of over-paid and overly benefited
in this tiny city are Black !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stop the shit ! The Civil War was 155 years ago !
GROW UP !!!!!
William Arbonies
1177 California St.
San Francisco, CA. 94108
P.S . How many White men are working in SF
City Hall now ?????????????????????????
by William Arbonies (Cathnob [at] ao.coml)
Dear Tammy Haygood,
HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RACISM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Majority of over-paid and overly benefited
in this tiny city are Black !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stop the shit ! The Civil War was 155 years ago !
GROW UP !!!!!
William Arbonies
1177 California St.
San Francisco, CA. 94108
P.S . How many White men are working in SF
City Hall now ?????????????????????????
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