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Indybay Feature

Why aren't people screaming about the latest S.F. election fraud?

by Gregory Baker
Once again, we've allowed ourselves to be duped, and P, G & E are laughing up their sleeves.

Amazing. Here we are in the most progressive city in the country, and our elections are stolen at will. Anthrax scare at City Hall? You've got to be kidding me. Ballot boxes moved out of City Hall to the Bill Graham Auditorium? Incredible. Why aren't people screaming their heads off? Where's the protests? Where's the independent investigation? P, G & E is saved by the bell, and no doubt drank champagne (or blood), while we suffer another turn of the screw.
In other parts of the country, San Francisco is being laughed at for being the dot-com banana republic.
People in Chicago should be grateful that we've taken the mantle from them. "Vote early and vote often", they used to say. In this town, you HAVE to vote twice to have one vote counted against the thugs who run the show here. If in doubt, just ask questions about Dolores Evans. She was a Bayview-Hunter's Point poll worker who was going to give deposition on voter fraud in her polling place. Her house was burned to the ground with her and her five children in it. We are no doubt playing for keeps here.
Most activists tend to specialize in one cause or another. It's time we ALL specialize in taking back our elections. We missed a great opportunity to pin P, G & E's ears back, and we can scarcely afford to let it go by the next time. Come on, San Francisco, try harder.
by yep
I fucking agree 100%. I have thought I was going crazy, being the only person who thinks that. Even the damned Guardian seems to have rolled over on this one!? What the hell? Election fraud is run-of-the-mill in San Francisco. Progressive doesn't mean that the city is any less corrupt. Progressive means that the city SEEMS less corrupt. This is ridiculous. We should call out Willie Brown as the criminal that he is and take back this city!
by sf rez
...being investigated by the state. They just came out with the results of their investigation into the 2000 election, which also had many irregularities. Provisional ballots, my ass! Willie brought in people from the East Bay and had them vote provisionally! If you ask me, Tom should already be mayor right now.
by .
I'm not necessarily happy about the outcome of the voting either & all of the irregularities. However, you must realize that it is actually possible that the majority of people did vote differently than you. Secondly, I don't see any proof in the above article of fraud, just speculation. If proof is found, then it is time to scream. However, it is pointless to whine and cry every time things don't go your way.
by hm
Hey dumbass, you know why they call it FRAUD? Because it is done in secret, tried to be kept secret, and done without throwing tons of proof out. The only way to get proof? Investigate. Talk about it. Get the word out. Etc.

There have been cases of election fraud where the 'proof' is common knowledge, and it *still* doesnt matter. Take, for instance, the last presidential election.

Or the reknowned fraud that goes on in Miami, Chicago, Washington DC, etc.

Election fraud is a persistant problem that American democracy has yet to be able to solve.

Everyone, PLEASE keep complaining! Someday we'll be able to actually fight this and win.

by Justice
Please read the website which has the story of Delores Evans at the very beginning, in its dedication. It recounts the story of the election fraud in the 49er Stadium Swindle election of June 3, 1997, wherein we voted 70% No on the Stadium Swindle Props D&F, and Willie Brown's thugs changed the vote to 50.2% "yes." Read this website THOROUGHLY. You will find earlier Democratic Party election fraud (just as evil as Republican Bush's election fraud) in the 1970s in San Francisco. See:

In December 1999, Willie Brown changed his 40% vote in the December mayoral runoff to 60% in exactly the same manner as was done on June 3, 1997. Tom Ammiano won that mayor's race with 60% of the vote. He had all of the tenant vote, which is 50%, plus 10% of the property owner vote.

In November 2000, Prop L, the controlled growth measure to stop the dot-com takeover was defeated with election fraud.

In November 2001, the moving of the ballots without notice, placing them in locations that often had no guards, and taking an extraordinary time to count an ever-changing number of votes was the election fraud committed against Props F and I, the first of which supposedly lost by 533 votes, and Prop I supposedly lost by a little more. Both Props F and I passed.

Willie Brown's organized crime thugs, at the behest of the Chamber of Commerce whom he serves, have been committing election fraud in the 1990s from 1995 when Willie Brown was "elected" to the present. Willie Brown was always an organized crime, pro-gambling, pro-tobacco legislator, as that is the world he comes from both in Texas and his San Francisco uncle's home, where he lived when he first came here. His defense of civil rights protesters was just for the paycheck. His opposition to the anti-gay sodomy law was to get votes to get elected so he could further his career as a real estate attorney, by which he became a millionaire, and which involved the "whitening" of San Francisco, that is the eviction of the workingclass black community under "redevelopment." He was so reactionary early in his career as a legislator that Kathleen Cleaver of the Black Panther Party ran on the Peace & Freedom Party ticket against Willie Brown for Assembly in 1968. For Willie Brown's history of election fraud, see the biography "Willie Brown" by James Richardson (1996: University of California Press). He started this aspect of his reactionary career by committing election fraud as a member of the NAACP. This section of the book is also on the website at

We must have massive voter participation not only as voters but as pollwatchers, both at the polls and especially at City Hall on election night after 8 p.m. in every election. We need hundreds of people exercising our legal right to watch the opening of the absentee ballots and the counting of all ballots, regular, absentee and provisional.
by Paul Batitsas
Many of your readers have touched on the corruption of our trusted \"alternative media,\" the SF Bay Guardian, KPFA, etc. Have you noticed that there is nothing there, and there has been no investigtive reporting, no nothing. You can put FAIR in the same boat. Their focus is \"the mainstream media,\" but we know how bad they are. I submit that in terms of hypocrisy and perpetrating a fraud, KPFA, the Bay Guardian, the Nation takes the cake. They\'re more racist in hiring than the mainstream media and where is the risky reporting? Have you noticed the pro-war, anti-civil rights and downright mediocrity the Bay Guardian has been endorsing: George Miller, Pelosi, Eschoo (sp?)--the bottom of the barrel! No. Bensky, Redmond, Bruggmann are lying through their teeth if they maintain that they fighting genocide or power. Listen to those Sunday broadcasts of Bensky et al on KPFA. With all the serious, challenging topics they could be doing, that don\'t even cost anyting when they come from public sources, you can see that they are actively suppressing info day in and day out--or haven\'t you noticed that they aren\'t allowing anyone--you, me or their employees--from just getting on the air to do non-libelous takedowns of the criminal class. Put out the word! We\'re On To You Frauds!
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