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Free Republic: Truth is Casualty of War

by not-so-free-republic
The home of the "Freeper" movement is coming to terms with its own internal fascism. Remember when you didnt speak out for the Arabs? Now they are silencing you. The Free Republic website isn't very free at all, and Jim Robinson explains why here. "We don't need people questioning our leaders..." hahaha
And now a few words from Jim Robinson:

Lots of grumbling lately about deleted posts. Well, my friends, the simple truth is the game has changed. We are now at war. We have been attacked by a vicious cold-blooded force of international terrorists who want to destroy our nation, our freedom and our way of life. There is no doubt about this. Knowing this, I am alarmed to read some of the stuff that has been posted to FR in the last few days. This is not the time to raise doubts about our leaders. This is not the time to raise conspiracy theories. This is not the time to second guess our intelligence agencies. This is war. This is survival of our way of life. We must unite behind our Commander-in-chief and do all we possibly can to support him and our war efforts. We do not have a choice in this matter. The terrorists who attack us do so without warning and without mercy. They do not want peace. They do not want to co-exist. They do not want appeasement or negotiation. They want to destroy us. They want to destroy our way of life. They want to destroy our freedom. They want to destroy our nation. They have no conscience, no respect for life, no compassion and will give no quarter. Death of the USA is what they seek.

Many of us on Free Republic are veterans or have family members who are veterans or who are currently serving in the military. We have each sworn a solemn oath to defend our Constitution and our nation. We will not waver in the face of adversity and we will not shirk our responsibility or fail to do our duty. Regardless of our political differences, we will join together to support our nation and to crush our common enemy.

All of us can help out. There will be opportunities coming for volunteers for all sorts of wartime activities. There will be opportunities to help our men and women in uniform, our civil defense efforts, our war production efforts, giving blood, buying war bonds, cooperating if there are shortages, supporting our leaders and generally supporting the war effort.

There will also be precautionary measures. First and foremost on this forum and elsewhere is to respect the fact that we deal in political information. Many of us may personally gain access to sensitive information that could harm our military or our war efforts if it falls into the wrong hands. If you live or work in an area where you may learn of troop movements or war plans or if you have family members or friends who may have access to this information, please do not spread it around. We will be on the lookout for any "Loose Lips" info and will delete it when spotted on this forum. Now, information that is already printed in the newspapers may or may not fall into this category. Usually, published information is fair game to post. But, please be careful in what discussions may follow.

Also, as I said above, it is essential for all of us to unite behind our President. Now is not the time to seek political advantage. Now is not the time to raise doubts about our government or our military, and now is not the time to post conspiracy theory or to engage in smear attacks. And, no, my finely feathered, tinfoil-hatted friends, we did not do this to ourselves. The U.S. government did not start this war. We were victims of an unprecedented, pre-meditated surprise attack, perpetrated by hostile, cowardly foreign parties. This attack may not have been in the military scale and scope of a Pearl Harbor, but in terms of lives lost and impact on the nation and the world it is every bit as severe.

Even so, we have confidence. We know that our nation is the strongest in the world and that our people are resolved to do whatever it takes to win. We've done it before and we will do it again. This is our heritage. Securing the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity in the tradition of our forefathers is our duty and obligation. And I have faith that with God's blessings, we will rid the world of this evil threat.

God bless you all and God bless America.


Jim Robinson
by just wondering
This guy has an address, right?
by Mulberry Sellers
Is there that much difference? Same social and economic origins, mighty similar psychology, same sense of anger and aggression, same "herd leader" at the fore...

The historical precedent looks more obvious all the time.
by C.S. Lewis (lewisc [at]
Hey, count your blessings, folks! Usually, you'd pay a pretty penny for that big a load of horse shit...

"We must have law and order! Without law and order, our nation cannot survive!" -- Adolph Hitler, 1933
by El Diablo (el_diablo_1997 [at]
<I>I am alarmed to read some of the stuff that has been posted to FR in the last few days. This is not the time to raise doubts about our leaders. This is not the time to raise conspiracy theories. This is not the time to second guess our intelligence agencies.</i>

What a dumb fuck. This is the perfect time to question our leaders and what they're doing, and what they've done. I'd like to make sure that we don't set ourselves up again to get royally butt-fucked on the international stage again. And yes, 50+ years of the US's interventionist foreign policy is mostly to blame for 9/11/2001. So from that perspective, we did this to ourselves. The truth hurts...
by Blowback
We were booted off the Free Republic about three months ago for posting reprints from the infamous and definately tell-it-like-it-is web site of former Office of Naval Intelligence covert operative,

In addition to this, we were kicked off for posting stuff that linked CIA connected Bush cabalists to local (as in Southern California) mob types, listed instances of police corruption and civil rights violations, Yakuza connections to a local State Assemblyman, and allegations related to associates of the nefarious John K. Singlaub & Co.

We put up our own humble site where we live by the saying: they can run, but they can't hide and the truth is the best PSYOP of all...
by nada aqui, querida (deafeningprescience [at]
Hey, JR, people are about to die, and the best you can come up with is, "now is not the time to question?" The time to question has been all along, and now that we've gotten a wake up call to that directive, you say it has suddenly stopped? Give this man a gun. Fire at will.
by anon
this is great!! thanks for distributing this. for a long time i have talked about how free republic is a front for government and corporate interests. i am not very much in the leftist bullshit on here, but at least they are not marhcing in patriotic lockstep. and to freepers everywhere, ha! welcome to the army where you don't question anything, enjoy your stay!
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