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#1 author Arundhati Roy essay BANNED IN USA

by Jaguar Johnny
#1 bestselling author, Arundhati Roy, *God of Small Things* with her new essays: 'Algebra of Infinite Justice', and 'War is Peace' both BANNED IN THE USA..

<CENTER><FONT SIZE=5 COLOR=#ffcc00>FLASHPOINTS RADIO</FONT><Br>produced by Dennis Bernstein</CENTER>

<FONT COLOR=#ffff99><STRONG>Friday Oct 26, 2001 - <small>Start Audio</small></strong> <IMG SRC="" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=25 WIDTH=52 ALT="for audio FAQ, click here"></font><br><FONT COLOR=#cc6600>-</FONT><FONT COLOR=#ffff99>00:00</font> <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Dennis Bernstein</FONT> w <IMG SRC="" align=right hspace=4 BORDER=1 HEIGHT=108 WIDTH=100 ALT="Arundhati Roy">
Dennis w Indian novelist, Arundhati Roy (link2), author of London Times number 1 bestseller,
<I>God of Small Things</I> and <I>Power Politics</I>.. <I>The Cost of Living..</I> and since 9-11 the essay <I>Algebra of Infinite Justice</I> (banned by the U.S. press) and.. four days ago, published in the UK Guardian, her latest essay, titled <I>War is Peace (Brutality smeared in peanut butter)</I> (also so far banned by the major U.S. press, with the notable exception of <A HREF="#roy1">Flashpoints Monday 10/22.. (a reprise of Monday's show) Arundhati Roy reads her essay <I>War is Peace</I> for Flashpoints.. excerpts:.. <I>since the end of WWII the U.S. has made war on China, Korea, Indonesia, Cuba, Belgian Congo, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Granada, Libya, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama, Iraq, Bosnia, Sudan, Yugoslavia.. now Afghanistan.. .. with all due respect to president Bush, the people of the world do not have to choose between Taliban and president Bush.. and a half million people lost their lives in the war against the Soviets, and the ensuing civil war.. Afghanistan was reduced to rubble, now being reduced to dust.. about laughter in the Pentagon briefing room.. the Northern Alliance track record is not that much difference from the Taliban.. all warlords.. Taliban just changing uniforms.. .. about the rudeness of Rudi Gulianni.. for every hundred innocent people killed there is a good chance of several more terrorists.. once violence is accepted as a legitimate political instrument.. .. will drive everyone crazy.. all kinds of.. unloosed.. <FONT COLOR=#FFFFFF>STOP THE WAR NOW.</FONT>. George Bush recently boasted, <I>'When I fire a $2M missile, it will not be to hit a $10 empty tent, and a camel in the butt'..</I> about the <I>Carlyle Group</I>, run by Bush family cronies.. about UNICAL trying to get the Taliban to let them run an oil pipeline through Afghanistan.. at the time the Taliban mistreatment of women was not so well known.. in America, the Oil Industry..
</I><br><FONT COLOR=#cc6600>-</FONT><FONT COLOR=#ffff99>28:00</font> music break

<br><FONT COLOR=#cc6600>-</FONT><FONT COLOR=#ffff99>28:40</font> <IMG SRC="" align=right hspace=4 BORDER=0 HEIGHT=216 WIDTH=178 ALT="Arundhati Roy"> <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Dennis</FONT> interview w <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Arundhati Roy:</FONT> <I>(9-11) absolutely horrifying.. also horrifying.. how the leaders reacted to it, without weighing their words, like a misslie going out into the hearts of the poor around the world.. when the twin towers fell, also tumbled the myth of the 'free' market, the myth of.. ..time for the people, for the media, to stopping marching always to the..</I> .. <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Dennis:</FONT> a number 1 author, no major publisher will cover your work now? <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Roy:</FONT> all around the world, they publish me, in America now the free press will not.. Everybody had some reason or another.. But published in London, Germany, Spain, Finland, Sweden, (long list), but not in America.. If you say something often enough, it becomes true..<FONT COLOR=#FFFFFF> GWB gives no space.. I demand that space.. I am NOT with the terrorists, and I am NOT with George Bush.</FONT> [You can not make me live there.] <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Roy:</FONT> I am not with him and I am not with the terrorists.. this is hegemony of the mind.. it is unacceptable.. very dangerous.. trashing traditions of jurisprudence.. America doesn't think of itself as one country in the world, it thinks of itself *as* the world.. more powerful than America's nuclear bombs, is the media.. if any institution could change the world, the U.S. media.. but not doing it, creatures of the government.. every thing is corporate, everything has a price tag.. about Hollywood.. these terrorists attacks like some Hollywood fantasy come true.. I a little skeptical about this so called free press.. <FONT COLOR=#FFFFFF>The American Media has become a laughing stock, a laughing stock, it's just a joke..</FONT> ..maybe it's not so bad, but that's how it seems to me.. Dennis: about the spectacle of the richest country .. bombing the .. out of the poorest country in the world.. <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Roy:</FONT> nothing can justify terrorism, whether by religious extremists.. or wars of retribution by recognized governments.. .. an insult to one's intelligence.. such a mess of dishonesty and immorality.. <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Dennis:</FONT> about bin Laden's relationship with the CIA.. <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Roy:</FONT> harvesting these religious extreme feelings for.. what's left, a kind of religious fervor.. you can not have a democracy when you have a rich country arming extremists.. <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Roy:</FONT><FONT COLOR=#FFFFFF> if the Taliban is mistreating women, America is not going to stop them. <I>We have to stop them.</I> </font><FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Roy:</FONT> about the similarities of George Bush and O.. .. ..breaking the stranglehold of the media.. I'm somebody who does my best.. in America today people need the information, need the understanding.. let them make up their own minds.. <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Dennis:</FONT> how do we 'win' the war against terrorism.. Like saying you're going to win a war against war.. how do you win a war against war? never stop trying for peace.. terrorism is a.. not a.. .. .. that's exactly what they want..<FONT COLOR=#FFFFFF> we are falling into a terrible terrible trap.. put our heads together, tap into the wisdom of the world.. what *is* being done about it is boneheaded..</FONT><br><FONT COLOR=#cc6600>-</FONT><FONT COLOR=#ffff99>xx:xx</font> <FONT COLOR=#ffcc00>Noelle Hanrahan</FONT>, events: Oct 31, theatre with Lily Tomlin, bbenefit for KPFA FREE call? 510-548-9540?.. now Noelle w John Sheridan and David Green for KPFA LAB.. John Sheridan, local advisory board.. about the local advisory boards.. <br><FONT COLOR=#cc6600>-</FONT><FONT COLOR=#ffff99>5x:xx</font> End today's show.. <FONT SIZE=1 COLOR=#6600cc><I>today's review by john (enough of being 'ruled' by bitter old men) lionheart</I></fonT><hr>
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