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Thousands of Civilians Dead in Afghanistan

by Justice
Thousands of civilians in Afghanistan may be dead. The stories are now coming out from the refugees. This is clearly a war of genocide so Unocal can set up its oil pipeline through Afghanistan from the Caspian Sea to the Indian Ocean. See:
Thousands of civilians in Afghanistan may be dead. The stories are now coming out from the refugees. This is clearly a war of genocide so Unocal can set up its oil pipeline through Afghanistan from the Caspian Sea to the Indian Ocean. See:
by S

Be careful with internet information: it is full of holes and often people of all stripes use it to manipulate or worse.
A good example in the Cincinnatti Independent Media Center where Saddam Hussein a man who has bought 1000's of tanks and aircraft from the Soviet Union, chemical weapons from Germany and has had wars with Iran, Kuwait, Kurdistan and Israel.
Take him off our media! Ban the mlitary dictator who used poison against 5,000 innocent lives-the man who used the ANFAL Campaign and removed 178,000 citizens from farming villages to relocate them.

For acurate news, read the internet pages of Feminist Majority Foundation led by Eleanor Smeal in Arlington Virginia.
by Bill
Is your truth the only truth? Do you have to stoop so low as to criticize Indymeaia to gain attention. It seems to me that you would be the one to be wary of. You are acting like the US Gov't in trying to suppress the right of the people to speak and that means all people all over the earth since this is the WWW.

I would encourage Osama Bin Laden to post here if possible so we can all hear what he has to say, not just you.
by Jon
the kosovo air campaign lasted far longer then afghanistan, was much more intense as measured by air strikes per day, and was targeted around more dense civilian areas.

yet, only 5,000 were killed.

it is highly unlikely that more then a few hundred civilians have been killed, over a 1,000 is almost unimagineable.

and Unocal's pipeline?
get real.

saudi arabia supplies the US with 60% of its oil. we wouldn't jeopardize losing saudi arabia to fundamentalists just so we could pick up a secondary oil pipeline
by typical patriot
that's what we can say about new york, right? only 5000 killed. heh. not even that.
by Justice
The testimony of John Maresca, VP of Unocal before the House Committee on International Relations of February 12, 1998, describing Unocal's desire for a pipeline through Afghanistan for Caspian Sea oil can be found at:

Oil companies do change their names, as we have seen Texaco become Equilon, etc., but until we have further notice of any new name for Unocal, we will simply refer to it as Unocal.

Further, not only is South Asia an oil-rich area, as Maresca's testimony so clearly describes, it is the edge of Russia, and this is yet another plan to encircle Russia, an item on the agenda of world imperialism since 1917. Remember the US was one of the countries that sent its military to smash the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. The US government has never stopped trying to destroy not only the Soviet Union but the strength of a united country, as the primary goal of the US, like all other capitalist countries, is maximization of profit. The former Soviet Union has lots of natural resources needed by the industrialized world and without a Soviet Union, the labor to extract those resources will be cheap.

The daily bombings, the use of cluster bombs, the repeated bombings of homes, hospitals, Red Cross warehouses and the like clearly describe a genocidal war against the people of Afghanistan. Thus, the refugees' reports of thousands of dead people are credible.

As to the World Trade Center deaths on 9/11/01, the initial reports were up to 40,000, based on the number of people who worked and serviced that Center during daytime, weekday hours. Then, suddenly, we get these low, albeit still horrifying figures of 5,000, and now they are claiming 3,000 died. This is obviously to minimize the insurance claims and the obvious lawsuits that are sure to be filed. The liability on the part of the City and Port of New York is very great. The most outrageous story yet is the locked stairwells to the roof, where helicopters could have saved hundreds of people trapped on the top floors. This was due to some kind of turf dispute between the fire and police departments. Another reason to minimize the deaths is that the government's story on what happened on 9/11 is now so obviously full of holes that the government has to minimize the loss. The evidence points to this being a CIA-military action, in other words a Reichstag Fire or Nero burning Rome, so as to create fascism at home and war abroad. The war abroad is of course beneficial to the war profiteers. Sure enough, the stocks have risen as the military contractors benefit from our tax dollars, while all our social services starve.
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