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Corporate Media Coverage of Terror Strikes Ignore...

by Interview by Between The Lines' Scott Harris. (betweenthelines [at]
Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Robert Jensen, associate professor of journalism at the University of Texas, Austin, who evaluates the credibility and bias found in mainstream corporate media reporting of the devastating New York-Washington terror attacks.
Corporate Media Coverage of Terror Strikes Ignore Root Cause of Hostility Toward U.S.

Interview by Between The Lines' Scott Harris.

Not long after the first video images of the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon were broadcast, TV newsrooms presented their reports, adorned by designer logos and dramatic theme songs. Typical was CNN's title logo "America Under Attack" projected over an ominous soundtrack. This was the context in which initial reports covering the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing wrongfully blamed Arab terrorists. Of course, TV viewers later learned that U.S. based right-wing extremists Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols were responsible.

With the subordination of journalism to the demands of ratings and profit margins, many broadcast news divisions have transformed their reports on breaking news stories to something more akin to a game show. The world of infotainment, as it has been dubbed in broadcast and cable TV, often focuses more attention on style than substance. Today's corporate television executives have found it far less expensive and more profitable to invite several guests into a studio to shout at each other rather than devote resources needed to hire skilled investigative journalists to uncover the truth. This has led many critics to charge the media with gross negligence of their professional ethics that in the end deprives the public of vital information.

Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Robert Jensen, associate professor of journalism at the University of Texas, Austin, who evaluates the credibility and bias found in mainstream corporate media reporting of the devastating New York-Washington terror attacks(A RealAudio Version of this interview may be found At

Contact the group Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting or FAIR to read more about media omission and bias by calling (212) 633-6700 or visit their Web site at

To receive Between The Lines Weekly Summary and/or Q&A, email btlsummary-subscribe [at] and/or btlqa-subscribe [at]
by Samy
The media is force-fed Federal money. They are bought and sold to the elitist, the PC crowd, the intellectuals, the ruling class group - you know, the ones that don't live in working class neighborhoods or ghettoes, the ones that look stress-free and snouty and noses up the air cause they are so much smarter and better than the rest of us. The ones that won't let us talk, the ones that are on tv, radio, universities, social workers, professionals, friends and family of Bill and Hilary and Janet Reno and their elitist crowd. What happened to our government, the Constitution and Bill of Rights and people rule? The first original government, the freedom lovers had a rule - no lawyers in government, the bureaucrats could not vote. Now look at the mess we're in becaue the experts are always so fucking stupid. Oh, oh, they are going to call a woman that swears - "terrorist". Watch out! They may label you (if they don't send their cops and dogs after you first). Fucking chicken shits. Can't work, too lazy or smart enough to work a real job - so have to use us to get a career.
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