Racial Justice
Racial Justice
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US Congresswoman Presents US Human Rights Abuses at WCAR

by HYPE (mediablacks [at]
A report about US human rights abuses exposed in Durban...
DURBAN, South Africa, 03Sept01 - US Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney met with a high United Nations official to present evidence of US government human right violations.
In a meeting with United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson, McKinney presented two documents as evidence of the US government's violations of both US and international law. She documented violation of the International Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
The first document given to Robinson was "Confidential Memorandum 46", written by former US National Security Advisor to the President, Zbigniew Brzezinski, on March 17, 1978. It details the federal government's plan to destroy functioning black leadership in the United States.
This document provides a critical insight into the federal government's concern at the growing influence of the African American political movement. The second document is a report entitled "Human Rights in the United States [The Unfinished Story- Current Political Prisoners- Victims of COINTELPRO]" and it was compiled by the Human Rights Research Fund, headed by Kathleen Cleaver.
This document provides an overview of the U.S. government's own "counterintelligence program" against its own citizens.
From the 1950s to the 1980s, the program was run in the United States against political activists and their organizations. The excesses of the counterintelligence program were first exposed in 1975 by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, known as the Church Committee.
"From as early as the 1950's and right up until the 1980's," stated McKinney, "the US government directed the machinery of state against the African American political movement and, in so doing, effectively put an end to the civil rights movement inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King.
"COINTELPRO was in clear violation of the U.S. Constitution and a wide range of US laws, as well as, in clear breach of internationally accepted standards for human rights and fundamental freedoms.
"That our government would turn its full resources against its own law abiding citizens is unforgivable and ranks us among those rogue nations of the world who have chosen to kill hope and sow misery in its place".
-- Distributed by HYPE, mediablacks [at]
by Bretton Jones (brettjones69 [at]
As we move through the years, history suggests we become more progressive and liberal. In recent years, however, the mass population has been blindsided by our own government. The people want progress. The government wants money. It's that simple. Now I am a peaceful man, but there comes a time when I question my own convictions. What is necessary? Have we done enough. E-mail me for further discusion.
by inchanted horse (aborigional [at]
as i look to the carnage that killed millians of turtle islanders ab-origional roots. the medicine man and medicine woman were killed first. 2000+tribes and countless clans were anihalated { such an ugly word i cant even spell it ) i must ask myself what were these kings , in a chain of command fashon, trying to kill off. the medicine people are the center of the medicine wheel. it was the wheel , the vital , connectedness! yes , it is still happening!!!
several prophesys come to mind here as well! the 'white buffalo calf woman and the hopi take the lead for me!!! this leads to a-riseing nation. this is a spirit and spirits cant be killed and live in time-less-ness!!! seek the returning spirit , the wheel!!! as , wheel , goes to wheel to wheel. this will roll over the schwaawgg!
the prophesys will come true*** believe it***
but if you eat corporate food , drink corporate alcohol , and believe the illusion. you help the corporate!!!
the herbalist, the organic farmer , and the activist are the heros of the 2000s , to this elder!!! the ab-origional way! the health-full focus!!! keep it up!!! learn about the wheel!!! the wheel is love of the mother. deadicated-ness!
love is the only emotion, the rest are selected illusions.
so dont forget to poop , and eat your veggie soup , then rock on by to the organic apple pie!!! just dont poop in your soup!!! until critical mass asswholeism,just seems, to rule! the mohawk , keeper of the eastern direction of the iriquois confederacy. was just 10% traditional in the 70s are 50% today. jump in the wheel with four feet and thus become bear medicine!!! tee hee*** there is a good red road.
seek to find!! rock on white buffalo clan i see you riseing.
cause i dont focus on corporate poop and i poop it away! and the crows are talking to me , right now!!! the crows come home to roost. the most organized of the winged ones.
inchanted horse
by I'm Right Again
It is very ironic that the Africans are making the accusation that the United States is a racist nation. It slipped their attention that the U.S. outlawed slavery in the 19th Century, while most African nations continue to practice slavery and racist brutality into the 21th century.

Palestinian terrorists call Israel a "racist state" which completely ignores the racially-motivated car-bombing murder campaign undertaken exclusively by the Palestinians.
by just wanna know
aren't there more palestinians living in squalor in refugee camps than israelis?
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