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Indybay Feature


by SPACE 2001 - (SPACE SAYS; "GET EVOLVED"!)! (kennspace [at]
With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, let US strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle -- to do all which may achieve and cherish a just, and a lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.....
( [] ) ...............
Abraham Lincoln...............................
Dear Editor of the Seattle Times,

[{( This letter is published on these and other web sites, - and has been emailed to a lot of other different resources:

(I am now in the process of emailing this letter to over 1,500 media outlets, both mainstream and alternative (around the world). August 19th, 2001 (1:00pm pacific - Hope to be at Hempfest before 4:00! - I need a long bath...) )}]

[Seattle Times: August 19, 2001: \"When cops draw their guns\".

Dear Editor of the Seattle Times,

Whether it is Seattle police on the streets, or the \"surgical\" killing done in a \"death chamber\", killing a human being for any reason, is murderous and terrorism. (State sanctioned.). The idea that when a police officer kills someone it is somehow \"justified\" because they are a police officer, is ridiculous. When anyone kills anyone, or suffers a traumatic human death, whether it is by accident or with intention; they could lose their job, their family - everything that is precious. They may even become a \"self - terrorist\" and kill themselves. When a person is involved in human death, the more traumatic it is, and the more responsibility they feel for its creation; the more of their personal humanity will die. A person can only suffer human death in silence for so long, - before all that is left is terror. It is the personal human justice every person feels from the experience they have \"set\" themselves up for; called, your \"feeling conscience\".

The culture of the United States has created millions of these disenfranchised people; they blow up high schools, federal buildings, beat their wives and kids, and generally just create the terror they are feeling.

A police officer is a human being, it is time we started treating them as such. As soon as the Seattle police are on the same side as the \"public\" they are supposed to serve and protect, I imagine that will be possible. With the federal drug war, as it now stands, there are two cultures in Seattle: Seattle people and Seattle police.

Kenn Dzaman ]

(PS; I do not feel Seattle is even trying to prepare for what is about to happen in this city. - Seattle was not ready for WTO, and I see no real progress in communication in discussing \"future\" (see below) events. (So much so, -me and my girl,- are moving out of town at the end of the month, and you will not hear from me again...but I still have 12 days!..)

[Please contact me if you need to \"use\" Mike at all...).]
Contact me at: Michael

From : To : kennspace [at]
Subject : Police Shootout on Capitol Hill
Date : Sat, 18 Aug 2001 18:39:54 EDT

On the morning of Dec. 17 I was attacked by Officer Rick Traverso and Officer Rick Garniss and they filed a false police report about the incident alleging that I was the aggressor. That morning Traverso was driving the car and approached me at a high rate of speed and then Garniss came running out of the car yelling dirty names at me as the lights from the car were in my eyes. I didn\'t know who it was so I knocked Garniss down as he ran up to me. Then I saw it was a cop so I stopped and they proceeded to beat me up. I spent 31 days in jail and was tortured at the King County Jail because of their false accusations. Later it went to trial and they both lied about what happened and I was found guilty of two counts of assault three because of their lies. A security guard who saw the incident did not agree with their testimony but I was still found guilty. I went to internal affairs to report them and absolutely nothing was done. I warned them that they were dangerous and would cause more trouble but they did not listen. This was in the summer of 2001, long before the Capitol hill shootout.
Traverso, the police officer that was driving the car that rammed the other car on the morning of July 10, has a very bad reputation. Rick Traverso was involved in the killing of Michael Ealy in Dec. of 1998 at Denny Park. Michael was beaten with a flashlight and died from asphyxiation after being beaten by the police and medical personnel. I was at the trial for the wrongful death of Michael Ealy and watched as the lies were being spoken on how the police responded and their actions that led to Michael\'s death.
Because of Traverso and Garniss and their lies my 5 year old son was taken away from me and placed in foster care by CPS. Traverso and Garniss are not people that can be trusted to be law enforcement officers and they belong off the street. I feel very threatened by them because of how they operate.

They are a disgrace to the Seattle Police Department and trouble was in the air long before the shooting incident of July 10, 2001.

Contact me at: Michael

P.S. I belong to the Michael Ealy Social Justice Foundation and the October 22 Coalition to stop police violence, we are trying to curb the activities of Officer Traverso and other rogue cops who have proven themselves to be a disgrace to the Seattle Police force. We need police we can trust not a bunch of cowboys who are out of control.

[{(I am in touch with witness\'s and will be filing their complaints along with mine when criminal charges are sought after the Seattle police department. This will be happening sometime prior to the very large demonstrations that are happening in Seattle the last week of September 2001. Is the Seattle Times just trying to ignore that one? It was in the New York Times, (August 18, 2001; page;A7; \"Washington Is Seeking Support To Handle Protests at 2 Meetings\".), - that Margaret Nedelkoff Kellems, deputy mayor for public safety and justice was seeking 30 million dollars from Washington DC for Seattle security costs. I really feel if Seattle wants to survive this next one (I am moving) you better all start talking about it now. The number of people at this next \"event\", is going to make WTO look like it did not happen. If I were Seattle (and I am not) I would have the Hempfest people handle it!).

To : kennspace [at]
Subject : Re: Thanks! keep wokin! Re: Police Shootout on Capitol Hill
Date : Sat, 18 Aug 2001 20:12:24 EDT

Now that you mention the Drug War, where the drug corporations have taken over the running of the medical needs of the people by buying the medical professionals to be their paid stooges. Reality has gone out the door and the love of money has come in and those in charge are a bunch of criminals who have forgotten what America is supposed to be all about.
After being arrested by Garniss and Traverso, I was placed on the 7th floor at the King County Jail because they said I was delusional. They tried to send me to Western State Hospital for a 90 day evaluation. Also they tried to drug me and I was under serious attack by their brain dead mentality.
I sit on the executive board of the Well Mind Association and I was on the board of the Alliance for the mentally Ill of Washington State AMIWS. We were trying to represent the State in the administration of the mental health of Washington State. However another group SWAMI State of Washington AMI was formed and NAMI selected them over us even though we represented 70% of the people in Washington State. The Well Mind Association believes in proper nutrition, complete medical workup and talk therapy but the drug companies control NAMI National Alliance for the Mentally Ill. I was one who stood out against the drug companies and I believe that I was targeted for elimination by the Seattle Police when they falsely arrested me and tried to send me to Western State Hospital. I made it out of their clutches by the skin of my teeth. But they still have my 5 year old son in CPS foster care and are saying that I am dangerous and am an unfit father. We are sending him to Missouri under a guardianship to his relatives in order to get him away from their system of mistreatment. They put him in mental health counseling without our knowledge and against his wishes and are keeping him a prisoner in their system even though he has voiced over and over again
his desire to be returned to his mommy and his daddy. They have fought us at every step of the way and have damaged our son with their mistreatment of him. Also they have put me through extreme mental anguish as they mistreated him and treated
me with no respect what so ever.
There is an extremely evil system of mind control that is being instituted in this nation and those that are implementing it are not friends of America and what she is supposed to stand for. Research COINTELPRO and find out how they destroy any enemies of there system that could cause its demise. The government of the people, by the people and for the people has become the government of the people, by the corporation and for the rich. The love of money truly is the root of all evil.

The price of freedom is constant vigilance.
In Struggle, Mike

From : Mike
To : kennspace [at]
Subject : Re: Thanks! keep wokin! Re: Police Shootout on Capitol Hill
Date : Sat, 18 Aug 2001 21:05:55 EDT

Call 264-5527 to get updates on October 22 Coalition Ch 77or 29 on TV and call 685-1797 to speak with Ophelia Ealy, Michael Ealy\'s mother who is in charge of the Michael Ealy Social Justice Foundation. Also Tony Granillo who is working on the Citizens Human Rights Commission for control over the Seattle Police Department. Call Tony at 206-444-8229 Also Pat Champion works with Tony, watch ch 21 on TV and get on Tony\'s E-mail list also Mrs. Ealy has an E-mail address.

Together we shall overcome. In Struggle Mike

P.S. Traverso and the boys are into Free Masonry and work on the dark side of the force and they are in big trouble now. They have blown their cover. The night after WTO when the police came up to Capitol Hill they were bragging how they were going to kick some ass. Pride goeth before the fall.

Death (execution?) will kill you, Mr, Governor; it will kill US all.

Surgical Killing; Part #1:

Surgical Killing; Part #2:

Surgical Killing; Part #3:
(continuation and completion)-

(To those of you getting this more than once, sorry, I had to cut it in three to get it to the Governor, President and Vice-President; and I wanted you to have the exact copy I had sent them, I know what to do next time....) thanks..

Dear Executioner - Governor Gary Locke,

Death (execution?) will kill you Governor Gary Locke. Did you see on the FRONT PAGE of the Seattle PI (today August 18, 2001) \"State\'s chief justice calls for reform in death penalty justice system\". I am calling for \"reform\" also. It must end. You are an executioner and a killer creating terrorism, and you could stop at any time.

This letter is posted on the Internet (at this) and many other news sites:

Execution is Government-Sponsored Terrorism-Murder.
(Surgical Killing; Part #1).

This letter appeared in the Seattle Press June 22, 2001 - I am repeating it. - It has also been posted around the world.

Please stop killing people and calling it \"execution\", if you are going to kill them, please, call it what it is; execution is terrorism and murder, Governor Gary Locke - and have no doubt in your mind, body, or soul; it is what you, Governor Gary Locke, are creating.

Kenneth G. Dzaman

Execution is Government-Sponsored Terrorism - Murder.
To the Editor: Jun 22, 2001 -- Seattle Press

\"I\'m sad because there is good in (him) and because this begins our country\'s involvement again in the cycle of violence.\" -Inmate Minister Ashmore talking of his meeting with Timothy McVeigh

\"Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or ill, it teaches the people by its example.\" -Justice Brandeis

I do not support or believe in the United States Federal Government any longer. I do not support a government, or a culture, that has the power to execute it\'s own citizens. I do not believe that executing a human being is justice in any form, it is terrorism and murder. I do not support a government that has the power to create this cultural terrorism and execution of human life. When the United States people stop executing human beings and creating this terrorism, I will support the United States government; until then, I do not support the United States government and I will help change it. (I am not a martyr, terrorist, or savior; I am human.)

Human execution is a human perversion that is both cultural and individual, even if it is your self. Any human who enjoys or desires to create the execution and death of another human being (or themselves) is a terrorist. Thank you, United States, for making my decision so easy (even though its action is so hard); I do not support terrorism, execution, war, or murder, therefore I do not support the United States government. Executing a human being is terrorism and it is what the United States is creating. I do not support terrorism. The United States military kills people all over the world all the time. We are witnessing this killing and terrorism being created in the United States where the military machine is being created. It will be the people of the United States who dismantle this terrorism we are creating - one way or the other; Either through peaceful and conscious evolution, or through perversion, execution, and terrorism. We need to stop this terrorism of executing human beings before it kills us all. If you do not see and feel this terrorism now, you will. Please help stop terrorism from being created by feeling it now, before it takes someone else \"by suprise\"; it could be someone you know. Please help stop humans from killing humans, it is terrifying, and it creates terrorists.

Kenneth G. Dzaman

[Opinion] {Letters to the Editor - Seattle Post Intelligencer}
Wednesday, August 8, 2001 RENTON

[Capital punishment perpetuates violence]

On Aug. 28 at 3 a.m., most of us will be sound asleep while James Elledge is scheduled to be executed at the Walla Walla State Penitentiary. Intimate participants in the execution will be employees of the prison system. I cannot even begin to imagine what it must be like for them to go to work that day. I think I would call in sick.

Having worked for more than 15 years as an advocate for survivors of domestic and sexual violence and hearing their horrific stories, compassion for offenders does not come easy for me. However, I still believe if we continue to execute human beings, we are perpetuating violence in our society and asking individual human beings like those who work in the prison system to participate in an act that must crush the soul to its very core. I agree with Henry Schwarzchild, former member of the board of directors of the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty, who said,
\"We must refuse as citizens to be made into willing co-conspirators with a violent crime.\"

Sandi Thompson-Royer

Dear Real Change,

I have emailed this to thousands of people and government officials.
I am not an editor, and in trying to explain a feeling, I am rather long winded...
I hope this story will interest you, and you could possibly do your own report as the case proceeds.

I would like to place this ad that is appearing in the Seattle Times--PI ($176.00), the Seattle Weekly (back page $124.00 - bold and colored!), ETS! (not-sure, they are billing me - $100.00 or less), (and it is posted on many web sites).
Could you put a nice ad in Real Change for $100.00 (or less) also? (For one - two issues?)
Please bill me, - If you need a credit card for payment - please email or call, and I will get it to you.



A Call to Seattle RESIDENTS - WITNESS\'S NEEDED; To Seattle Police officers - crashing into Seattle police officer\'s, and shooting 20 to 39(?) bullets at Seattle Police officers; July 10th, 2001; 1:32 AM; [Just North of - the crest of the hill - at east Roanoke St and Harvard Ave East - (on Capitol Hill).]. If you live in the area and have felt, (or feel), any \"endangerment\" (or fear) due to this event; (or if you feel you have any information you would like to witness); Please contact: WITNESS, PO Box 85503, SEA WA, 98145-1503
[Email: kennspace [at]]


Dear Mayor of Seattle Paul Schell and Seattle Police Chief Gil Kelikowske,

I would like to meet you, (not just to discuss this email), but because, even though I may not agree with some of the decisions you have made, I like you! I would say the same for Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske! (I liked his picture on the front page of the Seattle Times today, his look calms me.) I do not have the fortitude for either of your jobs, so I am glad you are doing it, and want to continue....
wow, that takes guts and determination! (I would have bought the tree also, but I would have gotten toilets downtown also, I wouldn\'t want people having to pee on the tree! (Plus a lot of the alley\'s downtown are starting to smell like urine, reminds me of New York, and the first time I saw one of those caricature signs of a man urinating with the circle and line through it........I cracked up, cause I needed to pee at the time!...).

I also have guts and determination, and they are getting in the way, again.
Call it a \"gut feeling\", but I feel it would be a good idea to discuss this email before I do all I can to legally file (and have investigated) the charges and ideas -in this email.

I would also love to meet the Police Chief, Gil Kerlikowske, and discuss this email sometime also. (Maybe at the same time? You might have an easier time showing me other options or approaches, if you \"ganged\" up on me?) This is still in planning stages as to how this will be handled, and I feel both of your input would really help. (If you feel anyone else may be interested in discussing this also, I am looking for advice and input on handling this - in the most positive way possible. I am not out to hurt anyone, I am looking for accountability and facts.).

I hope you will contact me.

Thank you,
Kenn Dzaman

PO BOX 85503
Seattle WA. 98145-1503

email: kennspace [at]
private phone: 206-271-8562

Dear Humanity,


I will be sending this email out (as it gets updated) unless you request to be taken off my email list.

(No meaning to offend or be combative, If you feel that is justice, you may not want to read this and request now, that you be taken off my email list.).

Thank you,

From : Anthony Espinosa <aespinosa [at]
To : \"\'kennspace [at]\'\" <kennspace [at]
Subject : About your recent web ad...(also print)
Date : Fri, 10 Aug 2001 07:37:50 -0700
<kennspace [at]; Fri, 10 Aug 2001 07:37:52 -0700 (PDT)

Your order number is 924939. The ad is scheduled to print starting 08/12/2001, for 7 days, ending 08/18/2001, printing in classification 102-Announcements. The price of the ad is $176.25 for 14 lines.The Seattle Times, representing the Seattle Post-Intelligencer


A Call to Seattle RESIDENTS - WITNESS\'S NEEDED; To Seattle Police officers - crashing into Seattle police officer\'s, and shooting 20 to 39(?) bullets at Seattle Police officers; July 10th, 2001; 1:32 AM; [Just North of - the crest of the hill - at east Roanoke St and Harvard Ave East - (on Capitol Hill).]. If you live in the area and have felt, (or feel), any \"endangerment\" (or fear) due to this event; (or if you feel you have any information you would like to witness); Please contact: WITNESS, PO Box 85503, SEA WA, 98145-1503
[Email: kennspace [at]]

(Will be appearing in \"other\" Seattle print publications this week.).

Dear National Urban League,
Dear Mr. Hugh B. Price,

Please help me, to set a precedent.


[{ .(Please,,,,,,,,,, here is all the information, for anyone (you) to publish this anywhere. Please help!! I am trying to get this around the world, - (and let people take the action), --with the phone numbers and email address\'s-- ((of those who should be working on this in Seattle Washington)) to let them know how this makes you feel, or not.). }]

[{( Please help!!! Make a phone call, send an email;;; SEATTLE NEEDS HELP! PLEASE --- Help battle the drug war - intolerance, - and racism, in SEATTLE law enforcement and the Seattle police! )}]

Kenneth G. Dzaman

kennspace [at]

Space 2001 PO BOX 85503 SEA WA 98145-1503


[[[ I am mad that the Seattle police department shot 20 to 39(?) shots at each other, due to an internal error that almost killed people, and it could have killed me.
If you feel the Seattle police knew what they were doing when they shot these 39(?) bullets at each other, -that is even scarier than me being mad. I feel laws were broken by the Seattle police department, in allowing this to happen on the streets of Seattle; by allowing an internal\" error to be repeated; (negligence) (and the \"public\" property of a police car and shotgun were repeatedly allowed to be stolen - without informing the public). ]]]

\"We cannot teach children that there is nothing that is wrong or dishonorable and that nothing is worth standing up for. The abuse and lies of elected officials made public in recent times cannot be accepted because they are claimed to be merely personal or commonplace. These acts are disgraceful examples for our children and, if condoned, destructive of our society.\"

From the article July 27th, 2001; in the Seattle Times:
\"Promoting civility on the streets of Seattle\".
by Patrick Fitzsimons; Seattle Police chief from 1979 to 1994.
Even after this has been in the Seattle Times, there is still no action being reported on, or taken, by the Seattle media, or government..

If the former Seattle Police Chief is asking for help, so am I.

Dear Common Sense for Drug Policy, August 11, 20001
Please help US in Seattle Washington.
Things haven\'t been the same here since WTO...
It is getting worse.

Please take a look at this email. (It is not a sound bite....or is it?.).
I feel that the Seattle Police department and some officers need to be charged with crimes,
and I am finding it is a very hard and scary thing to do.

Please help.

Kenn Dzaman


Racism in Seattle law enforcement:

(Too best research the Seattle police shooting 39(?) shots at each other; Go to the Seattle Post Intelligencer and the Seattle Times web sites and search: \"Zachary Davis\" (The Seattle police department \"mascot\" that stole the Seattle police car for patrols and repeated it for weeks (or longer??)? Did the Seattle Police department think they were hiding something from the residents of Seattle, or were they trying to cover and hide an internal error, or did the Seattle police department not feel at risk, until they almost killed each other?)


Results for search of \"zachary davis\"
Your search found 10 records. Matches 1 through 10.
Local News: Friday, July 13, 2001

Fake officer safety risk; stays in jail
King County prosecutors have filed charges of taking a motor vehicle without permission and eluding police, both felonies, against Zachary Davis, 18, the son of a slain Seattle police officer.

Editorials & Opinion: Friday, July 13, 2001

Letters to the editor
A sampling of readers\' letters, faxes and e-mail.

Local News: Thursday, July 12, 2001

Davis is arrested after returning the stolen patrol car to the North Precinct. He is wearing parts of a police uniform, including a bullet-proof vest. ...

Local News: Thursday, July 12, 2001

Thief slipped onto I-5, out of cops\' sight
If it wasn\'t so potentially deadly, Tuesday\'s police crash and shootout by cops chasing a stolen patrol car would sound like an overused slapstick-comedy routine: Two guys throw punches at a third, but he ducks just in time for the flying fists to hit the wrong jaws.

Local News: Wednesday, July 11, 2001

Mistaken identity: Cops fire at cops
The 18-year-old son of a slain Seattle policeman was in jail yesterday and three patrolmen were placed on desk duty after the teen stole a police car and then fled from officers who ended up mistaking each other for the suspect, crashing their cars and firing more than 20 bullets at each other.

Local News: Wednesday, July 11, 2001

Officers helped, trusted son of slain colleague
Seattle police Lt. Roy Wedlund was jangled awake early yesterday morning by the kind of phone call any parent would dread. At first, the North Precinct commander didn\'t understand the officer\'s hurried voice on the other end of the line.

Local News: Tuesday, July 10, 2001

Officers chasing stolen police car exchange gunfire - with each other
Seattle police officers, mistaking one another for the person who had stolen a police car, fired more than 20 shots at each other in North Seattle early today.

by anon
i cant take this anymore!!
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