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July 14 Protest at Bohemian Grove

by repost (iac [at]
The Bush program is an integral part of corporate globalization, of
eliminating all barriers to corporate profiteering, while destroying people's rights, national sovereignty and the environment
at home and around the world.
<p><b>Protest Globalization!</b> Defeat the Bush Agenda! Celebrate Bastille Day 2001 at Bohemian Grove. Rally & March 2:00 PM. Monte Rio, CA. (4 miles W. of Guerneville on Hwy 116) The Bush program is an integral part of corporate globalization, of eliminating all barriers to corporate profiteering, while destroying people's rights, national sovereignty and the environment at home and around the world. The corporate globalizers and their political hench"men" are coming to Sonoma County, California. And it will be just MEN, 2,500 -- no women allowed - gathered at Bohemian Grove for an annual discussion of their future plans of globalization and racist repression. The Grove is an elite summer camp of many of the top (male) figures in the Bush administration such as Dick Cheney & Donald Rumsfeld. CEO's of Fourtune 500 giants like DuPont, PG&E, Monsanto, Bill Gates, The Bush family (male members), and Alan Greenspan and other of the world's most powerful and destructive individuals will be there. Rally at 2:00PM at the River Acess Parking Lot on Front St. Mass march to the gates of Bohemian Grove. Bohemian Grove is private beach front property on the Russian River in Monte Rio just off Bohemian Hwy. </p>
<p>Busses from San Francisco depart Jul.,14 at 11am from Civic Center Plaza on Grove St. btwn. Polk and Larkin Sts. To buy bus tickets and for carpool info from the regional Western U.S. call the Int'l Action Center at (415)821-6545 or visit</p>
<p>It was at Bohemian Grove in 1942 that the atomic bomb Manhattan Project was planned. Private "Lakeside chats" led by the likes of Henry Kissinger, Dick Cheney and the ilk take place at Bohemian Grove. In the past topics have included national "Missle Defense" - really key elements in a first strike nuclear war strategy; "China and Taiwan in the 21st Century" and starting a new arms race with China; and "Defining The New World Order." Join the demo to to spread the message that we
can not rely on the Democrats, who like the Republicans serve the interests of corporate America, to defeat the Bush program - but a strong united mass mobilization of all those effected - workers and enemployed, people of color, women,
lesbians, gay men, bi and trans people, disabled people, environmentalists - can succeed in turning back the massive assault. The demonstration July 14 at Bohemian Grove launches a national mobilization on the West Coast for a national
March on the White House in D.C., to surround the White House Sat. Sept. 29 2001, coinciding with convergences against the IMF/World Bank. Let's make July 14, 2001 - the day Bohemian Grove opens, a day of mass resistance against the
modern monarchs of capital, a day when we say NO to corpoaate globalization, NO to the reactionary Bush program, and YES to meeting people's needs. </p>
<p>Driving Directions From San Francisco: Cross the Golden Gate bridge, Take Hwy 101N 55.6 mi., take the River Road/Mark West Springs Rd. exit, turn left (west) onto River Road. Travel west on River Road approx. 23 miles, through Guerneville, to Monte Rio. After Bohemian Hwy, turn left into River access parking lot. Park in lower parking lot. Rally 2 PM in upper River Access Parking lot. Mass march to gates of Bohemian Grove follows.</p>
by Papa Smurf (oski00 [at]
Please come! Come along!!! all you costumed crazies trying to save the world!!!! come and witness the long long long long line of black armored sedans filing into a private and heavily armed encampment. These are the corporate leaders of the free (HAH!) world.

They promote democracy and free markets everywhere. They buy politicians and press everywhere. These are the corporate and political faces who represent the wealthiest 5% of the world's population. The bushes the cheneys the exxon and ibm and enron ghouls. Thousands of transnational corporat leaders come out to play and quaintly develop consensus.

Lets show them what the rest of the world is going do to them when the money runs out!!!
by anarchoselfcritic
okay yet another protest that will not alter, change, impact a thing. why would i go to bohemian grove when there are thousands of people in the mission that need direct action on their behalf. what is more radical feeding those in need or driving 70 miles to stand by a road with a sign no one will see especially the bohemians?
by Papa Smurf (oski00 [at]
Well, here is my take on this debate:

the book "Sweet Charity" clearly outlines the explosion of the food bank system in the US. The shift in using corporate luncheon leftovers for feeding the homeless in the mid 90's coupled with massive outpouring of public support has radically transformed the "soup kitchen" into an effective way to get alot of food into alot of hungry bellies. And this needs to be done.

On the other side of it though, during this same time, emergency food aid requests have skyrocketed (conference of mayors 18% increase last year)

and one out of every 3 children coming off of food stamps is considered malnourished.

Sweet charity argues that, even though we are now dependent on these private programs, they will not, by any stretch of the imagination, supplant EFFECTIVE SOCIAL POLICY!

This is why we need BOTH!

by Mark
The protest is important for several reasons, not least of which to impact the media, which can have incalculable spin-off effects, building all kinds of energies and synergies. I am thankful to this year's protesters, but appreciate your frustration. What do you think is the most effective course of action?
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