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watch 2 more of our lawyers get arrested

by imc video
2 more National Lawyers Guild lawyers were arrested for trying to see their clients who were arrested this morning. - 1 minute
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by ch@nce (coh [at]
so, everyone sees the attorneys get arrested for battery by walking through a cop line with their hands behind their backs.

awfully nice of SFPD. the settlement from the lawsuit they're going to get slapped with will probably pay for our attorney's student loans.
The first lawyer arrested was yelling, obviously very frustrated. This is understandable.

However, the second 2 were very calm and clearheaded, announcing out loud their position, intentions, and being able to back up their statements legally. This hightened the contrast between the 2 lawyers behavior/action and the officers response and subsequent arrests.

Basically, the second two gave the officers a great opportunity to demonstrate how rediculous their position was to the surrounding public and video cameras. Why not just get the chief and let him take care of it???
by fmrelay (fmrelay [at]
The RealVideo and the .mp3 audio of the second group of lawyers being arrested seem to differ slightly. The video omits the line "you've conceded you don't have a legal basis to arrest me" -- well OK, that could just be normal editing as the camera angle shifted. But the video also has the lawyer saying "I've identified you -- uh, myself -- as ..." whereas the stutter is not present in the .mp3. Perhaps given that the originals are likely to become evidence in a wrongful arrest lawsuit, wouldn't it be a good idea to post unedited versions, just because it's a sensitive situation & to make clear that there is no tampering?
by dehydrated (dehydrated [at]
hey i gave the other guy a lil flack...but the two people arrested in this video are obviously not trying to provoke anyone or instigate violence...they are much better examples of the so called movement than the flamboyant fuck up featured on your home page...

if you are going to go after the system you have to use the system ...and "dirty hippie lawyer" in video #1 is not getting anywhere with his purposefully retarded yuk yuk antics

I now return you to your regularly scheduled programming

Contrast "the big attorney gets arrested" with the THIS , clip of 2 attorneys being arrested the first attorney articulated her point very well so we are educated. She is peacefully she is there lawfully,so we are sympathetic and she was illegally prevented from seeing her clients,injustice exposesd and documented for all to see
she then walks foward with her hands backhind her back a passive yet defient act SO WE are inspired by her act of courage this clip is for the non-
activest insperation for new or commited activist and
injustices exposesd and documented
the sec, attorney did not articulete his position but
follows peacefully.

as we all learn to use this new medium as a protest tool
lets work to serve a purpose "higher" then DV drama and confrontation we need to portray committed activest at there best,teach the non activest,inspire new activest expose and document the injustices of the world, and creatively win the sympathy of the general public

The best "prodaganda"is the truth, the rest is just good editing....

Breaking news ... drama of the big attorney gets arrested

we have exclusive footage of want appears to be a very large
angery man who is yelling at and threatening
a peace officer...

the man is involved is some dispute or protest...

the man continuse to yell and theaten officers...

and it looks like the men is now rushing and
pushing at the officer....who is showing great restraint...

officers are placing this angery disturbed man
under arrest... it appears as if he is.. resiting... he is now under arrest.... wants.. that his... followers are chanting something... i cant quiet make it out
the officers must be 5 or 6 useing great restraint
are leading him away...
.. well thats was some dramatic footage... yes indeed
lets hope he gets the help he needs
... well lets now cut away for the sports...
but first this message

is owr friend some one to count on
not A RED LIE to fear reject
prodaganda can be fun
and funky dark and tragic
sympathetic and heroic victories THE TRUTH produced
or it can be shit,
lies, lies ,goddam fucking lies of our enemys
dig it

BUT The truth is the big lawyer gets arrested is a piss poor prodaganda film.

It looks set up and feels like your whiching a drunk friend
make a fool of him self, and its on tape .
It could also easily be coupted
by local media or others? to discredit his legal compliant... the guy is unsympathetic , he is right
and has some good lines...but just feels all wrong on tape.

The clip has no prodaganda value provides no education or inspiration did not provoke the state ( coppers )
looks and sounds like, want most of america. hates about protests. big loud and pushy

he could of used the situation to greater effect if he had used his outrage in a passive manner being big he should have made him selfsmall being strong he should of been weak
if he had sat down and and done any passive protest
then we would of had something.. maybe the cop would of
gotten pissed off at him for just being passive then we would HAD A clip

peaceful lawyer gets beaten
gased while lawfully
trying to see his client
thats dramatic footage

im not trying to trashing this man or the video person its just the image that looks so bad to me and we need all the
good images we can make
by anonymous
much better video then the yelling lawyer.
I am the female attorney arrested on Friday while trying to enter the Hall of Justice. There are a few items that are not reflected in either the news or imc video clips that should help round out the picture of what happened. What the video does not show are our attempts to negotiate with the officers for nearly 2 hours before attempting to enter and risking arrest.

Adam (the attorney who entered after me) and I arrived at the courthouse together to find out whether the arrestees were being held there, what the charges were, and to arrange to see them. Approximately 10 people who had been protesting followed along quietly to find out what had happened to their friends. Adam and I immediately tried to enter the courthouse and were denied entry. The first officer in command (not the arresting officer who came on duty later) did not let us in, but agreed to confirm whether certain persons where being detained there and to inform us of the charges. He returned with the information about 15 minuets later. Approximately 20 minuets later, a new officer was put in charge and the first disappeared. At the same time, Adam and I realized that there must be others being held there -- it was the closest jail to all of the arrest sites and another arrest van we had seen at a different arrest site had just pulled up.

We again attempted to get permission to enter the courthouse. We repeatedly identified ourselves as attorneys, showing them our bar cards and picture id. We asked the officers to find out information for us as the previous officer had, but received no cooperation. I asked the officer for his supervisor - nothing. Another attorney who was not at all related to the protests also asked the officer to let us in and expressed the illegal nature of the action. When this attorney attempted to speak to the presiding judge about the matter, she was informed that she needed to speak with the platoon commander. The commander was not available.

In short, we felt we had tried everything. The other thing to remember is that we were simply asking to enter the courthouse so we could go to find out whether those arrested where being held there. From that point, the arrestees' right to see an attorney would have depended upon where they were in the process of being booked. However, we were denied even the opportunity to gain this information. As Adam and I discussed what action should be taken, our colleague attempted to enter the building. My understanding is that although he was doing legal observation for the protests also, he had other independent business to take care of. He had not come over to the courthouse with Adam and I and had only been there about 10 minuets before trying to enter. The point is, that he was completely surprised by being denied access and became very angry. Adam and I, on the other hand, had been dealing with the situation for a couple of hours and had gotten over our initial outrage.

If there is anything that is not clear, I would be happy to respond to your questions.

- Maria
by Robert DeLuca (Rbjdl [at]
The first video with an arrest was border line, simply because the big dude was yelling and could have been construed to have been dangerous, But come on, The girl and her friend were simply not breaking any law that I know about. I cant wait untill I hear the justifacation for this one. But I wont hold my breath waiting for the corporate media to report it. One more reason for "MICRADIO"
by Twig (kindhippie [at]
These two videos are an excellent example of how independant media works. Two seperate instances were on video....whereas the corporate media would more than likely focus on the first video (for it's shock value of dirty hippie/anarchist protesters) instead of the second one where the lawyers showed definite non violent civil-disobedience, would not have been shown by corporate media(it would have probaly enlightened Mr&Mrs. Suburbia to exactly how the corporate/police stae functions in violation of our rights.)
In this venue both clips were shown showing two sides, and because of this once again independant media triumphs in unbiased journalism......
Keep up the struggle...Twig
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