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SF G8 breaking news

by indybay
Breaking news from the SF G8 solidarity protest on 7/8. ECR audio archive, featuring special guest host Seasick (note: a section of the audio is missing, 8:35-9:06pm, see link below for a call-in from this time on RadioActive San Diego).
4:26 AM - 12 people have just entered the Mission police station chanting "John Viola is my lawyer" in order to get arrested and legal representation into the mission jail.
3:45 AM Legal Update - NLG reports that one detainee has been moved to 850 Bryant. Legal representation is still being denied to those arrested. Jail solidarity and support is critically needed at the mission station.
2:16 AM Legal Update - The NLG is reporting that three protesters who were arrested in tonight's action are being held at the Mission Police Station located at 17th & Valencia. Two people are confirmed to have been released and there is one report of police brutality within the jail involving smashing the person's face into the bars and not returning any possessions after their release.

Police have denied legal counsel and are thought to be currently questioning those still detained. Charges are unknown, but it is believed that they will be charged with assault on a police officer. 20 supporters are doing jail solidarity and they are asking supporters to flood the Mission police station with telephone calls (415-553-0123), demanding that those arrested be allowed legal support and immediately released.


Jul. 8th 11:23pm: After live coverage, reflections on demonstrations were discussed on Enemy Combatant Radio. Initially, some questioned choice of neighborhood if goal was to attack symbols of capitalism. If goal was to build solidarity in one of SF's least wealthy neighborhoods, some express concern about effectiveness. Some wonder why police disappeared for so long after initial heavy presence and doubt that would have happened in Financial District. Most pleased at unity of protesters and note they saw mostly banks and large corporate chains and businesses that represent gentrification attacked which is not violation of community. Community cheered on protesters earlier in demonstration when demonstrators continued to take the streets but possibly became somewhat afraid later as things escalated with police. Affinity groups breaking apart possibly prevented larger mass arrests, but with so much running some people could not keep up which allowed police to force larger groups from coalescing. One participant noted instance whereby bus attempted to pass marchers in street, marchers stepped aside to allow bus to pass, with pro-worker chant, and many on bus expressed gratitude and support. Some skirmishes happened between protesters and "yuppies" that started out of their cars to threaten protesters. One person comments that police at times were wildy aggressive and indescriminate in using their nightsticks. An organizer from Anarchist Action called in and discussed many aspects of the action, the ups and downs of the event, noting that it was their first action, it was held in three cities across the U.S., and that they were pleased with the overall energy despite violent run-ins with police. Discussion continues...
Jul. 8th 10:43pm: Police car on fire in mission district, confirmed by two callers. [A later commenter noted it might have been styrofoam banners that had been set on fire as car attempted to push through crowd, leaving the banners melting with lots of smoke under the car.]
Jul. 8th 10:36pm: Report of "300" riot police assembling at 17th and Mission, and others with police vans carrying plasti-cuffs trailing some groups of protesters.
Jul. 8th 10:33pm: Autonomous groups roaming city in various directions looking for corporate targets. Fireworks and smoke bombs around various locations. Report of protester who threw tear gas canister at police around 23rd getting seriously beaten and setting off mini-riot.
Jul. 8th 10:29pm: Reports that crowd not going to 23rd and Mission. 50 riots cops and paddywagon at 23rd. Only those encircled for arrest remain. All others have dispersed from area.
Jul. 8th 10:17pm: Cop hurt on 23rd and mission. Treating it as crime scene. Report that someone used skateboard to hit officer.
Jul. 8th 10:01pm: One cop ran out of nowhere and knocked over a protester. Attempts made to rescue arrestee - no word on success of attempt. Moments later, police car ran into back of crowd and then crashed. Police are swarming in but do not seem effective except in following protesters.
Jul. 8th 9:58pm: Main march of 75 or so on 23rd in street heading from Valencia towards Mission, Newspaper boxes being thrown into street. Lots of vandalism. Appears to be an undercover cop amongst crowd, but no uniformed police at this point.
Jul. 8th 9:53pm: Some people broke off from main march and broke windows at KFC. Bank of America also attacked along with other corporate targets. Some trash cans set on fire.
Jul. 8th 9:39pm: Flags being burned at 16th and Mission. About 75 people present. Re-energized by flag burning about ready to march again. Report of arrest up 16th street for unknown reason.
Jul. 8th 9:30pm: Most everyone is back to 16th and Mission to regroup. Some still strung around area. Police squad chasing some runners up Mission, possibly up to 50 people. Window(s) broken at Wells Fargo. About 8 riot police have followed one group back to 16th and Mission.
Jul. 8th 9:10pm: Two groups regrouping about 22nd and Mission, walking in street against traffic as police struggle to push crowds back onto sidewalk. Police have confiscated sound system,
Jul. 8th 9:03pm: Protesters moving up 24th toward Valencia One person arrested at 24th and Valencia - reason unknown.
Jul. 8th 8:51pm: 200+ people are marching down Mission towards 17th Street, taking up two lanes of traffic. Police have announced with loudspeakers that marching in street is illegal.
Jul. 8th 8:21pm: About 150 people are now at meeting spot. March not starting yet. Lots of black flags. Very large Anarchist Action banners. NOIN banner. Lots of motorcycle cops at the scene and more police with vans in waiting about a block away.

Call-in on RadioActive Radio (San Diego) during the half-hour ECR archive outage
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by indybay
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sounds good
Sat, Jul 16, 2005 11:26AM
you betcha
Tue, Jul 12, 2005 7:57AM
Tue, Jul 12, 2005 3:45AM
Mon, Jul 11, 2005 12:02AM
that's easy
Sun, Jul 10, 2005 7:17AM
Sun, Jul 10, 2005 5:29AM
planning ahead
Sat, Jul 9, 2005 10:19PM
alex the creep
Sat, Jul 9, 2005 10:09PM
not the whole story
Sat, Jul 9, 2005 6:12PM
Sat, Jul 9, 2005 5:42PM
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