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Bev Harris Update on Election Fraud, New Sites

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This site seems to have some good updates on votergate information, a NY Rep is now wanting more info, Bev Harris's new site, etc.
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2659702, OK, I'm in Washington DC now. And I think we can move on FLORIDA
Posted by BevHarris on Wed Nov-10-04 11:16 AM

as early as next week with hand counts initiated by Black Box Voting on behalf of American voters. Just got that confirmed, and unless something gets blocked somehow, I think Florida may be a go and will not dip into the Help America Recount fund, because I think we've got it covered.

If we cover Ohio and New Hampshire, Colorado has to be next, followed by New Mexico. Both places stink to high heaven.

This was a bitch to set up yesterday -- it all came at once, and I had about 3 hours to pull together the details. Kathleen Wynne, a new employee of Black Box Voting, was the one who discovered the 5-citizen Ohio recount technicality. She's from Cleveland, and she rocks.

Hedda had put the Help America Recount thing into place with our attorney, Lowell Finley, just 24 hour before.

Ralph Nader was moving ahead with a press conference, called, invited me to come. I figured everything was converging. The biggest stress was getting the web site operational in time, and it's coming along quickly.

Help America Recount is an entirely separate entity from both Black Box Voting and the National Ballot Integrity Project. Because these two groups are 501c(3) nonprofits, we cannot do candidate stuff, and so the 527 organization was set up specifically for recount funds. Great job, Hedda!

I expect to have two more announcements, one as early as Friday, fingers crossed, and one early next week.

We will need volunteers to help with the hand count in Florida, which it does not know it will be required to do. I know how to muscle them into letting us do it, at no charge, but will need people in about 44 counties to help. If you have volunteered with the Cleanup Crew, make sure we have your address if you are in Florida.

Bev Harris
Black Box Voting
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