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Indybay Feature

Taco Bell Truth Tour Coming to SF

by Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) (COAIMMWKR [at] AOL.COM)

Major actions planned for Los Angeles and outside Taco Bell corporate headquarters in Irvine, CA

Beginning on February, 28, 2002, a caravan of migrant workers, college students and activists will embark on a fifteen-city, cross-country bus tour to raise awareness about the National Taco Bell Boycott and the sweatshop conditions faced by migrant farmworkers in America’s fields. Tour highlights will include a major convergence in Los Angeles, California, on March 10 and at Taco Bell corporate headquarters in Irvine, CA, on March 11. The tour follows months of protests at Taco Bell restaurants across the country, with nearly 200 actions in states including Alabama, Tennessee, Florida, Wisconsin, Arizona, California, Texas, Pennsylvania, Indiana, and Oklahoma.

The tour is coming to San Francisco on Friday, March 8th.
Contact: Micah Clatterburgh,;
David Solnit, Art and Revolution –
Jessica, Mexico Solidarity Network
Event time and location:
4:30pm Gather at 24th Street and Mission St.
5:30 march to Taco Bell at 16th/Mission
6:00 Rally at 16th and Mission TB
7:00pm Hip-hop Benefit concert and dinner 225 Potrero Avenue

In each city along the route of the "Taco Bell Truth Tour", the farmworkers will be welcomed by community activists and will participate in teach-ins, demonstrations in front of local Taco Bells, and major community rallies. The tour, and in particular the LA and Irvine actions, will be the first major public actions to cast light on the multi-billion dollar fast food industry’s ties to the sweatshop-like conditions faced by farmworkers in America’s fields.

"The tomatoes Taco Bell buys for its tacos are produced in what can only be described as sweatshop conditions," said Lucas Benitez of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, one of the tour’s organizers. "Twenty years of picking at sub-poverty wages, no right to overtime pay, no right to organize or join a union, no health insurance, no sick leave, no paid holidays or vacation, and no pension is a national disgrace. We as farmworkers are tired of subsidizing Taco Bell's profits with our poverty."

"Recently we read in ‘Nation’s Restaurant News’ that the major fast-food chains are getting together to draft requirements for their meat suppliers that set guidelines for the humane treatment of farm animals," added Romeo Ramirez, also of the CIW. "If Taco Bell and other fast-food giants can require their suppliers to treat their farm animals humanely, they should certainly be able to understand our call for humane working conditions as farmworkers."Dates for the cross-country "Taco Bell Truth Tour":

February 28: Tour Kick-Off in Tampa, FL
March 1: Atlanta, GA
March 3: Chicago, IL
March 4: Madison, WI
March 6: Denver, CO
March 7: Salt Lake City, UT
March 8: San Francisco, CA
March 9: Fresno, CA
March 10: Los Angeles, California
March 11: Irvine, California, TACO BELL HEADQUARTERS
March 12: Flagstaff, AZ
March 13: Albuquerque, NM
March 14: Oklahoma City, OK
March 15: Little Rock, TN
March 16: Memphis, TN
March 17: Immokalee, FL

HISTORY: Since 1997, tomato pickers in Immokalee, Florida’s largest farmworker community, have been organizing for the right to join in talks with the state’s corporate tomato growers to find ways to improve farm labor conditions and raise the crop picking piece rate. Despite signature drives, several community-wide work stoppages, a 230-mile march across South Florida, and a 30-day hunger strike by six members of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) -- ultimately ended by the intervention of former President Jimmy Carter -- the growers continue to refuse to meet with farm worker representatives and the picking piece rate, despite an industry-wide raise following strikes and the hunger strike in 1997 and 1998, remains nearly unchanged from pre-1980 levels.

When workers discovered that Taco Bell is a major buyer of the tomatoes they pick, they informed company executives in January, 2000 of the deplorable wages and working conditions in Florida’s fields and requested a meeting to discuss possible solutions. To date, despite numerous pleas from workers and growing public pressure, Taco Bell has refused to meet with CIW representatives.

The Coalition of Immokalee Workers is a community based worker organization located in Immokalee, Florida, the heart of the state’s $500 million tomato industry. Florida is the largest producer of fresh tomatoes in the United States. Members of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers are largely Latino, Indigenous, and Haitian farmworkers, organizing for better wages and working conditions in Florida’s fields. CIW leaders have been recognized nationally for their efforts by, among others, the US Catholic Bishops Conference, Rolling Stone Magazine, and the National Organization for Women.

by Maybe I'm Amazed..
You've got to be kidding.
by johnstone
Is the guy on stilts a migrant worker or a student?

I think its cute.
by Dumbfounded
How Stupid can you get? TacoBell tomato Pickers????

Shut the F...Up Stupid.

You should all be ashamed of yourselves for being stupid assholes. Not even kidding...
by Marselo
amazing how the posts so far reflect stupid invidualists who care little or nothing about other people's struggles... but that's not the bad part, the shit is that they probably can elaborate and justify specifically why they don't give a shit about other people's struggles (i.e., exploited tomato farmworkers).

down with TacoHell, going to Del Taco... -M
by Some Guy
Doesn't the minimum wage already exist?

I grew up in Southern California, and there was a street where all the local Mexicans would line up in the mornings. Trucks would drive by for construction jobs and these people would hop in the back, driver off and be dropped off at the end of the day with cash, albeit not very much, in there hands.

I'm sure they made much less than minimum wage, but it was their own fault. If they would have banded together and stopped hopping in the back of any pickup for whatever wage was offered, these "employers" would have been forced to actually hire workers to work for minimum wage at least.

I don't know the story on these workers, but I would guess many are illegal and getting paid cash under the table and as a result hurting the US citizens who might be able to get better pay for the same job.

by p diddy (truedattruedat [at]
fuck taco bell! you mother fuckers sent my gad damn son to the fuckin hospital! I am gonna sue your asses to hell. I could even see the fucking mexicans taking a shit in the beans. do you want me to take a shit in your food WHY THE FUCK DID YOU SHIT IN THE MOTHER FUCKING BEANS. I am gonna kick all of your taco bell asses. i am gonna fuck yall up bad. i hope you fuckers burn in hell for what you have done to my son.FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
by p diddy (truedattruedat [at]
fuck taco bell! you mother fuckers sent my gad damn son to the fuckin hospital! I am gonna sue your asses to hell. I could even see the fucking mexicans taking a shit in the beans. do you want me to take a shit in your food WHY THE FUCK DID YOU SHIT IN THE MOTHER FUCKING BEANS. I am gonna kick all of your taco bell asses. i am gonna fuck yall up bad. i hope you fuckers burn in hell for what you have done to my son.FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
by ^^^^^
The National Labor Relations Act excludes farmworkers from the right to unionize, strike, make minimum wage, overtime, get a pension, etc. Individual states can pass laws allowing farmworkers to organize, but Florida has no such law.
by danny thomas
if you dont like your job you can quit. F R E E D O M ,
D E M O C R A C Y . maybe theyve got a anarchist or socialist or communist leading them who doesnt want them to know about F R E E D O M.
i love the taco bell drive thru. i wish they had the green hot sauce instead of that crappy hot sauce. i love tomatoes.
i dont get why america is the only place on earth where people can make a buck. cant anyone in any other country organize a business? for example saudi arabia, what the hell do those people do all day ? theyve cornered the market on what ? do they make anything? what products come from there? originated there? has anyone there ever invented anything ? any great thinkers or great minds ? how do they get any work done wearing dresses and all that head wrap ?
by VThornheart
Answer me that. If they were to just quit their job, where the hell would they go? This is their livelihood... and the freedom to be able to leave a job should also, by all rights and human logic, be the right to make a living on the reasonable profession you have decided upon.

They decided upon farm laboring (well, probably not quite decided), and at least to me that is a reasonable profession. They should have the ability to make a decent living off of it.

And all of you people who seem to shrug off this protest and don't take it seriously: remember, the reason that we are all here is to help the people. If you are serious about wanting to help people of the world, you HAVE to understand that people have issues like this at the center of their lives. While you're shopping at the GAP or surfing the net (as you and I are), they are picking tomatoes. Hundreds, thousands, every day depending on the season. That is their method of survival, and you HAVE to respect that. If you are to be a revolutionary, then ignoring their plight is NOT AN OPTION.
by T. koszyk (tkoszyk [at]
these bastards want a 2:30 tin\me start to finish but can they do it themselves, in the resteraunts? I doubt it. For Emil Brolich and all his men I say "Bite Me!" they couldn't get the job they are demanding of us done if they had to. LOSERS!
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