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The Center for Biological Diversity and Wild Fish Conservancy sued the Trump administration in April for mismanaging West Coast salmon fisheries and harming critically endangered Southern Resident killer whales, a violation of the Endangered Species Act. That orca population has dropped to just 75 individuals, mostly because declining salmon runs have left them without enough to eat. The National Marine Fisheries Service responded by committing to expanded designation of critical habitat off the coasts of Washington, Oregon and California.
The Animal Legal Defense Fund sent cease and desist notices to California restaurants and retailers that appear to continue selling foie gras despite a state ban on the sale of this cruelly-produced “gourmet” delicacy made from the liver of a duck or goose. Over the past two months, the Animal Legal Defense Fund has received dozens of tips and reports from concerned citizens identifying California restaurants and retailers that appear to be flouting the foie gras law.
Sat May 4 2019 (Updated 10/06/19)
Animal Activists March for Animals in Santa Rosa
Over 170 activists with the animal rights network Direct Action Everywhere marched through downtown Santa Rosa on March 30. The crowd chanted as they walked, with several stops for singing and speeches, before concluding at Santa Rosa City Hall. The march highlighted what activists call criminal animal cruelty on factory farms throughout Sonoma county, which has been reported to local authorities. No enforcement action has been taken. Authorities have, however, prosecuted activists who have investigated the farms, with six currently facing seven Sonoma county felony charges each.
On January 31, dozens of activists with the animal rights network Direct Action Everywhere (DxE) put up “Caution” and “Danger” tape across the San Francisco Costco meat department in a protest of alleged animal cruelty and biohazard risk inside Costco farms. The activists were also protesting the criminal prosecution of two activists who exposed animal cruelty at Costco egg supplier Pleasant Valley Farms in 2016 and now face a massive restitution penalty. One of those activists, Paul Picklesimer, said, “If Costco truly cared about animals, they would thank us for exposing cruelty at one of their suppliers.”
Despite a court-imposed restraining order, a week of protests animal rights activists dubbed "Occupy Whole Foods" proceeded as planned on September 23-29. On the final day, a mass vigil and sit-in was held inside an industrial shed at McCoy’s Poultry factory farm in Petaluma which supplies chicken to Amazon Fresh. Activists set up an emergency medical care tent and gave aid to the sick and starving animals they liberated. Fifty-eight people were arrested. On November 2, four of them were arraigned on a total of seven felony charges each.
Over 200 activists with the grassroots animal rights network Direct Action Everywhere (DxE), many wearing glowing paper animal masks, stopped traffic for more than 15 minutes at the busy intersection of Geary and Powell Streets in downtown San Francisco on October 27, chanting their message to raise awareness of the 150 million animals killed and used for food each year in San Francisco alone. DxE says the action was meant to bring the animals’ voices back to life, amplifying their cries for all of San Francisco to hear.
Tue Sep 25 2018 (Updated 11/03/18)
Whole Foods Leans on Court to Suppress Protests
Direct Action Everywhere and co-founder Wayne Hsiung, along with dozens of unnamed individuals, are forbidden from stepping on Whole Foods property in Berkeley. On September 21, the Alameda County Superior Court granted a restraining order seeking to stop protests against the company. Whole Foods had sought to ban protests on its property throughout the entire state. Despite the court ruling, "Occupy Whole Foods" is proceeding as planned September 23-29.
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