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On May Day, a series of protests began with Arcata Food Not Bombs serving a vegan meal on the Plaza. The Infernal Noise Brigade marched from the Plaza to the HSU Quad where they met up with Humboldt United Students Against Sweatshops (HUSAS) . Together, they then marched up to President Rollin Richmond's office to deliver a petition demanding no more sweatshop labor products at HSU. The students want Richmond to endorse the Designated Suppliers Program, which promotes living wages and freedom of association.
The Hoopa Valley Tribe rejected the latest draft of the Klamath River Basin Restoration Agreement (KRBRA) released on January 15th because the agreement lacks adequate water assurances for fish. "Hoopa will retain its rights to defend the Klamath," said Clifford Lyle Marshall, Tribal Chairman. "We will work with any and all parties to remove the dams and assure a restored healthy river."
Wed Sep 5 2007
Spooner Tree-Sit Raided
On September 4th, forest activists in Southern Humboldt county reported that two activists were arrested, and that lumber company climbers were raiding the village and taking away supplies. Some activists have raised concerns that the company is violating the law by cutting branches during Marbled Murrelet nesting season, which ends on September 15th.
Wed Apr 25 2007 (Updated 04/28/07)
"Arcata People Project" Encampment Attacked By Police
On April 21st, activists from the Arcata People Project established an encampment in Arcata California. According to an organizer, the protest aimed to "reclaim common spaces and create awareness about the issue of homelessness in the country and the fact that folks just don't have a place to sleep and be safe." On April 25th, police raided the protest encampment and several homeless rights activists were attacked and arrested by the police. Homeless protesters are continuing their protest on the lawn in front of The Arcata City Hall, where they intend to stay until the city gives back the property siezed by the police in Wednesday's raid.
Sun Jan 28 2007 (Updated 04/07/07)
March 18th Mass Anti-War Protests
The 4th anniversary of the US-led war on Iraq is being commemorated March 16th through March 19th. Local vigils took place on Friday and Saturday, and a big ANSWER march took place in San Francisco on Sunday. The SF march started with a rally at noon in Justin Herman Plaza. Around 1pm, protesters marched up Market St. for another rally in Civic Center Plaza. Protests took place in cities across California, including Eureka, Arcata, Chico, Sacramento, Fresno Walnut Creek, Palo Alto, San Jose, and Los Angeles, as well as around the country. 2007 is the 40th anniversary of the historic 1967 anti-war march to the Pentagon during the Vietnam War. On Saturday March 17th, people from around the country gathered in Washington, DC to march on the Pentagon and demand that the US get out of Iraq now.
Thu Jan 25 2007 (Updated 01/26/07)
The Struggle for the Siskyou Mountains Salamander
The California Fish and Game Commission is poised to take public testimony with regard to the threatened-species status of the Siskyou Mountains salamander under the California Endangered Species Act. In its delisting petition, the California Department of Fish and Game argued that the salamanders can be found in clearcuts, but failed to recognize that a few individuals dispersing through an area is different from a reproducing, viable population. Read More
Klamath Riverkeeper sent a 60 day notice of intent to file a lawsuit today against Warren Buffett's PacifiCorp for polluting one of the nation's most important and controversial salmon rivers, the Klamath. Klamath Riverkeeper's lawsuit asserts that operation of the Iron Gate Dam hatchery has resulted in repeated violations of the Clean Water Act and is just one of the ways that PacifiCorp, as the owner of the four dams along the Klamath River, is destroying the River, its salmon runs, and the coastal fishing economies of the California and Oregon Coastline.
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