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Tue Oct 4 2011 (Updated 10/14/11)
Occupy Everywhere
Thu, Nov 17, 2011 12:03PM : Small crew of folks is picketing FBI racial profiling and civil liberty abuses as director Mueller gives speech at 595 Market St #OccupySF
Wed, Oct 12, 2011 10:11AM : #occupysf continuing picket and sit-in at Wells Fargo headquarters, Montgomery and California St. #ows
Wed, Oct 12, 2011 8:26AM : Just Cause says call Joseph OHayon, Wells Fargo VP and tell him stop arresting the 99% 240-586-7661 #OWS #OccupySF
Wed, Oct 12, 2011 8:17AM : Speakers and street theatre at California St entrance of Wells Fargo headquarters #occupysf #ows "You owe us"
Wed, Oct 12, 2011 7:57AM : Hundreds have arrived at Wells Fargo in march from #occupysf. building is surrounded by crowds in the street on all sides #occupysf #ows
Wed, Oct 12, 2011 7:52AM : BLO - Brass Liberation Orchestra - serenading at Wells Fargo's back door. SFPD writing up report w/ locked-out bank executive #occupysf
Wed, Oct 12, 2011 7:46AM : Frustrated Wells Fargo bankers out on the sidewalk sipping their lattes "Banks got bailed out we got sold out" #occupysf #ows
Wed, Oct 12, 2011 7:42AM : Wells Fargo headquarters in SF sealed off by #occupysf, no sign of SFPD. #ows "Who bailed out the banks? We bailed out the banks"
Wed, Oct 12, 2011 7:33AM : Dozens have locked down at Wells Fargo headquarters, Montgomery and Sacramento in "foreclose on wall st west" #occupysf #ows
Sat, Oct 8, 2011 10:58AM : NorCal, share yer own reports, vid, & pics at

On September 17th, over one thousand demonstrators poured into New York City's financial district to confront corporate greed by establishing an ongoing presence, day and night, in lower Manhattan. The idea was to create an American Tahir Square on Wall Street. Police blocked marchers from reaching Wall Street, but hundreds persisted and set up camp in Zuccotti Park, now dubbed Liberty Plaza. In San Francisco, demonstrators likewise called for an occupation of the financial district starting the same day, outside of 555 California Street. The SF occupation is currently located in front of the Federal Reserve building on Market Street, although after midnight on October 6th, SFPD and city workers raided the site and took away the kitchen, tents, and truckloads of other occupier supplies. Several were beaten by SFPD and one was arrested during the raid. Occupations began in San Jose on Oct. 2nd, in Santa Cruz and Sacramento on Oct. 6th, Berkeley on Oct. 8th, Fresno on Oct. 9th, in Oakland on Oct. 10th and one is planned to start in Santa Rosa on Saturday, Oct. 15th.
UPDATE 6/7/11: Bay Trail and Association of Bay Area Governments Suspends $200,000 Grant to GVRD!
On May 31st, supporters of the Glen Cove native encampment converged outside the offices of the Bay Trail project in downtown Oakland to demand that Bay Trail divest from desecration of the Sogorea Te sacred burial ground in Vallejo. Over 65 people gathered in front of the Bay Trail offices and vowed to pursue further action if the $200,000 is not immediately pulled from plans to bulldoze the burial grounds and build on top of it.
On Monday, April 4th, the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King’s assassination, local coalitions participated in nationwide actions to support Wisconsin workers, public services and the middle class. Organizers of the rally at the Santa Cruz County Government Center stated, "Dr. King was killed in Memphis, TN, where he had stood with sanitation workers who were struggling for the right to bargain collectively. The actions by Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker to eliminate collective bargaining – and the gradual eroding of the American middle class - only undermine that struggle."
In the fall of 2009, a group of war resisters and veterans from San Francisco traveled to Israel and Palestine to meet with their Israeli counterparts in an effort to strengthen connections and share experiences. The group, calling itself Dialogues Against Militarism (DAM), partnered with David Zlutnick, a Bay Area filmmaker, to ensure that the voices and stories of those they spoke with would be captured and return with them to the United States. The new documentary, Occupation Has No Future, premieres in San Francisco on February 3rd and San Rafael on February 10th.
On December 14th, hundreds of PG&E customers, outraged about the health damage caused by wireless 'smart' meters, ramped up protests by testifying at county government meetings and shutting down payment centers in both Santa Cruz and Marin Counties to demand an immediate halt to the program. Protesters are also angry about PG&E's attempts to cover up the growing health scandal and recently revealed espionage carried out against their customers concerned with increasing reports of nausea, headaches, and bouts of dizziness from the meters. The protesters, backed by 22 local governments and an increasing number of scientists and medical professionals, are demanding that PG&E halt any further installation of smart meters.
Demonstrations against Proposition 23, an oil company sponsored initiative that would delay implementation of California's global warming law, began in earnest this month. Protesters carrying signs reading "Stop Texas Oil--Hell No on 23" have demonstrated in San Rafael, Mountain View, Berkeley, Richmond, El Cerrito and Palo Alto. Organizers say this is just the start of a campaign that will include hundreds of such actions statewide before November's election.
On March 21st, students, teachers, workers and other members of the Napa community came together for a rare march through downtown Napa to raise awareness about cuts to education. The marchers rallied on he sidewalk of Soscol Ave for about an hour, where protesters waved signs and chanted slogans such as "What do we want? Education! — When do we want it? Now!"
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