San Francisco
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Before dawn on March 5, the houses of six University of California, Berkeley, officials were struck with graffiti and vandalism. On April 16, another action "repainted" houses believed to be owned by members of the San Francisco Graffiti Advisory Board. On May 2, nine Sullivan Management Company properties were similarly targeted, following a May Day direct action that reclaimed a long-vacant SMC property. On May 7, Oakland police vehicles were damaged.
Thu Apr 1 2021 (Updated 04/22/21)
Rising Up Against Anti-Asian Hate
In continuing resistance to anti-Asian hate crimes, over a thousand people marched from Union Square to a rally at the Embarcadero on March 26. Themed "Rise Up With Asians," the march included Black, Latino, and other allies who carried signs denouncing the continuing U.S. history of crimes against ethnic and racial minorities, particularly Asian women.
Rallies and marches have also been held in Oakland, Redwood City, and other Bay Area cities.
On March 20, there was a demonstration in San Francisco next to the Recology plant. The protest was specifically in opposition to Amazon's plan to build another giant warehouse on the site, and generally to support the Alabama Amazon workers trying to form a union. That afternoon, Oakland saw a large car caravan and rally. These were some of the many expressions of support throughout California and the nation for the Bessemer, Alabama Amazon workers who are fighting to form a recognized labor union.
Tue Feb 2 2021 (Updated 02/03/21)
Call for US to End Support of Saudi-Led War
The UN has repeatedly called Yemen the biggest humanitarian crisis in the world, and people around the world responded with a a Day of Action on January 25. In San Francisco, activists participated in COVID-safe in-person rallies and held a large caravan protest. An international online rally included American academic Cornel West. Activists called on President Biden to honor his campaign promise and end the war by ending US support for the Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen.
Mon Jan 25 2021 (Updated 01/27/21)
Solidarity Means Attack
An anonymous communiqué reads: On January 18, as strong winds raged, 30+ anti-racists attacked the Immigration and Customs Enforcement office in San Francisco. We thoroughly painted the walls, smashed the windows, and breached the building to wreak havoc inside.... We join all prisoners and ICE detainees who continue to fight by way of hunger strikes, escapes, and riots against repression and neglect from the State. We see you, we hear you, until every prison door and border wall is open. Solidarity means attack!
Pro-Trump insurrectionists stormed the U.S. Capitol building on January 6. Hundreds of Trump’s supporters encountered little resistance as they broke into the Capitol in Washington D.C., encouraged by the Trump's continuous false claims that the election was stolen from him and his calls for "wild" demonstrations. Five people were killed during the incursion. Reaction was swift in San Francisco with the first counter-protest happening by 3:30pm PST.
Sun Nov 8 2020 (Updated 11/30/20)
Our Long National Nightmare Is Over
Protests to demand that every vote be counted spontaneously became celebrations of Trump losing after the presidential election was called by the major corporate news networks on November 7. Rally speakers reminded their audiences that though they celebrate, they must continue to agitate for change. The damage done by Trump is extensive, including stirring up a new generation of racist hate groups, and pre-Trump struggles for justice and equality, such as the Black Lives Matter movement and the fight against climate change, will carry on.
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