San Francisco
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On September 17, protesters hung a giant banner from Wells Fargo's headquarters building on San Franciso's Montgomery Street that accused the bank of funding climate destruction. Evoking the draft card burnings of the Viet Nam war era, a protester cut up her Well Fargo ATM card. With wildfires raging throughout California and weather "events" increasing in ferocity worldwide, environmentalist groups like Xtinction Bay Area are demanding that big banks stop funding of fossil fuel development.
Responding to legal pressure from the Center for Biological Diversity, the federal government finalized a new rule on July 30 expanding critical habitat protection along the West Coast for critically endangered Southern Resident killer whales. The population of Southern Residents stands at just 74 orcas. The National Marine Fisheries Service designated 15,910 square miles of new critical habitat, expanding current protections in Washington’s Salish Sea south along the coasts of Washington, Oregon and California to Point Sur.
Members of the Yemeni-American community and world peace activists grieved on the third anniversary of the loss of 40 children whose lives were taken by a 500 pound US-made, Saudi and United Arab Emirates-led bomb. On August 8 in San Francisco, demonstrators laid down 40 pairs of shoes and 40 backpacks to memorialize each child's life. Speakers at the rally co-hosted by Yemini Alliance Committee said that the US government is complicit in the devastation to life and land as it continues to arm Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
Wed Jul 28 2021 (Updated 08/18/21)
Bay Area Organizing to Stop Line 3
Line 3 is a tar sands oil pipeline that violates the treaty rights of Minnesota tribes. On July 16, five activists were cited at a demonstration at the federal building in San Francisco that was organized to draw attention to President Biden's inaction on the issue. The Line 3 pipeline is a project of Canadian fossil fuel company Enbridge, to increase their exports of tar sands oil. Climate and Indigenous rights activists in the Bay Area again stood up to stop the construction of Line 3 in solidarity with a National Day of Action on August 13.
Conservation groups and whale lovers gathered on June 8, World Oceans Day, at Crissy Field Beach in San Francisco to honor the 12 dead whales that have washed up in the Bay Area this year and to call for greater protections. Attendees called for solutions to the three top threats to whales: ship strikes, entanglement in fishing gear and climate change. Against the backdrop of the Golden Gate, speakers at the event called for a mandatory 10-knot speed limits for ships passing through whale habitat along California’s coast.
Tue Jul 27 2021 (Updated 07/29/21)
"Unite to Fight" Holds March for LGBTQ and Human Rights
In the absence of an "official" Pride parade this year, San Francisco's LGBTQ community marched down Polk Street to City Hall for the People's March and Rally on June 27. With signs, banners, and costumes, the diverse crowd of roughly a thousand people followed a custom built bus sound truck, proclaiming "Make Racism Wrong Again", and four march leaders. Unlike San Francisco's previous Pride parades, UPS, United Airlines, Apple, and other corporate sponsors were absent.
Fri Apr 30 2021 (Updated 05/06/21)
May Day Marches Return to the Bay Area
Actions marking May Day across Northern California demanded worker rights, housing for all, and racial justice, expressing solidarity with the Chilean general strike. Marches and rallies were held in San Francisco, Oakland, San José, Fresno, Mountain View, and other cities. In Oakland, a vacant house was reclaimed and a nighttime march called for abolishing the police. In Alameda, protesters rallied outside the homes of those who called police on Mario Gonzalez.
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