Feature Archives
Fri Feb 9 2024
Reproductive Justice Rally Confronts "Walk for Life"
On January 20, thousands traveled to San Francisco to protest the continued availability of abortion. Lacking local support, the Catholic Church hires dozens of busses to transport their flock for the Walk for Life annually. As in previous years, their event this year attracted members of hate groups, with some giving nazi salutes. Counter-protesters assembled in front the San Francisco Public Library to confront marchers as they passed.
Tue Dec 12 2023 (Updated 05/26/24)
Taking Direct Action Against US Support for Israel's War on Gaza
Protesters in Northern California have engaged in direct actions aimed at disrupting business as usual and raising the profile of the call to free Palestine. Activists shut down the Bay Bridge. A US military vessel destined to deliver weaponry to Israel was blocked from leaving the Port of Oakland. A defense contractor's office was locked down. Communiqués posted on Indybay claim sabotage of train lines, as well as a water main at a pro-IDF fundraiser.
Fri Dec 8 2023 (Updated 12/13/23)
Millions Stand Up Worldwide in Solidarity with Palestine
Millions of people worldwide are standing in solidarity with Palestinians as Israel wages war on Gaza. Marches and rallies have demanded a ceasefire, the end of US military support for Israel, and that Palestine be freed once and for all. Every week there are more protests in cities large and small, including in many that have never seen a pro-Palestinian demonstration. In San Francisco, tens of thousands have marched against Israel's war on Gaza.
Sat Nov 18 2023 (Updated 11/23/23)
Massive Opposition to APEC Summit
As billionaires and politicians met behind ten-foot-high metal walls, tens of thousands of demonstrators protested outside. Member nations of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit claim to have "Inclusive, Collaborative Solutions for Just Transitions," but opponents call this greenwashing and maintain that years of corporate neoliberalism are responsible for economic inequality, oppression, the climate crisis, and war.
Mon Sep 25 2023
Standing Up to the TERFs in San Francisco
Women’s Declaration International held a conference in San Francisco the weekend of September 16. Their mission is to attack what they call "gender ideology" and they align with ultra-conservative groups including Christian nationalists and Republican politicians to enshrine bigotry into law and otherwise further marginalize transgender folks. LGBTQ+ rights activists rose up in opposition with several rounds of protests and counter-protests.
Sat Aug 12 2023
No Contract, No Coffee!
More than 8,500 workers have formed unions at over 340 Starbucks stores in the U.S. With thousands more to go, customers and labor advocates are hitting the streets this summer to keep pressure on the union-busting company. On July 31, the national bus tour of Starbucks workers made a stop to rally at San Francisco City Hall. On August 7, Starbucks customers across the U.S. held a day of action targeting locations not yet unionized.
Wed Jul 19 2023
Wells Fargo Headquarters Blocked to Stop "Business As Usual"
On July 14, climate activists demanded a stop to Wells Fargo's reckless funding of fossil fuels. The action was part of a "block party" by local climate action groups that included loud chanting, carnival style games, music, street painting and dancing. Protesters said they timed their event to keep the pressure on the bank as it released its quarterly earnings report. Six protesters locked themselves down to block the entrance and were arrested.