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Feature Archives

Chapter four of this series is Peter M’s profile of Oakland's Favianna Rodriguez. By any measure she is a successful poster artist, businesswoman and organizer. She organizes other progressive artists into projects, such as the mural that went up last year on the side of the Oakland Museum. She is a role model for up-and-coming Latina artists, proving in her life that sí se puede — yes it can be done.
Barbershop Punk is the true story of an unlikely hero who takes on the system, a classic David and Goliath story that plays out within the internet neutrality debate and larger context of censorship and access. When software engineer Robb Topolski uncovers that telecommunications company Comcast has been lying to the public, the Federal Communications gets involved, and the case for internet freedom makes headlines.
Sat Feb 13 2010
Be the Media
Does our local media leave you unsatisfied? Do you think something better is possible? If so, come to the Fresno Free Speech Media Conference on Saturday, February 20, where you will find out how to be a part of important changes that are taking place in the local media scene.
On January 27th, Howard Zinn died at the age of 87. Zinn was a historian, and professor in the Political Science Department at Boston University. He was the author of more than 20 books, including A People's History of the United States which he published in 1980.
This is the third in a series of profiles of activist and alternative media workers in the Bay Area by Indybay contributor Peter M. Featured in this profile is Bill Hackwell, a photographer/activist who lives in Oakland. His career spans four decades.
Thu Dec 31 2009 (Updated 01/02/10)
Cuts to KPFA's Flashpoints Spark Outrage
On December 17th, 2009, KPFA Flashpoints producers Nora Barrows-Friedman, Miguel Gavilan Molina and Dennis Bernstein gave a report to a rally in front of the Berkeley-based Pacifica station about management's violation of the union contract and efforts to eliminate the show.
For reasons unknown, Cannabis Culture Magazine's Facebook page has been disabled by the popular social networking site. The page, which had over 25,000 fans, disappeared on December 23, 2009. Shortly afterward, administrators of the page received an email notification stating that the page violated Facebook's terms of use. According to Cheryl Shuman, Executive Director of Beverly Hills NORML 90210, her Facebook account was removed the same day.