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Neither Condemned, nor Persecuted! Solidarity with Miguel Peralta

by Fidencio Aldama Solidarity Group
Message from Fidencio Aldama in Solidarity with Miguel Peralta
My name is Fidencio Aldama Pérez. I join the call for solidarity with my compañero Miguel Peralta. After nearly five years of imprisonment, living through a burdensome and lengthy legal process, Miguel achieved his freedom after it was proven that there was no evidence to convict him of a crime. Due to the same situation, for more than eight years, six compañeros have remained in prison without sentences, and fourteen others are being persecuted for supposed “justice.” Better said, for the manipulation of certain people, and the abuse of power.

On March 4, 2022, the Supreme Court of the State of Oaxaca revoked Miguel’s freedom, issuing a new arrest warrant seeking again to impose a prison sentence of a half-century, or fifty years.

In the face of this sentence and political persecution, I want to express my solidarity with my compañero Miguel Peralta, calling on everyone to resist this case of injustice. His case is similar to mine. For the defense of our territories and self-determination, our customs and traditions, they unjustly imprison us. They do so to intimidate us. Through the intervention of those in power, and the corruption linked to them, those allied with money can carry out their objectives.

Yet we continue in the struggle for self-determination, for our customs and traditions. We make a call out for action, to demand that the court attend to the appeal filed in this case, so that they do the work which corresponds to them.

Compañero Miguel Peralta, neither condemned, nor persecuted!
§Message from Fidencio Aldama in Solidarity with Miguel Peralta
by Fidencio Aldama Solidarity Group
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§¡Ni condenado, ni perseguido! Solidaridad con Miguel Peralta
by Fidencio Aldama Solidarity Group
¡Ni condenado, ni perseguido! Solidaridad con Miguel Peralta
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