Global Justice
Global Justice
Indybay Regions North Coast Central Valley North Bay East Bay South Bay San Francisco Peninsula Santa Cruz IMC - Independent Media Center for the Monterey Bay Area North Coast Central Valley North Bay East Bay South Bay San Francisco Peninsula Santa Cruz IMC - Independent Media Center for the Monterey Bay Area California United States International Americas Haiti Iraq Palestine Afghanistan

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textPrague protesters stopped at Czech border by Whispered Media
Bicyclists and Activists on their way to Prague were prevented from entering Czechloslavakia....
Posted: Thu, Sep 21, 2000 4:50pm PDT
textPrague authorities revoke permits for demos by hip.666 +
Prague authorities have revoked permits for all street demonstrations on September 26th. This obvious abuse of power probably won't stop the thousands of activists gearing up to disrupt the IMF/World Bank meetings next week. Activists from around the globe can also help out by signing the open protest letter to Czech President Vaclav Havel (once political prisoner himself), and by faxing it to his office and/or sending email. © copyleft...
Posted: Thu, Sep 21, 2000 12:40am PDT
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