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Indybay Feature

Fault Lines 20 hits the streets!

by Fault Lines! (info [at] faultlines [dot] org)
Fault Lines, the bi-monthly newsmagazine of Indybay, has just released another issue of radical political analysis and social commentary. Fault Lines #20 features exclusive articles on war resistors, squat riots, Climate Change, resistance to CAFTA, UC Berkeley's corporate sell-out and much more. Free issues of Fault Lines are available at various locations throughout the Bay Area, or join the Fault Lines crew for a Dinner Distro Party Thursday in SF to grab a stack and distribute it yourself!
Table of Contents

2 – Fault Lines and the Future of Radical Media
3 – Port Blockade in Tacoma; Weeping Wednesday; War Resisters
4 – BP’s Sticky Situation in Berkeley
5 – PG&E’s Greenwashing Campaign
6 – The Story of the Ungdomshuset Squat Riot
7 – Squatting in the Ruins of Buffalo, NY
8 – Costa Rica’s Continued Resistance to CAFTA
9 – Ireland Stands Against Shell
10 – Climate Change as the Death of Capitalism
12 – Iraq Vets Resist the War
13 – The Mercenary Surge in Iraq
16 – Bay Area Bicycles
18 – Sublime Frequencies
19 – Realizing the Impossible: art against authority
23 – Ten Tips for Radicals
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As faultlines was going to print, BikeSummer! 2007 buzzed across the radar with a quick blip, butt then vanished again. The following day, the BikeSummer! ad-hoc committees heard word of their first confirmed velo-celebration of 2007, and since then, a total of five different BikeSummer! host locales have been verified, including Birmingham, UK: the third continent for our bicycle celebration days to appear. We are still waiting to hear back from Japan, but BikeSummer! is going global this year, dreaming of at least 400 cities on every continent on the planet.

Meanwhile, the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition leapt into action with BikeSpring!, and the velorution kicks off in San Francisco with Critical Mass on Friday, March 30, 2007 at Justin Herman Plaza, the foot of Market Street, ground zero, meet after work at 5pm, ride departs around 6.

Now git on yer bikes and spread the good word!

BikeSummer! - Celebrate Freedom!

We are 100% volunteer and depend on your participation to sustain our efforts!


$140.00 donated
in the past month

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