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Imminent Collapse of U.S. Imperial project Afghanistan

by DLi
the 40+ year U.S. Imperial project in Afghanistan(started by the Carter administration back in 1979, with Uncle Sam's backing of Usama binLaden--UBL--and his band of jihadists) is now collapsing like a house of cards, sending shock waves in Washington and on the Public airwaves, especially in the NeoLiberal "Corprorate-bin-Laden" media. The rush is on to explain away the bloody hands of Uncle Sam in creating and maintaining the myth that the U.S. went in with good intentions to help "democratize" the Afghan people and, especially, to "liberate" Afghan women from oppression. The reality is almost 180 degrees from the truth, as an excellent interview by Phyllis Bennis, aired on the August 11 episode of Amy Goodman's website.
Instead, the Corporate bin-Laden media like NPR trots out failed U.S. warlords such as the disgraced(i.e., promoting his female companion to high office) Gen. Petraeus, to pin blame on everyone else, like the U.S.-created Afghan puppet government in Kabul and other regional neighbors like Pakistan. Nowhere in his interview did Petraeus acknowledge the pivotal 4 decades of USA Imperial geo-political schemes to cripple Moscow and wooing the Taliban for an oil pipeline, with the inevitable chaos of a prolonged & brutal tribal-based civil war. After 9-11-2001, Washington immediately used the excuse of UBL living in Afghanistan--but flatly refusing the Taliban offer of trying UBL on a neutral Muslim country, based on US providing solid evidence on UBL's culpability of the 9-11 attacks--to launch its own premeditated "Global War on Terror"(GWOT) and quickly shifting focus onto the invasion/occupation of Iraq, to be followed by violent regime changes in Libya and Syria and eventual hoped-for destabilization of Iran.

Out of this convoluted plan of U.S. domination of the Middle East, a Kabul puppet regime was left to fester on its notorious corruption, funded by tens of billions of U.S. taxpayers' money(estimated cost of 40+ years of this grotesque US-funded debacle is likely to total well over $5 Trillion, including future care of injured GIs!!!) No wonder so many Afghans are sick of decades of US military bombings and assassinations, and of the inept & thoroughly corrupt Kabul "consulate." Truly a sad and tragic legacy of Uncle Sam's deceitful and savage intervention.
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