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Indybay Feature

Canada's Mining Monopoly in Honduras and the Refugee Mining Caravan

by Billie Pierre
This Refugee Migrant Caravan that began in Honduras in mid-October and has grown to over 7000 people. They're currently in Mexico, with some having reached the border. Canada has significant investment, and owns a staggering 90% of the mines in Hondura, but lacks any involvement in providing any support for this humanitarian crisis.

Today, we’ll be hearing from activists linked to Canada and Central America, who will provide us with a closer perspective on the impacts Canada has on Honduras.

José Luis Granados Ceja, an independent writer and photojournalist based in Mexico City who will give us updates on the Caravan. We'll hear from Stacey Gomez a migrants justice organizer. We'll also hear from Jackie Mcvickar, who has accompanied human rights social movements and land protectors in Central America for over 10 years. She will also be giving a report about the trial that is being heard right now, for the murder of Indigenous leader Berta Caceres.
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Nobember 25 is the International Day of Solidarity with the Migrant Caravan.
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