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Indybay Feature

HUM Spring: A Weekend of Song, Connection, & Regeneration

flyer for event
Friday, April 12, 2024
6:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Event Type:
ajay tallam
Location Details:
tbd watsonville

During this intimate in-person weekend we engage the powerful complimentary tools of singing, permaculture for earth and self-healing, and the Work the Reconnects.

Singing has the power to restore our joy in being alive right now and encourages us to fully feel, share, and move through the pain that we all experience as sentient beings on a planet in crisis. Permaculture and human ecology support us to deeply see and understand our planet, giving us the capacity to regenerate her and ourselves with creativity and hope. In conjunction with The Work that Reconnects (WTR), an open-source body of work rooted in the teachings and experiential methods of Joanna Macy, we create a space of trust and vulnerability, strengthen our networks of support in the natural world, and deepen our connections to each other while cultivating courage for the times ahead. Together we will explore creative and experiential exercises, group song, storytelling and nature connection for a unique weekend of positive vibration, resonance, nature and community!

Join us from 6 pm Friday evening 4/12, to 4:30 pm Sunday afternoon 4/14, amidst the beautiful rolling hills of Watsonville, just south of Santa Cruz, California in shaded outdoor classrooms and spacious indoor areas including a kitchen and bathroom. We will be situated amongst gardens, orchards, farm- and wildlands. Camping, cooking facilities, and hot water are available onsite. 

In Watsonville: Camping, cooking facilities, and hot water are available onsite. 

Children: We love children and the wisdom and energy they bring. And these retreats are currently not able to accompany children ages 0-17. Please contact us if you would like to find out more. We hope to create family HUM offerings in the future.

Dogs and other pets: As we are gathering on an active farm and ranch, for the safety and ease of all, we are not able to bring our beloved four-legged friends.

Tuition: We offer a sliding scale of $500-$205 which includes optional camping, indoor sleeping space, evening potluck, and support materials. You will be asked to choose your amount in the Sliding Scale Donation area. Scholarships are also available. If you have questions or would like to send a check, please contact

Refunds: Refunds will be handled on a case by case basis. In general though there are no refunds the week prior to the start of the retreat. Partial refunds before this may be granted minus $60. You can also choose to use your payment for another upcoming Vital Cycles or HUM event.

Contact us if you are interested at 

Facilitators: Anne, Lydia, and Della bring together extensive backgrounds in community health, regenerative economics, and permaculture education and activism. Curiosity about and the study of music, Alchemy, Biodynamic herbs, and liberation psychology inspires a deep integration of the health of the land, the health of the individual, and the health of the collective. Together, they bring an action-based perspective that highlights skills, practices and resources necessary for growth, creativity, and vitality in person, community, and place.

Anne Freiwald, MPH: Human ecology and permaculture educator and regenerative design consultant for individuals, landscapes and communities; over 28 years passionately committed to co-creating community resilience.

Lydia Neilsen: PINA certified permaculture educator, landscape and habitat designer, specializing in water cycle restoration and passionate polyculture. ​

Della Duncan: Regenerative Economist, Work that Reconnects Facilitator, Right Livelihood Coach, and host of the Upstream Podcast (

Image from the the art piece "Where are the bees” by Helen Klebesadel used with permission, check out Helen's beautiful art at

This workshop was deeply inspired by the Music As Medicine Project. Anne and Lydia participated in a 3-day workshop over 6 years ago in the Commonweal Garden in Bolinas. This weekend had a profound impact - the songs and visions shared are still being sung!

Added to the calendar on Wed, Apr 10, 2024 7:49PM
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$140.00 donated
in the past month

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